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09-02-2016, 09:20 PM
My PGI rant about the PGI Safety Team and now past so called leadership.


09-02-2016, 09:49 PM
Well said, Dave.

09-03-2016, 12:59 AM
Just about every professional organization has a spokesperson that is known in to the media. It seems like the PGI doesn't have anyone to interact with the media or truly represent the people they stand for. This is a critical time for the PGI, and bold leadership is desperately needed.

09-04-2016, 11:57 AM
I'm glad you got this video posted so people know about some of the behind the scenes nonsense perpetrated by the "inner sanctum leadership". I was wondering where you were when we [Bixler Team] were setting up in the field and at shoot time---I wish I would have known then what was going on--we would have given you one of our crew field access bands to come out. I thought you were just tied up with shooting video and didn't get to us. Ruth [I'm not afraid to name names] should NOT have refused you access to our setup. You had every right to be there. As far as the shoot position--they only allowed two people from each team to be at the control table--everyone else from the team was in the area partitioning the front line from the PGI membership seating. But you should have had access to this area!
Lots of things I could point out that need fixing with the PGI --but hopefully the new leadership will start listening to the voice of the people that allow the organization to exist. Without membership there is no PGI!
One area that I will rant on is the need for QUALIFIED people to judge the competitions as well as the displays. We were at the afterglow one evening and one of the judges was there talking to us [after he consumed a fair amount of Scotch and became very talkative--alcohol seems to have that effect on people! haha]. A very qualified cylinder shell builder [whom I will not name] was there and was very upset with the judging because his cylinder shell with meticulously precise timed reports was passed over in favor of an "average" color shell. He mentioned this to the judge about the difficulty in making timed inserts using time fuse cut down to the thousandth of an inch for proper delay timing and the judge had absolutely NO IDEA what he was talking about!!!! I rest my case!
I feel the PGI is in a VERY precarious position right now--it seems like they are good at doing what they want--not what the membership wants. I heard many people say they were done, would not renew their membership & had NO plans to even try to see anyone make any changes. The main consensus was "what's the point? Nobody listens". I think in the future many of these people will be channeling their time and finances into local club events instead of fattening the coffers of an organization that really does not represent them.

09-04-2016, 11:55 PM
I have video from prior conventions of them sending their dog Darryl on me to throw me off the field. I sent all this to now ousted officers when all this was in Pennsylvania. These officers tell me it is ok to go into the field , but apparently Ruth and Darryl do what they want. When I call for access to the field they see my number on the ID and don't answer or if they do answer they make me wait 40 minutes and give me the run around. I have emails saying there we going to accommodate me and then they don't. I ask Ruth over and over for a wrist band, she never gave me one. Weak leadership in the board of directors allows this. Ruth and Darryl need to go. The trade show area is looking weak also. Years back i remember all the big names in the fireworks business would be there. All these people following my videos join the PGI and these people treat me like I am destroying the organization. What they did to those companies selling fireworks was handled so poorly. They acted like that was something that never occurred before. The absolute only hope I have for this organization is John Steinberg being in office again. If someone approaches me to promote a new organization for the future, I am going to listen to what they have to say.

09-05-2016, 06:43 AM
This was my first convention. I had no problem getting on the crew set up site. I helped Jerry's crew from Casabella set up their Sunday evening display. A member from my club approached me and said they needed some extra help. We drove out to the site on a golf cart and weren't approached by any safety members. We had no badge or wristband. I wasn't aware they even required them for access. Anyway, I was out there for about six hours and was never approached. This may be due to it being the first day and Safety wasn't quite up to speed at that time. My biggest peeve with the convention was the absolute failure of the shower and restroom facilities. Not enough and no hot water.

09-05-2016, 08:50 AM
The only criticism I've really ever had of you Dave is that you've tended to let your enemies define you by remaining silent and turning the other cheek. My assessment may not be entirely accurate but it is my perception. No more after this most recent piece you posted! I'm glad to see that you have finally had enough and you struck back. I've never really understood why such a small and vocal contingent of critics consistently run you down and/or make a mockery of you and your pyro-project. I've been a lifelong pyro enthusiast and about seven years ago when I discovered you, I've been a fan and have followed ever since. I have a strong suspicion that this is the case for 99% of your followers and fans.

These people that lurk in the darkness under usernames and throw grenades at you have always gone unchallenged. I love that you're finally calling them out on their bullshit and hitting them right between the eyes. Keep it up, don't take crap from anyone, least of which some douchebag that throws irresponsible comments around under the safe cover of an inconspicuous username on an internet forum. Continue to pursue your passion. My only advice is that when you hit these fools back, hit them hard enough so they're never able to get back up again. Well done. It's inspiring to see you finally dig in and say what has needed to be said for so long.

09-05-2016, 09:29 AM
Who even knows if wristbands were enforced, I did see people in the field with colored bands on their wrist. You have to realize when I walk out there I feel like an injured wildebeest and the leopards are going to pick me out of heard. I have to be sure I am fully protected. In prior years I had one Safety Team member tell me OK and another one tell me to get out, without me having an official wristband it is a setup. President Creagan washed his hands of it and turned it over to Ruth and Daryl. Most likely Ruth , she runs the field and Daryl listens to her. Apparently when he washed his hands he did it in cold water at the camp site.
As far as the chief officers of this organization. It takes more than just knowing how to shoot firecrackers to run an organization of this size. The chief board positions should a be paid positions. John Steinberg helped develop that PGI shooter course , he worked directly with the ATF , he is highly educated plus he is medical physician, he does expert witness court cases, he knows how to generate income for the guild, he has many leadership qualities. He knows how to mediate and conflict resolution. My guess is he got sick of seeing it run the way it is being run and teamed up with some other people in a move to take it back over. I also suspect the ATF , the attorneys and outside organizations that have dealings with the PGI are glad to see him return to office.

09-06-2016, 04:29 PM
Very well said Dave. I've heard from some people that the past few years haven't been all that great at the pgi, and truly that is what's stopping me from joining the pgi. I want to but if it's going downhill I would rather see something else started first.

09-08-2016, 11:09 PM
I have to say that I am very disappointed if that's how the PGI acted towards you in this instance. I've not always agreed with some of your past videos but I truly believe you do what you do for the love of the hobby. I've enjoyed most of your videos over the years, especially the ones from PGI. I was at the convention and while I had a good time hanging out with friends, I was disgusted with how some things were handled. I'm not going to complain about the camping, the dust, or the walking distance to certain areas. Nothing is perfect and someone is bound to be unhappy about something. The arrogance of certain people in power and the mishandling of the consumer area has left a bad taste in my mouth. Things should have been handled differently including how you were treated. All I can say is that I will really be considering not rejoining (been a member since 2009) unless real changes are made to put paying members and vendors interests first. Good luck and I look forward to your new videos.