View Full Version : magazine question

Pyro Paul
08-27-2016, 10:18 AM
I've been scouring the threads on building a magazine and I have a question that I'm having trouble locating the answer on. Do you have to own the land that you put a 1.3 magazine on? I was offered a location yesterday to build one but it's on someone elses land. He is a distant relative and we share the pyro bug. Has anyone done this? I'm currently in the market for property but during one of our many random discussions yesterday he made the offer. There is ample room for it or for shooting 1.3. He has an FFL and is very knowledgeable but does not have any "official" qualifications to purchase or fire 1.3 product and does not seem to want try for an atf explosives license. If nothing else I'll wait for my interview to ask that question but if anyone is actively doing this or has already asked the question I thought I could benefit from your experience. Otherwise I'm still looking for the right type of acreage to buy for both storing and shooting that's close to where I live which is proving difficult to find.