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View Full Version : Will this work? 20s fanned milk crate

08-22-2016, 11:42 PM
Hey guys I was working on filling a milk crate tonight and during this the tubes fell to one side before I got it full and then the good idea fairy visited. All the milk crate racks I have seen have been strait shots ( other than tilting the whole crate) and so I prototyped a 20s fanned crate. Will it work? Anybody see anything to be concerned about? I can't see anything wrong with it but my good idea fairy seems to run about 50% awesome and 50% trip to ER so o thought I would ask. Obviously the tubes need to secured this is just a mock up prototype, not finished. http://www.pyrotalk.com/bulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=1366&stc=1http://www.pyrotalk.com/bulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=1367&stc=1

08-23-2016, 12:34 AM
Hey guys I was working on filling a milk crate tonight and during this the tubes fell to one side before I got it full and then the good idea fairy visited. All the milk crate racks I have seen have been strait shots ( other than tilting the whole crate) and so I prototyped a 20s fanned crate. Will it work? Anybody see anything to be concerned about? I can't see anything wrong with it but my good idea fairy seems to run about 50% awesome and 50% trip to ER so o thought I would ask. Obviously the tubes need to secured this is just a mock up prototype, not finished. 13661367
Looks cool man. I actually thought about something similar. I dont have any wood working tools to complete a project like that...etc..so i just angle my whole rack.
How do you plan on securing them?
I love those opposite angles. That will look awesome!!

08-23-2016, 01:07 AM
How do you have the plug end of the tubes supported?

Northern Sky
08-23-2016, 07:29 AM
Might as well make the ER reservation now.

Just make 2 X10 shot wood racks and be done with it.

08-23-2016, 07:58 AM
Might as well make the ER reservation now.

Just make 2 X10 shot wood racks and be done with it.

Butterman - JUST SAY NO!!!!!
North Sky is correct - guaranteed trip to ER for someone! make wood racks and angle them

08-23-2016, 08:37 AM
Well I will respect the advice and not do it but I have to ask, what is the issue you gots are seeing that I am not?

08-23-2016, 10:22 AM
Several issues...if you are going to do it, do it correctly & build a real rack. The tubes need to have the bottoms supported to absorb the pressure of the lift gases. That means flat against the bottom. Milk crate racks are inherently dangerous---if a tube in the middle blows, they all go everywhere. I know some people will argue & say "I've been using them for years"..Well, that still doesn't make it safe--or correct. The "milk crates" you get from the big box stores are cheap plastic & break easily--the ones that "get acquired" from the dairies are HDPE and are stronger. [BTW--the Dairies have a hard time surviving in this down turned economy..don't add to their operating cost by making their milk crates disappear.] Either way, not a good idea. Make 10 shot straight racks[or whatever tube number you like] & angle them however you want...stay safe.
Northern Sky, jknepp1954 & a lot of us have a "year or two" experience behind us & nobody wants to see anyone get hurt in this hobby.
Exploring new ideas is ok--I'm glad you asked about it before you implemented it.
I can't cut straight with a table saw---but I can build a rack! Do it the correct way...we want to see more posts from you & not read ER reports!!!

Wholesale Fireworks
08-23-2016, 12:09 PM
Butterman.... come on man, we don't want to see you in the next days newspaper headlines regarding a horrific fireworks accident. That milk crate rack is not safe. I know we all support your enthusiasm and creativity but we all want you to be safe.

08-23-2016, 12:25 PM
I agree with everyone saying DON'T DO IT! You don't need a lot of tools to build a rack. Hell you can cut the wood with a hand saw. Lowes or Home Depot will cut osb or plywood for free.

08-23-2016, 02:21 PM
I am going to heed the advice and not do it. I certainly have the tools and know how to build wood racks I just liked the portability of the crates and kept seeing others making them, albeit strait shots. But I value the years of experience on here and won't do it. Thanks guys. And by the way, it wasn't my idea it was the good idea fairy idea!

08-24-2016, 04:42 PM
When I first saw this post I was really nervous. After reading what you said I am relieved. Thank you for steering Butterman in the right direction. Great advice here.
