View Full Version : Obtaining a fireworks permit

08-10-2016, 02:39 AM
So I hear Dave and others talk all the time about obtaining a fireworks permit, but I've never heard anyone talk about how it is actually done. In fact, when searching for fireworks permits in my local village, nothing on the government website even mentioned it. I really don't know where to start. I'm sure that the details vary from place to place, but could someone please walk me through the process? Do I need to have an ATF licence? What about picking where the show will be launched? And I hear people talk about getting insurance too? What else do I need to know?

I don't want to end up in the situation where I'm on the phone with someone who has no idea what I'm talking about, or is laughing at me because of my lack of education on the matter.

08-10-2016, 08:54 AM
If you need help obtaining an ATF license consider my DVD/application package.
If you just want to shoot consumer fireworks check with your local authorities.

08-10-2016, 08:43 PM
You can find everything for your state here. http://www.sfm.illinois.gov/Commercial/Pyrotechnics-Fireworks

08-13-2016, 07:07 AM
You are a saint. Thank you.