View Full Version : Greenhorn with some serious motivation

08-09-2016, 08:39 PM
I have been watching Dave's videos for a while now, but finally decided to join the forum. 30 year old greenhorn from Butler, PA who will be looking forward to gaining the knowledge, tricks, and networking that seems to be abundant here. I have strung a few things together over the past few years, but nothing that the average Joe couldn't do. My goal is to become proficient in producing and putting on consumer displays for next year... will be looking into all the different electronic firing systems and accessories to help me with that. I am also very interested in looking into the BATF license sometime in the not too distant future.

I cant wait to see what the collective knowledge of the forum holds!

08-09-2016, 08:45 PM
Welcome I live very close to you, I'm sure we'll meet and shoot together sometime soon.

08-09-2016, 08:55 PM
sounds like we are in the same boat here! Welcome!

08-09-2016, 09:30 PM
here too... just opposite sides of the state. welcome

08-09-2016, 10:02 PM
Welcome aboard Rich! Glad to have another fairly new troop aboard to get ideas from and hopefully impart a few tips and tricks to.

08-09-2016, 11:57 PM
Welcome great place to learn, glad to have you!

Wholesale Fireworks
08-10-2016, 12:02 PM
Welcome to Pyro Talk Rich. We are right down the road from you . Hope to see you soon.

08-10-2016, 01:50 PM
welcome there rich

08-10-2016, 02:27 PM
Welcome bud! You will find a lot of info about a lot of things here.

08-10-2016, 04:03 PM
Welcome to the forum. You have come to the right place.

08-11-2016, 05:16 PM
Thank you. Just getting things settled at the moment then will (hopefully) doing a bunch of testing and such in the not too distant future... Looks like your store is just a short road trip away!

08-11-2016, 05:22 PM
Thanks everyone, just getting things settled in the new house then will (hopefully) be reaching out and doing some shooting soon.

WFBoom- Hubbard showroom still staying open until 9 tomorrow eve? Was thinking about heading up after work.
PyroDudes- Looks like you're store is just a short road trip away too... I see some travel in the not too distant future!

*Sorry for the duplicate... am I just missing the 'Delete Post' option, or is it playing hard to get?*

Wholesale Fireworks
08-12-2016, 11:38 AM
we are open everyday 9am to 9pm until September 6th then we switch back to 9am to 4pm Monday - Saturday.