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View Full Version : Getting started with 1.3 shows

07-31-2016, 08:56 PM
so I am new to the forums but not new to 1.3 shows. I have been doing them for about 4 years now. Already sent in my 54 waiting on a response now. I'm trying to take the town display show and i am curious what all is involved. I know ill have to have equipment, insurance, permits. I am trying to get a list of everything together before i pull the trigger on everything. I want this to be a business for me, maybe be doing shows on the side using 1.4. Any advise is going to be very helpful. I have people saying it wont work in one ear and others saying it will in the other. Money is the big kicker right now so having to buy 6-7000 worth of racks is not what i want to do but i know it has too be done... Again any help will be gratefully appreciated trying to help me get my business off the ground and hopefully doing more shows for other towns later on.

07-31-2016, 11:20 PM
So sounds like you want to find a show(s) on your own, or from people who want you to put on a display for them, say like a backyard wedding reception, reunion, homecoming at your alma mater stuff like that?? Prob easiest to just refer the customer to the company that you shoot for and maybe get extra $ for the finder fee!? I think we all have had those dreams of doing shows on our own and then when u dig into getting insurance policies. Hazmat. D.O.T clearances, storage, all the equipment involved it like drinking water from a fire hydrant. I hope that if this is your dream tho that you accomplish it and have fun with it! May be a daunting task out of the gate tho! Best of luck man!

07-31-2016, 11:22 PM
Btw..I take it you shoot for a company since you said you are awaiting your 54 and have already done 1.3 shows?

07-31-2016, 11:48 PM
yes I have done shows with a company. The company is kinda going down hill past couple of years and this year especial. So I had the thought hey I can just take the place of them. I am starting to learn that there is more involved, but not out the picture. Racks is where I see the major money up front going. I have my contingency letter threw my import company. They offer the insurance and the delivery of the pyro. My goal is to get the 2 shows we do every year and use that money to repay myself back for the rack cost. Going to have to use a contract to lock the towns down for say 3 years to get my money back. The door to getting the two shows is as big as it may ever be. I would rather try and start small but I feel if I don't go for it now I may not ever get a chance any time soon if they find another company that does a good job... Know what I mean??