View Full Version : Who is going to the PGI convention in Laporte Indiana Aug 6 to 12 ?

07-23-2016, 10:28 PM
I just released this video on my YouTube channel and I will post it here. If any pyrotalk forums members are attending the convention, please stop me and say hello. You can be in one of my videos if you want. I am starting to line up video events with some of my advertisers at the convention. I am in negotiations with yet another high end fireworks firing system that I hope to announce soon as an addition to pyrotalk. Are you out there in the fireworks or fireworks equipment business reading the forums? Will you be at the PGI convention in the trade show area? Consider being part of pyrotalk.com. I am always looking to add more advertisers to pyrotalk. What better opportunity to sign onto pyrotalk while I am at the convention with my video equipment.
Here is my YouTube video.

Here is an old video preview video from 2012, that was the last time I was in Laporte for the PGI convention.


07-24-2016, 06:34 PM
I have a quick question I'm a PGI member just got my card this week does this get me into the vendors area of the PGI convention. Or is that a separate ticket I need to buy also?

07-24-2016, 06:52 PM
When you say you just got your card, did you just sign up to be a member of the PGI? To go to the convention you have to pay an extra fee. All members pay extra to attend the convention. There is an a area where fireworks are for sale, you just tell them what you want and purchase it. Fireworks at the convention are for sale to PGI members only. At all convention there are gates and blockades that separate PGI members from the general public that come to see the shows. Every convention is all cash sales as far as I saw. . There are certain times the building are open and closed where the fireworks are for sale. .

07-24-2016, 08:38 PM
I have a full membership to the pyrotechnics guild international sounds like I'll have to pay a little extra when I get to the convention

07-25-2016, 02:19 PM
I have a full membership to the pyrotechnics guild international sounds like I'll have to pay a little extra when I get to the convention

You are correct, to attend the convention it is an additional charge. After June 1st, it is $170 to attend the convention.

07-26-2016, 04:14 PM
it's an expensive jaunt but, a fun one.
i'm not going , this year. i'll go , every few years.

07-26-2016, 09:17 PM
I will be there along with the rest of the Bixler Pyro crew. We are shooting a display on TUESDAY NIGHT! This is our second invitation to put on a display at PGI--the first one was in 2013 in Butler PA. Not bad for some "local boys from PA"-huh???

07-27-2016, 03:11 PM
I'll be there, looking forward to seeing everyone!

07-27-2016, 07:05 PM
Wow, you are coming up from Louisiana, that is great. Be sure to approach me and say hello. You know I love southern cuisine. Here is one of my new favorites for a quick meal.
Do you eat Hoppin John for New Years?
Or drink Milos tea? LOL

08-02-2016, 07:32 PM
I will be the the PGI convention sometime late on Monday August 8 and staying for the reminder of the week. I am starting hear from people to line up some fun stuff to video. If anyone made a fireworks product and wants to show me please let me know. If you are a 1.3 fireworks distributor anywhere in United States I want to network with you. I will be in the trade areas looking for business people wanting to introduce new products and become part of pyrotalk.com. I also want to meet people following my fireworks videos and website. Remember I do not know what many of you look like, so please do not think I am ignoring you. Please feel feel to approach me and introduce yourself. You can be in one of my videos, this is your chance , don't be shy. Did you get an ATF license, buy a Cobra or FireTek , use pyroboom racks , buy fireworks from one of my distributors? i want to hear from you?

08-02-2016, 10:46 PM
I will be there the 12th for sure. Other days are up in the air. Friends dad is hooking us up with enterance as I just learned about pgi a week ago

08-02-2016, 11:14 PM
I will be there the 12th for sure. Other days are up in the air. Friends dad is hooking us up with enterance as I just learned about pgi a week ago

Trust me, You will love it!
It really is the fireworks equivalent of the world series! :p

08-03-2016, 08:26 AM
HENRY AND I WILL BE THERE! Hoping to be there either late Saturday or Early Sunday. Will be there until Thursday night. have to Leave Friday - so i am going to miss out on the BIG last night shows

08-03-2016, 09:37 AM
This will be my fist year going out to pgi, I can't wait!

Northern Sky
08-03-2016, 11:59 AM
I'll be there.

08-03-2016, 02:44 PM
I'll be there.
Packing up my espresso machine!!!

Northern Sky
08-03-2016, 02:46 PM
Breakfast at Joe's.

08-04-2016, 09:43 PM
Breakfast at Joe's.
Just finished a batch of my Beef Jerky.....we are staying off site this time--we have two houses rented. I'll PM you my cell number so you can contact me.

08-05-2016, 07:03 AM
I am headed out Monday. PyroJoeNEPA I'll see you guys on the shoot site Thursday. I saw on the PGI email there is a last minute furnished house for rent at $1000 a week somewhere near the convention.

08-05-2016, 11:05 PM
that sounds like a good way to do it.

08-06-2016, 03:37 PM
I looked at my schedule again. I am meeting up with Pyrojoe on Tuesday, I listed Thursday above. . Although my guess is Joe is somewhere without access to the forums. LOL I know he is going to working on the Bixler display. I am going to get some video of that setup.

08-08-2016, 07:38 PM
I am at the PGI convention in Laporte Indiana. I was at the convention fairgrounds briefly and returned to the hotel. Need to rest after 6 plus hour drive. The upside is we gained one hour in the new time zone. It looks like the weather will be very hot and no rain. Dust is everywhere. Saw PyroJoe from the forums, he is working hard on the Bixler fireworks display. Lots and lots of one shots in the Bixler display. I have field access for that one and will get some nice video. Got a sneak peak at PORC and their set piece. If I find Matt I will see what PORC has planned. I am going to start networking tomorrow. I see Scott from Cobra is here and I need to see the new Mongoose fireworks firing system, MJG etc. . The trade booth areas look sparse, either the number of companies showing up at the conventions is decreased or I am missing a building somewhere, will know more tomorrow. There sure is a large number of PGI members in tents and campers on the property. Camping out is not for me, I am with my wife, her idea of ruffing it is when you can see the woods from the hotel window. LOL I can't wait to see what fireworks are for sale, those buildings were closed when I was there this afternoon. I think I may buy some old firecrackers also. I see there are some for sale in one building.

Almost forgot, the rocket master is here and wants me to video. Rumor has it , he made stuff he is not even sure what it will do. I'll be there.

08-09-2016, 01:23 PM
Lol... Iron city beer... Love it. Haven't heard that name in ages.

My buddy Ray is there for the first time and loving it! He said there was a 3 hour class B show yesterday that was beyond awesome. I keep telling him to track you down but I guess he's not having much luck finding you. He's on the safety team working the class C area today.

08-09-2016, 07:47 PM
I will try to find him if he is on the safety team. I am back at the hotel room for a breather to get ready for tonight. The weather is very, very hot. I went into fireworks manufacturing today and got some new shell builders on video, they are from California , Georgia and Louisiana. Met a well know rocket tool maker named Steve La Duke. I have on video interviewing him with some history of rocket tools. Rocket Master Tom is here and wants me to video him on Thursday. Many people are coming up to me and introducing themselves. Many more are also telling about getting their ATF license. One guy from Oklahoma yells out, Hey there that guy that caught lighting fireworks on the phone app. LOL. Talked with forums member MATT from P.O.R.C they are doing a fireworks tribute for Tony Pantanella with set pieces mascaletta etc. They want me to video the setup. I still have to video the new fireworks firing system etc. I was in Antique firecracker section , there are many old firecrackers for sale . Some of these shell builders are building 16 inch shells. The ATF gave a seminar, I sat in for an ATF presentation and one of the things he emphasized is the ATF wants fireworks enthusiast to become licensed. One unnamed person came up to me and thanked me for helping him get an ATF licensed because for years he was driving to the PGI with his home made shells and was always worried about getting caught on the road with the fireworks in his vehicle. Now he said he feels relaxed because he can legally transport his fireworks to the convention. Scott and Joel from Cobra are here and I still need to video the new control panel and whatever else they have going on. OK time to shower and head back to the convention. Will update from time to time

08-10-2016, 01:02 AM
Finally in to see the 1.4 fireworks for sale. Sales do not start until 5 pm nightly. Some of my fireworks advertisers are here. American Fireworks Hudson Ohio , Spirit of 76 Fireworks, and Intergalactic. PyroJoe is working on the Bixler Display that went off tonight. Casabella display tonight also. Both displays were great. Dust is a real problem on everything because of the dry weather. Since I am living in a hotel room and unable to edit and render video I am only able to post short video clips. Here is one from P.O.R.C. I hope to meet up with them tomorrow for their field setup.


08-10-2016, 04:26 PM
At the PGI rumor has it that one of the companies selling fireworks was ask to leave the convention. Word I got from one of my sources was someone shot a "Consumer Fireworks " item that was really a 2.5 salute cake. The PGI told the ATF. The ATF confiscated the item for testing and the company was ask to leave the convention. Word is , all fireworks distributors selling fireworks at the PGI convention, the fireworks must meet all current regulations. I am hearing this information from one of my sources, it comes with a high degree of reliability.
I am doing video of JPA and PORC today. Plus I got a glimpse of the Mongoose system.
Here is short video of Joel , he is working with Cobra.


08-10-2016, 04:49 PM
they forensically dissected various items in question(measured weights/amounts of comps) to prove they weren't proper 1.4
and told the vendors to gtfo .

08-10-2016, 05:08 PM
they forensically dissected various items in question(measured weights/amounts of comps) to prove they weren't proper 1.4
and told the vendors to gtfo .

Damn. Is it known if the vendors were intentionally misrepresenting the items, or simply ignorant of what they were selling? Hard to imagine the latter is the case.

08-10-2016, 05:12 PM
they forensically dissected various items in question(measured weights/amounts of comps) to prove they weren't proper 1.4
and told the vendors to gtfo .

Apparently they need the oversight. My buddy sent me this pic of what used to be an 8" cannon. Apparently it was loaded with a home made shell, and this is the result. It happened on Monday night.


08-10-2016, 05:34 PM
The ATF gave a seminar, I sat in for an ATF presentation and one of the things he emphasized is the ATF wants fireworks enthusiast to become licensed.

So for the brain dead pyros out there like me, exactly what does the ATF guy mean by "becoming licensed?" Do they mean everyone should get an ATF 54? Do they mean everyone should get the Display Operator Certification from PGI? Or do they mean licensed by their respective State to shoot shows?

Sorry if I appear to be nitpicking, but "becoming licensed" means different things to different people, and to some, a certification isn't a license. Just trying to nail the ATF guy down on what they might be looking for. Any clarification you can offer (or obtain from the ATF guy!) would be appreciated.

This ATF guy wouldn't be the same ATF guy who has a 24" shell sitting on his desk there is it?

Here's a shot of what used to be an 8" cannon that didn't survive a home made shell on Monday night.


08-10-2016, 08:17 PM
So for the brain dead pyros out there like me, exactly what does the ATF guy mean by "becoming licensed?" Do they mean everyone should get an ATF 54? Do they mean everyone should get the Display Operator Certification from PGI? Or do they mean licensed by their respective State to shoot shows?

Sorry if I appear to be nitpicking, but "becoming licensed" means different things to different people, and to some, a certification isn't a license. Just trying to nail the ATF guy down on what they might be looking for. Any clarification you can offer (or obtain from the ATF guy!) would be appreciated.

This ATF guy wouldn't be the same ATF guy who has a 24" shell sitting on his desk there is it?

Here's a shot of what used to be an 8" cannon that didn't survive a home made shell on Monday night.

Not being there I can only guess the only one the ATF would be interested in would be ATF license or type 54?

Dave my contacts say 3 sellers got asked to leave? But that's all I know. :rolleyes:

08-10-2016, 09:56 PM
Not being there I can only guess the only one the ATF would be interested in would be ATF license or type 54?

That was my first thought too. Then I'm thinking, why would the ATF actually ENCOURAGE people to get explosives permits?? Seems counter-intuitive to me. If they're pushing PGI Display Operator certs, that makes more sense. But that's a cert, not a license. So again, I'm confused. (My normal state). Hence my request for clarification.

08-11-2016, 12:48 AM
On that selling fireworks deal and the ATF. Funny how rumors fly. I got word from someone I believe I can trust. they told me three companies selling fireworks were shut down. The ATF had nothing to do with it , I repeat the ATF had nothing to do with it. The PGI people shut them down. They did some dissecting of a fireworks product on their own and determined the ingredients were more than legally allowed. People may have confused the PGI attorneys in suits were ATF people but they were not. The whole thing sounds shakey as hell. Word I am also getting is they forbid these companies from even fulfilling their preorders. From the word I am getting is the entire incident was handled very poorly. One distributor has a sign up saying something along of lines of The PGI shut us down because our fireworks are too good.

08-11-2016, 09:55 AM
At Rick-In-Tampa

Don't try to reason beyond your scope of understanding on why the ATF wants people to be licensed , when instead they should be encouraging people to do something else. I know I discussed the term licensing before, in some peoples minds means you are licensed to imply you have some degree of competency. The word licensed in this explosive category is used colloquially by everyone in the business. It more like you have legal permission to buy , possess and transport. The ATF wants to be sure explosives uses are licensed. There are many advantages for the ATF to have this information. When they took it over in 2003 very few people were ATF licensed other than business people. Explosives were done at the state level mostly by users of explosives not in business. For example I purchased 1.3 fireworks all the time with just a letter of permission from my Sportsman Club. People from one state crossed the border into Pennsylvania and bought 1.3 by just signing the out of state agreement. That all changed in 2003. It was most likely in response to the terrorist attack on our country. Once you get licensed and deeper into pyrotechnics some of this starts to make sense. People that sell 1.3 fireworks want you to have it. They can not make a legal sale unless you are licensed. If you had the PGI certification and a state user license from every state that requires one, you still could not purchase 1.3 fireworks. The only way to purchase 1.3 fireworks is to have the ATF license.

08-11-2016, 10:19 AM
I guess I'll keep posting PGI update in this thread. I have video of the P.O.R.C setup. This was in memory of Tony Pantenella. when you see the video you will think you are looking at a 1960 fireworks setup or something out of Malta. Forums members Matt and Northern Sky may be able to answer questions about the setup or something seen in the video as there helped create it and set it up.
Tonight is the Rocket Rodeo and Tom the Rocket Master wants me to video his rockets. The entire convention is covered in dust from no rain and high heat. TV news said big storm possible on Friday. Friday is the grand display. I continue to meet many people following my videos and in turn joined the PGI, some I have on video. I meet as least three people from California and a father and son from Texas that came up by train.

08-11-2016, 04:31 PM
At Rick-In-Tampa

Don't try to reason beyond your scope of understanding on why the ATF wants people to be licensed , when instead they should be encouraging people to do something else.

Point taken. I've been working for the Federal Government now for 34 years. I have yet to be able to figure out why any of the agencies do most of what they do.

08-12-2016, 01:54 AM
Back at the hotel for the night. PGI shut down three more fireworks distributors. They tried to stop sales of Articles of Pyrotechnics but then realized they were wrong on that one. The chief complaint overloaded fireworks for sale. Anonymous source tells me some distributors were warned to remove the product, while others were told to shut down. Word is when Class C open shooting started it sounded like a war zone and the product was all mismarked. The part I find amusing is , the PGI is acting like this is all of sudden something new. You allow all of these vendors to come and then it goes down like some undercover sting.
I had a few issues myself with getting access to video. The Ververka Brothers are apparently given freedom to have all the prime video vantage points and the PGI Safety Team restricts me from access to my advertisers and their displays. I can't tell you how many people stopped me to tell me they joined the PGI because of my videos. I told the PGI Safety Team I am reporting exactly what is happening at this convention. I am running the only fireworks enthusiast website in the entire United States and the PGI throws road blocks in my way. I swear they do not want new members. I am hoping after the election of officers this organization changes. I am personally tired of some of the things they do to me and now the fireworks vendors. The PGI needs to wake up and stop holding on to that outdated paper bulletin , outdated antiquated email list. Get your leaders out in the open and on camera and tell us what are you going to make the PGI better and not run that organization by a few "All Stars". This organization has become more about power and control.
Tomorrow is the banquet can't wait to hear some of what is going to be said. Maybe we can hear our PGI leaders speak?

08-12-2016, 01:37 PM
At all boils down to economics in my estimation. While your (Dave's) efforts may be effectively expanding the domestic fireworks dollar spent on fireworks by raising awareness of the hobby, you might also be viewed as someone that is tearing down barriers of entry into the business. Let's face it, the consumer pyro business is measured in millions not billions so by comparative standards it's a small industry. Therefore the pie has a finite size and the more enthusiasts that commercialize, the smaller the pie (and earnings) become. So in my view if they aren't treating your warmly it is likely because they're trying to protect the fraternal order by crating & maintaining barriers to entry. At least this rationale makes sense to me look at it purely from an economics perspective. I'll also go on record saying I think what you do is great, but it doesn't surprise me that you're loathed by some. Kudos for putting yourself out there.

08-12-2016, 05:31 PM
At all boils down to economics in my estimation. While your (Dave's) efforts may be effectively expanding the domestic fireworks dollar spent on fireworks by raising awareness of the hobby, you might also be viewed as someone that is tearing down barriers of entry into the business. Let's face it, the consumer pyro business is measured in millions not billions so by comparative standards it's a small industry. Therefore the pie has a finite size and the more enthusiasts that commercialize, the smaller the pie (and earnings) become. So in my view if they aren't treating your warmly it is likely because they're trying to protect the fraternal order by crating & maintaining barriers to entry. At least this rationale makes sense to me look at it purely from an economics perspective. I'll also go on record saying I think what you do is great, but it doesn't surprise me that you're loathed by some. Kudos for putting yourself out there.

Well.... Maybe. Maybe not. Based on the numbers I dug up, it looks like the backyard enthusiast accounts for more than twice the revenue generated by the display operators. http://www.statisticbrain.com/firework-statistics. It also looks like the combined revenue is just over $1B annually. When you consider that the vast majority of that revenue is based on consumer purchases for only 1 national holiday, I would argue the pie is HUGE! I don't know of another industry in the nation that can generate $1B in revenue for a single day's worth of celebrations.

Additionally; and I don't want to come off as though I'm speaking for Dave here, because I'm not, but; I don't believe it's Dave's goal to turn the backyard pyro into a fireworks wholesaler. My understanding is that he wants to help educate the backyard pyro and get us to up our game by getting licensed to buy and use 1.3G fireworks. IMHO that can only ADD to that $1B revenue stream because people will now have an ATF54 so they can purchase fireworks that were up to now, unavailable to them. That's additional revenue to the 1.3G wholesale business owners. Even for those of us who still don't have a 54... My buddy and I are each now looking at dropping $2K on a Cobra firing system thanks to Dave's videos and the helpful pyro's we've met on this site. That's $4K more in Cobra's pocket that otherwise wouldn't have happened if this site didn't exist. Not to mention additional revenue to companies like MJG who we will likely buy the initiators from to use with the Cobra.

If I mischaracterized your comments and/or viewpoint please let me know and I will bow in your general direction and humbly apologize. However, the way I see it, the more people Dave educates, the more likely we are to go out and spend even more on bigger better bader fireworks and firing systems. That can only help keep the distributors and wholesale people in business. My guess is the percentage of us who turn around and decide to hang our own shingle to sell fireworks is probably a fraction of 1%. No threat at all to companies like WF Boom et. al..

If I was to wager a guess as to why certain people are given special access to video vantage points at PGI, I'd guess it is money related alright. I'd guess the people involved have some sort of relationship with the PGI board members (or a member), and that the people involved are going to be using their video for commercial gain somewhere down the line. There might even be a financial incentive involved for the PGI board member(s) involved. Pure speculation, granted. But why else would the PGI folks deny ANYONE access to what should be potential free exposure/advertising for their event and their organization??

08-12-2016, 05:53 PM
Well.... Maybe. Maybe not. Based on the numbers I dug up, it looks like the backyard enthusiast accounts for more than twice the revenue generated by the display operators. http://www.statisticbrain.com/firework-statistics. It also looks like the combined revenue is just over $1B annually. When you consider that the vast majority of that revenue is based on consumer purchases for only 1 national holiday, I would argue the pie is HUGE! I don't know of another industry in the nation that can generate $1B in revenue for a single day's worth of celebrations.

Additionally; and I don't want to come off as though I'm speaking for Dave here, because I'm not, but; I don't believe it's Dave's goal to turn the backyard pyro into a fireworks wholesaler. My understanding is that he wants to help educate the backyard pyro and get us to up our game by getting licensed to buy and use 1.3G fireworks. IMHO that can only ADD to that $1B revenue stream because people will now have an ATF54 so they can purchase fireworks that were up to now, unavailable to them. That's additional revenue to the 1.3G wholesale business owners. Even for those of us who still don't have a 54... My buddy and I are each now looking at dropping $2K on a Cobra firing system thanks to Dave's videos and the helpful pyro's we've met on this site. That's $4K more in Cobra's pocket that otherwise wouldn't have happened if this site didn't exist. Not to mention additional revenue to companies like MJG who we will likely buy the initiators from to use with the Cobra.

If I mischaracterized your comments and/or viewpoint please let me know and I will bow in your general direction and humbly apologize. However, the way I see it, the more people Dave educates, the more likely we are to go out and spend even more on bigger better bader fireworks and firing systems. That can only help keep the distributors and wholesale people in business. My guess is the percentage of us who turn around and decide to hang our own shingle to sell fireworks is probably a fraction of 1%. No threat at all to companies like WF Boom et. al..

If I was to wager a guess as to why certain people are given special access to video vantage points at PGI, I'd guess it is money related alright. I'd guess the people involved have some sort of relationship with the PGI board members (or a member), and that the people involved are going to be using their video for commercial gain somewhere down the line. There might even be a financial incentive involved for the PGI board member(s) involved. Pure speculation, granted. But why else would the PGI folks deny ANYONE access to what should be potential free exposure/advertising for their event and their organization??

I agree and you are really supporting my point, its just my inability to accurately articulate my thoughts into words sometimes. I agree with your points, however my guess is that the resentment is centered around the perceived size of the pie and over-protection of what was once tribal knowledge. Back before the information age and google, you have to admit it was very private, tribal and secretive. Dave has blown the cover off and has torn down walls to help educate, raise awareness, and to provide a vehicle to unify those with similar interests from around the world. What he's doing is great, both for hobby and for the industry as a whole. I've observed an interesting phenomenon with regard to Dave and his displayfireworks1 efforts. For every ten people that love his product, there is one loud, outspoken a$$hole. It baffles me that the Displayfireworks1 brand is so polarizing. He advocates safety, law adherence, education, hobby collaboration and he publicly encourages people to do the right thing when it comes to pyrotechnics.

And you are correct, what he and others are doing is in fact helping to grow the industry and to publicly advocate for pyrotechnics as a visible and viable American hobby. I'd be willing to be if there were industry data analysts that tracked such things that you could demonstrate through facts and figures where Dave and others have contributed to a material increase in the average American's spend on fireworks related products and events.

Anyway, I think we're more or less saying the same thing. I just think that there is a "secret club" contingent that simply hates what he's doing and I can't get my head around why. I admire him for putting himself through it. He could have had just as much fun being an "in the shadows" lone-wolf professional and hobbyist, yet he puts himself out there to educate and inform. If others think they could drive more value they should launch their own. After all, competition is a beautiful thing and is responsible for some of the best advances we've seen over the decades, regardless of industry.

On an unrelated note, I think the national organizations should publicize more aggressively about the direct correlation to injury decline as states legalize & open up. I view this hobby as having vague symmetry to firearms (which I love too). Its a great hobby and a great industry and I hope our conversations and enthusiasm helps to preserve its integrity and continue to drive engagement and growth. Hell, I hope five years from now it's a 2 billion dollar industry. Thats my humble five cents :)

08-12-2016, 06:24 PM
I just think that there is a "secret club" contingent that simply hates what he's doing and I can't get my head around why. Thats my humble five cents :)

There will always be people out there that will feel threatened by someone else's success. As Dave indicated, he's the only guy operating a website like this in the entire country. Why ANYONE would feel threatened by that is beyond me as well. It's a totally irrational, nonsensical response. If they think they can build a better website and provide a better product, then why aren't they doing it?? Because it's always easier to whine and complain than it is to actually build something that works.

So, yes... I think we're on the same page. I'm just very disappointed in the PGI folks. My buddy has been there all week and I've heard all the stories that Dave has reported on in here. Blocking Dave from videoing his sponsor's displays is inexcusable in my opinion. It smacks of favoritism and it doesn't tell me that the PGI board values all of their members equally. If they would do that to a member like Dave, what kind of voice could I expect to have in that organization??

08-12-2016, 06:35 PM
There will always be people out there that will feel threatened by someone else's success. As Dave indicated, he's the only guy operating a website like this in the entire country. Why ANYONE would feel threatened by that is beyond me as well. It's a totally irrational, nonsensical response. If they think they can build a better website and provide a better product, then why aren't they doing it?? Because it's always easier to whine and complain than it is to actually build something that works.

So, yes... I think we're on the same page. I'm just very disappointed in the PGI folks. My buddy has been there all week and I've heard all the stories that Dave has reported on in here. Blocking Dave from videoing his sponsor's displays is inexcusable in my opinion. It smacks of favoritism and it doesn't tell me that the PGI board values all of their members equally. If they would do that to a member like Dave, what kind of voice could I expect to have in that organization??

Agreed. It is forums and discussions like this that will drive favorable change. The conversation needs to continue and capable people like you, Dave and others will emerge and succeed current industry "leaders." The agenda needs to be comprehensive and effectively scaled - to maintain the integrity of the industry, ongoing focus & eduction on safety and most importantly, having fun. Consumer pyrotechnics is such a wholesome, family-friendly hobby and I want to see it continue and live on. Again, simply my opinion but I suspect others share my view at least in part.

08-12-2016, 07:42 PM
Agreed. It is forums and discussions like this that will drive favorable change. The conversation needs to continue and capable people like you, Dave and others will emerge and succeed current industry "leaders." The agenda needs to be comprehensive and effectively scaled - to maintain the integrity of the industry, ongoing focus & eduction on safety and most importantly, having fun. Consumer pyrotechnics is such a wholesome, family-friendly hobby and I want to see it continue and live on. Again, simply my opinion but I suspect others share my view at least in part.

Very well said! Education is key as you point out. Nothing is difficult when you know how to do it. Learning how to fly an airplane was the hardest thing I ever learned how to do. Now, no big deal. I'm more intimidated by using a Cobra system than I am flying a plane. To listen to the Cobra guys in here, electronically shooting an entire show is a piece of cake. (no pun intended) When people are comprehensively trained and comfortable with something, they're inclined to do more of it, and spend more to do it. Fireworks are no different. I've only been on this board for three months and I've already read so many "built my first rack!" stories and "placed my first wholesale order!" stories and "just got my 54!" stories. It's amazing how this site pushes people out of their comfort zone and elevates them to the next level in this hobby.

08-12-2016, 10:02 PM
Back at the hotel, the PGI cancelled the Grand Fireworks Display tonight because of threat of rain. As of 9pm it is not raining but the sky is dark. I am leaving for home in AM. I have a video interview of "Katie" the young lady that does the fire dance. I also have on video a box of real M-80 and Cherry Bombs from back in the day. The guy said I could video as long as he was not in it. He gave me an old M-80 silver salute that used some sort of pink colored clay before the paper end plugs. Every where I go fireworks enthusiast stop me to say hello and tell me to keep up the video. Or they out "Don't stop doing what you do". I have many of these people on video and will post it. Have all the Rocket Master rockets on video day and night. One of my friends from New York shooting big salutes, fireworks manufacturing people making things for the first time. I have video of the new Cobra Command Center and Scott explaining. I met a fireworks enthusiast following my video that was character in the video game Mortal Combat. He gave me signed autographs. I put him in a head lock and he ripped my heart out. LOL. MJG gave me some FireWire Initiators (don't call it igniter). A representative from fireworks brand gave me some samples to try. I have a video of the Spirit of 76 pro line and how to find the hidden port for use with a firing system. I have no complaints with enthusiast in attendance. No enthusiast in attendance said a bad word to me. Passfire is finally finished with the DVD. They were passing them out and selling them. I would imagine if you donated you should receiving them soon. I met a woman selling really cool fireworks craft items, while not one of my advertisers, I am going to post a free video for her so everyone can see and possible purchase some of her items. I was impressed with her taking a lighter and pack of old firecrackers and placing them inside of a sealed bottle. I signed up another 1.4 fireworks distributor that sells and ships fireworks. I also have another 1.3 distributor that delivers 1.3 to ATF license holders if needed. I will announce them once I finish up the advertising contracts when I return home. The overall theme of the convention feels different to me. I feel like a new direction is needed for the new advancing enthusiast. Not sure what impact shutting down the fireworks vendors will have. The subject of overloaded fireworks needs addressed, because they used to be a little overloaded and now they are way overloaded. The physical structure on some of these are blowing apart. Who makes a firecracker with a clay plug. Should someone hundreds of feet away get hit with clay when a firecracker goes off? Will fireworks enthusiast attend a convention to buy normal fireworks? Will fireworks distributors come to another convention and risk getting shut down or embarrassed? I will look to some of my sources for more information on the finer details of this event at the PGI 2016.

08-13-2016, 10:45 AM
Well.... Maybe. Maybe not. Based on the numbers I dug up, it looks like the backyard enthusiast accounts for more than twice the revenue generated by the display operators. http://www.statisticbrain.com/firework-statistics. It also looks like the combined revenue is just over $1B annually. When you consider that the vast majority of that revenue is based on consumer purchases for only 1 national holiday, I would argue the pie is HUGE! I don't know of another industry in the nation that can generate $1B in revenue for a single day's worth of celebrations.

Additionally; and I don't want to come off as though I'm speaking for Dave here, because I'm not, but; I don't believe it's Dave's goal to turn the backyard pyro into a fireworks wholesaler. My understanding is that he wants to help educate the backyard pyro and get us to up our game by getting licensed to buy and use 1.3G fireworks. IMHO that can only ADD to that $1B revenue stream because people will now have an ATF54 so they can purchase fireworks that were up to now, unavailable to them. That's additional revenue to the 1.3G wholesale business owners. Even for those of us who still don't have a 54... My buddy and I are each now looking at dropping $2K on a Cobra firing system thanks to Dave's videos and the helpful pyro's we've met on this site. That's $4K more in Cobra's pocket that otherwise wouldn't have happened if this site didn't exist. Not to mention additional revenue to companies like MJG who we will likely buy the initiators from to use with the Cobra.

If I mischaracterized your comments and/or viewpoint please let me know and I will bow in your general direction and humbly apologize. However, the way I see it, the more people Dave educates, the more likely we are to go out and spend even more on bigger better bader fireworks and firing systems. That can only help keep the distributors and wholesale people in business. My guess is the percentage of us who turn around and decide to hang our own shingle to sell fireworks is probably a fraction of 1%. No threat at all to companies like WF Boom et. al..

If I was to wager a guess as to why certain people are given special access to video vantage points at PGI, I'd guess it is money related alright. I'd guess the people involved have some sort of relationship with the PGI board members (or a member), and that the people involved are going to be using their video for commercial gain somewhere down the line. There might even be a financial incentive involved for the PGI board member(s) involved. Pure speculation, granted. But why else would the PGI folks deny ANYONE access to what should be potential free exposure/advertising for their event and their organization??

The problem with this entire scenario is that it people go out and get a type 54 to buy 1.3g for their "private" shows & then all of a sudden they do the local church picnic and fly under the radar from a regulatory standpoint. The entire thing lowers the standards of the display industry imo. look at this guy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avZHvnUUtvU). he is basically putting on a community show and has 1.3g in the back seat of his car. No regulations and no oversight. the system is flawed

08-13-2016, 11:36 AM
The problem with this entire scenario is that it people go out and get a type 54 to buy 1.3g for their "private" shows & then all of a sudden they do the local church picnic and fly under the radar from a regulatory standpoint. The entire thing lowers the standards of the display industry imo. look at this guy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avZHvnUUtvU). he is basically putting on a community show and has 1.3g in the back seat of his car. No regulations and no oversight. the system is flawed

If you noticed he said he has he has been doing the show for 21 years. Now he got his license to better the show by incorporating 1.3 into it. I fail to see the problem with that. He is an enthusiast just trying to better his shows. That's what's great about hobbies there is always room to grow. I love the fact that steps can be taken to be able to better ones show and set them apart from the rest. Keeping the type 54 for only companies doing shows would really put a damper on the hobby. It's not like it's some guy who just likes bottle rockets stepping up to the 54. It's a knowledgeable pyro who wants to do the best show they can.

My local show has been probersssively getting worse over the last few years. This is very disappointing to me as it is one of my most favorite days since I was 3. Now 27 years later it kind of breaks my heart seeing where it went. Now a few trustees that have seen my backyard show actually wanted to know if I'd be interested in doing the show. If I get my 54 I would strongly consider it. Permits and insurance of course. But I would take pride in it and put on the best damn show possible. I don't think there is a problem with this if I am willing to do a better job. It's not my fault the other person/company decided to cut down on quality.

08-13-2016, 12:37 PM
That's my point. You are now going to consider doing your communities show. Do you have a dot number, workers comp, proper storage, proper insurance, & proper licensing in your state?

08-13-2016, 01:01 PM
That's my point. You are now going to consider doing your communities show. Do you have a dot number, workers comp, proper storage, proper insurance, & proper licensing in your state?

All of my comments were centered around 1.4. Candidly, the insurance costs alone on 1.4 are enough to choke an elephant, I can't even begin to get my head around the associated 1.3 costs. While I enjoy shooting for companies as sort of a freelance hobbyist, I have absolutely zero desire to enter the 1.3 professional space. More power to those that do. If they do so without proper credentials, training, insurance and capitalization, God help them! I personally am content to remain a hobbyist and simply a "donator of time" when it comes to 1.3. I am looking forward to reading insights from those that made the transition from 1.3 hobbyist to a 1.3 professional/billable service provider.

08-13-2016, 01:52 PM
That's my point. You are now going to consider doing your communities show. Do you have a dot number, workers comp, proper storage, proper insurance, & proper licensing in your state?

If I do it it will be picked up in a Penske truck and driven to the sight. The municipality is self insured and covers the show. And I have the Illinois shooter license. I work for the fire department so I woould ensure the site is set up according to Nfpa 1123 with my Chief. I would be doing the show on my own so I don't think I would need workmans comp for myself.

So the answer to your question is yes to all of the above. I have assisted in the show the last 3 years and made comments to the company running it that they have been slacking. And the owner doesn't seem to care. He's more concerned on what he's making off of it.

08-13-2016, 01:53 PM
And I don't see the problem with me trying to enter the professional game. If nobody ever made the move then there wouldn't be anybody.

08-13-2016, 01:53 PM
Even if it 1.4g you still have to meet regulatory requirements if you are taking money for a show. You are now essentially in business

08-13-2016, 02:05 PM
Even if it 1.4g you still have to meet regulatory requirements if you are taking money for a show. You are now essentially in business

Right, but I don't do shows. 1.4, 1.3 or anything else.

08-13-2016, 02:07 PM
If I do it it will be picked up in a Penske truck and driven to the sight. The municipality is self insured and covers the show. And I have the Illinois shooter license. I work for the fire department so I woould ensure the site is set up according to Nfpa 1123 with my Chief. I would be doing the show on my own so I don't think I would need workmans comp for myself.

So the answer to your question is yes to all of the above. I have assisted in the show the last 3 years and made comments to the company running it that they have been slacking. And the owner doesn't seem to care. He's more concerned on what he's making off of it.

BJ - interesting. So you've effectively entered and done so with minimal costs or barriers. Thats an interesting story. What is your outlook for the future? Do you intend to continue with your current schedule or do you have plans to evolve and bid on more shows and possibly grow? You're right, but for those that take a chance, there would be no growth. Competition benefits everyone.

08-13-2016, 02:44 PM
Who is the city paying for this display if you do it?

08-13-2016, 03:01 PM
[QUOTE=vegassalute;38950]BJ - interesting. So you've effectively entered and done so with minimal costs or barriers. Thats an interesting story. What is your outlook for the future? Do you intend to continue with your current schedule or do you have plans to evolve and bid on more shows and possibly grow? You're right, but for those that take a chance, there would be no growth. Competition benefits everyone.[/QUOTE

Ha ha. Bid on other shows. Doesn't even have insurance or a dot number

08-13-2016, 08:51 PM
The problem with this entire scenario is that it people go out and get a type 54 to buy 1.3g for their "private" shows & then all of a sudden they do the local church picnic and fly under the radar from a regulatory standpoint. The entire thing lowers the standards of the display industry imo. look at this guy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avZHvnUUtvU). he is basically putting on a community show and has 1.3g in the back seat of his car. No regulations and no oversight. the system is flawed

No system of ANY type for ANY industry can completely idiot proof that industry. No amount of regulating and oversight will ever prevent a determined moron from breaking the rules and hurting him/herself and/or someone around them with a product, whether it's pyro, guns, alcohol, etc. and so on.

Having said that.... The average person who's looking to cause harm is not likely to join a forum like this, or a local pyro club. They're not interested in doing what's required to get an ATF54 and talking o an ATF agent. Those people as you point out, like to hide under the radar. So they are not Dave's target audience either.

I stand by my original comments.

08-13-2016, 08:56 PM
That's my point. You are now going to consider doing your communities show. Do you have a dot number, workers comp, proper storage, proper insurance, & proper licensing in your state?

The real issue is, you're assuming he doesn't or won't/can't get them. Like I said... It's impossible to idiot proof ANY industry. If someone wants to cause harm they'll find a way to do it. But we don't build only 1 story buildings because some people choose to throw themselves off skyscrapers. It's just not how life works or should work.

08-13-2016, 09:12 PM
I just got back home from the convention. Lots of rain coming through Ohio. Did anyone hear is it raining at the convention? Did they fire the grand display?
Short unlisted video. Have to find time in the coming weeks to post some video.


08-13-2016, 09:37 PM
Report on PGI elections from email i received .

Certified results of the election held 8/11/16 in La Porte, IN.

For President:

Chris Houston - 205
Paul Smith - 406
Blank ballots cast - 5

Total vote - 616

Paul Smith won, vacating the 1st VP position, and rendering the second race relevant.

For First VP:

Mitch Hale - 260
John Steinberg - 360
Blank ballots cast - 0

Total vote - 620

Congratulations to Paul, John, Carol and Kurt on their new positions on the Board.

08-13-2016, 10:02 PM
Whatever my opinion is worth on this PGI election. It pleases me to see John Steinberg is back in office. Some of the best PGI years for me was when he was president of the organization. I spoke with him about growing the organization and bringing new members into the organization, he is in full agreement. He has the vision for growth. Paul Smith as president I know very little about. I tried to interview him twice on skype but it never worked out. What I do know is John Steinberg endorses him and that is all i know. Kurt I spoke with before and he seems like a reasonable person. Carol I know little about. These election results give me hope for the future growth of the PGI.

08-13-2016, 11:25 PM
Unlisted short clip. I have many other clips of me meeting people watching my video.


08-13-2016, 11:43 PM
Whatever my opinion is worth on this PGI election. It pleases me to see John Steinberg is back in office. Some of the best PGI years for me was when he was president of the organization. I spoke with him about growing the organization and bringing new members into the organization, he is in full agreement. He has the vision for growth. Paul Smith as president I know very little about. I tried to interview him twice on skype but it never worked out. What I do know is John Steinberg endorses him and that is all i know. Kurt I spoke with before and he seems like a reasonable person. Carol I know little about. These election results give me hope for the future growth of the PGI.
Who is Carol and Kurt? their names were not on balllot
or are they "appointed"

08-14-2016, 07:16 AM
I just got back home from the convention. Lots of rain coming through Ohio. Did anyone hear is it raining at the convention? Did they fire the grand display?
Short unlisted video. Have to find time in the coming weeks to post some video.


NICE! Many I'm already kicking myself in the a$$ that I didn't make the trip!

08-14-2016, 10:11 AM
Do you recognize who built this and why? If you have been following my videos over the years you may know this answer. Look closely at the picture.

08-14-2016, 12:00 PM
My wife and I attended the grand display last night. It was a disappointment as a spectators view point. Looking back at 2010 convention in Appleton WI, it was certainly not on the same level of 2010. Its very sad what happened to Great Lake's display being ruined in the previous day's storms killing 21 of 22 modules that ran fronts, then to have the smoke engulf the entire show. Next year we plan on being PGI members and attend PGI Fargo, we hop we will enjoy it as members a lot more.

08-14-2016, 12:04 PM
My wife and I attended the grand display last night. It was a disappointment as a spectators view point. Looking back at 2010 convention in Appleton WI, it was certainly not on the same level of 2010. Its very sad what happened to Great Lake's display being ruined in the previous day's storms killing 21 of 22 modules that ran fronts, then to have the smoke engulf the entire show. Next year we plan on being PGI members and attend PGI Fargo, we hop we will enjoy it as members a lot more.

I'm with you Pug, my wife and I are joining too.

08-14-2016, 01:21 PM
BJ - interesting. So you've effectively entered and done so with minimal costs or barriers. Thats an interesting story. What is your outlook for the future? Do you intend to continue with your current schedule or do you have plans to evolve and bid on more shows and possibly grow? You're right, but for those that take a chance, there would be no growth. Competition benefits everyone.

Plan is to only do this show. With 1 3 year old and another on the way plus 2 jobs I don't really have the time to do anything else. Just keep it as a hobby. But let's get this thread back on topic and see some videos!!! I want to see these rockets

08-14-2016, 01:45 PM
Plan is to only do this show. With 1 3 year old and another on the way plus 2 jobs I don't really have the time to do anything else. Just keep it as a hobby. But let's get this thread back on topic and see some videos!!! I want to see these rockets

Amen. I intend to live vicariously through the attendees!

08-14-2016, 05:57 PM
Ground Level 3 Competition


08-14-2016, 06:04 PM
Do you recognize who built this and why? If you have been following my videos over the years you may know this answer. Look closely at the picture.
Mmmmm, I love bacon.
Pennsylvania Organization of Recreational Chaos

08-14-2016, 06:17 PM
Here is the answer in a video from 2010 starting at 2:25 minutes. Then go back and look at the picture I posted closely.


08-15-2016, 03:48 AM
Hey Dave thought I'd tell you on the picture guess thing, you named the picture file Tony!
Hey Matt I've watched your video 3 times already, love it. I was teasing Dane about his truck making a cameo in it. Great job representing Pa and P.O.R.C.

08-17-2016, 12:00 PM
So everyone knows, this young lady gave me permission to video her. I wish I knew her email I would send her a link to this video. This was her first time lighting a shell. It also makes my wife happy to see more females in fireworks.
I am still unpacking and organizing from the convention and having a hard time finding time to post some video. Last night here in Pennsylvania a storm came through and the power was out. My truck was so full of dust from that convention. I also think I lost one of my SD cards. It was the one with the LaDuke interview and fireworks manufacturing. I am still searching.


08-17-2016, 03:05 PM
Hi Dave one quick question how can we come to this convention are we invited the Maltese ?

We love to come over to see and to exchange our cultures with yours, one problem we have that we need some one to show us the way how to get there and were to stay

A small appeal if some one wishes to give a small helping hand we wish to come over

Thanks in advanced

08-17-2016, 03:21 PM
Thanks for all your information. I saw over somewhere else all this was burried. Thanks for all the work you do, love it.

08-17-2016, 05:03 PM
Just go to PGI.org and become a member and sign up for the convention next year it is in Fargo North Dakota

08-18-2016, 06:54 AM
Laquil will need a tour guide at the convention in addition to joining. Remember he is from Malta. I would be glad to do so. I am just not sure when I will attend the next PGI convention.

Northern Sky
08-18-2016, 08:37 AM
We, the PORC team could have used your experience this year. None of us had done a Muscaletta before this adventure. That would have been a highlight for the group.

08-18-2016, 12:34 PM
Guys please let me be informed before hand, when this convention is going to happen, I wish to come over to USA and I shall bring some friends of mine from Qrendi Lourdes Fire works Factory with me,
Dave just drop me an email to tell me when this event is going to be, or if there is some thing similar that you suggest we can come over.



08-18-2016, 12:40 PM
Thanks Nayslayer, I shall do straight away no problem with that to subscribe, but don't laugh at me, can i ask you a small question regarding North Dakota, we can get flights from Malta to New York flying trough UK now From New York
is it far to go to North Dakota and is there any Hotels or motels were we can stay, again don't laugh but to me USA is big compared to my country, any ones wishes to come to Malta I shall offer him a guided tour no problem with that

Thanks in advance


08-18-2016, 12:52 PM
Thanks Nayslayer, I shall do straight away no problem with that to subscribe, but don't laugh at me, can i ask you a small question regarding North Dakota, we can get flights from Malta to New York flying trough UK now From New York
is it far to go to North Dakota and is there any Hotels or motels were we can stay, again don't laugh but to me USA is big compared to my country, any ones wishes to come to Malta I shall offer him a guided tour no problem with that

Thanks in advance


Laquil -- The distance from NY to North Dakota is almost 1500 miles, so you would probably want to fly that leg of the journey, too. I would be very surprised if you had a difficult time finding hotel/motel choices in an area that can host a big convention like PGI. There will probably be numerous options., althoug early reservations would probably be recommended.

While watching some of your videos, I commented to my wife last night that we MUST visit Malta one of these years. Could you pick us up at the airport in your fireworks powered vehicle? :)

08-18-2016, 12:55 PM
guys i went to register it says it is closed why ?

08-18-2016, 01:02 PM
Hi Jmfng thanks for your information that's a long Journey for us but i shall try to book a flight from Malta to NY than I shall have to find an other flight from NY to Dakota, Malta is very small island and we are not use to travel
that long only 20 miles by 10 miles is our small island, regarding if you wish to come over Malta send me an email and I shall pick you up no problem for that and I shall take you to our Fireworks factory in Qrendi
if you are planning better to come ending of June or beginning of july when we celebrate our feast i will keep you inform exactly with the dates regarding the vechicle it went fine i have used a lot of black powder fountains to drive it
Thanks every one is well come :)

08-18-2016, 01:05 PM
for those who wish to see the vehicle of fireworks let me post the picture again

08-18-2016, 05:13 PM
Hi Jmfng thanks for your information that's a long Journey for us but i shall try to book a flight from Malta to NY than I shall have to find an other flight from NY to Dakota, Malta is very small island and we are not use to travel
that long only 20 miles by 10 miles is our small island, regarding if you wish to come over Malta send me an email and I shall pick you up no problem for that and I shall take you to our Fireworks factory in Qrendi
if you are planning better to come ending of June or beginning of july when we celebrate our feast i will keep you inform exactly with the dates regarding the vechicle it went fine i have used a lot of black powder fountains to drive it
Thanks every one is well come :)

laquil - Do you recall hosting a group not too long ago from the Florida Pyrotechnic Arts Guild or FPAG? That's the merry band of pyro's I'm affiliated with. Many of them took the trip to Malta and were shown around the fireworks factory there. Every who went speaks very highly of the trip. They all loved it. I hope they plan another trip because I'd love to go!

Northern Sky
08-19-2016, 10:43 AM
guys i went to register it says it is closed why ?

I'm sure the online registration is closed because of the convention last week. Only personal registration was available at the convention. When Robin gets back to the office after a much needed holiday I'm sure she will get the online portion of the site working again.

08-19-2016, 04:09 PM
Hi Rick, in what month of the year they came to Malta?

if you plan to do an other trip just let me know it is better to come late june beginning july, I shall let you know the dates when in Qrendi we celebrate our feast,
I can assure you I will take you to our fireworks Factory, and also to fields were we fire our fireworks, and also if you wish I can arrange something for you to light up some fireworks in field, no problem for that.

Also tell me how many of you are coming and I shall help you to find a good accommodation with cheap money and good service.

In Malta 95% we speak English because it is our second Language, also if you like
History of the world I can take you see some of the oldest Temples in the world, next to Qrendi we have a small temple which is 6000 years older than the Pyramid of Egypt,
if ever hear of the lost city of Atlantis because was part of Atlantis,
I can take you there to see it with your own eyes, by the way the temple is called HagarQim which means in English Huge Rocks

We keep in touch

08-19-2016, 04:11 PM
Please people let me know, I wish to come over and visit this convention to share our culture with you and you share your's with us we keep in touch thank you

08-22-2016, 08:10 PM
Short unlisted video of Class C or 1.4 shoot area of the PGI.
