View Full Version : Hello

07-11-2016, 10:26 PM
New around here and definately seeking to learn as much as i can, (already bought the dvds) from Dallas Texas. Been a fan of pyro since my first black cat and now that i have the means to finance my obsession looking into bigger and better booms. Already found my local pyro club and hopefully will hook up with them on their next shoot although i will have to wait til november but that gives me time to research to my hearts content :cool:

07-12-2016, 01:27 AM
Welcome aboard GT! Glad to have you. So tell us about your fireworks experience. Obviously you plan on getting your ATF54. That's awesome. Did you do a show this year? If so, tell us about it. Please post any pics or videos you might have taken.

07-12-2016, 06:51 AM
Welcome to the forum.

07-17-2016, 10:16 PM
Im just a backyard fanatic that was spending too much at stands and then this year i discovered wholesale :D I put on a show for family and friends this year but sadly i didnt get any pictures and the only video hasnt been sent to me yet. I went with a one fuse setup, and greatly underestimated the time for the first half to burn to the tune of about 1 cake every 2 or so mins.A lot of people lost interest and a few even left, but the second half of which i had on fast visco went much better. It definitely made up for the first half and convinced me that i need to get a firing system asap. Already ordered 5 more mortar racks for next year,watching product videos and taking notes. Still trying to figure on the firing system as Im torn between Firetek and the Cobra but i will eventually get it figured out.

07-18-2016, 12:02 AM
Welcome to PyroTalk!

07-18-2016, 12:13 AM
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Kh4sGsZCeXLVl3clJnSzVDUHM/view?usp=drive_web Here is the heavily edited video with some weird angles thrown in for good measure :-) She didnt start filming until i told them it was about to get interesting so the boring first half isnt there thankfully :-) Need to make a comet rack and mine rack this year as what i came up with didnt hold up

07-18-2016, 07:21 AM
Im just a backyard fanatic that was spending too much at stands and then this year i discovered wholesale :D I put on a show for family and friends this year but sadly i didnt get any pictures and the only video hasnt been sent to me yet. I went with a one fuse setup, and greatly underestimated the time for the first half to burn to the tune of about 1 cake every 2 or so mins.A lot of people lost interest and a few even left, but the second half of which i had on fast visco went much better. It definitely made up for the first half and convinced me that i need to get a firing system asap. Already ordered 5 more mortar racks for next year,watching product videos and taking notes. Still trying to figure on the firing system as Im torn between Firetek and the Cobra but i will eventually get it figured out.

lol... I soooo understand where you're coming from with the visco timing issue thing!! I'm about tired of trying to figure it out myself. So I'm definitely in the market for a good firing system as well. The pyro guild I belong to just did a show on Saturday, and we used a Cobra 18M system. It was my first hands on experience fusing cakes with e-match and wiring up the Cobra firing module. Besides the spaghetti wiring all over the place which absolutely drives me nuts, it was pretty straight forward and went rather well. One guy wired up three cakes in series on one cue, and it didn't fire. Since I didn't wire it, I don't count that one against me or the system! lol... I know everything I wired, fired. So I'm leaning towards the Cobra system.

What is it about the Firetek that caught your eye over the Cobra?

07-18-2016, 07:30 AM
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Kh4sGsZCeXLVl3clJnSzVDUHM/view?usp=drive_web Here is the heavily edited video with some weird angles thrown in for good measure :-) She didnt start filming until i told them it was about to get interesting so the boring first half isnt there thankfully :-) Need to make a comet rack and mine rack this year as what i came up with didnt hold up

Good job gt! What I saw looked great. No black sky moments to speak of, great looking cakes, and a nice finale. Very nice.

So how many cakes did you use? Mainly 500G cakes? Or a mixture of 500G and 200G? Always looking for setup ideas.

07-18-2016, 07:16 PM
I like the idea that if my controller went down i would be able to pop out my phone and control it through bluetooth, plus the slats are much smaller and cheaper than a module and easily replaceable if something were to happen to one. Carrying around some lipo batteries with me wouldnt be an issue as they dont weight much and they would easily last through a show since i would be buying the 48e version. The only thing that has me a little worried about it is that theyre based in the UK but i keep reading that their customer service still is spot on in responding to issues. I know Cobras system is proven and their customer service is tops but if something happens to the controller id be stuck firing from the module and 18 cues to a module means i would have to buy 3 to get as many cues as the Firetek. 3 modules is alot more than just 1 module and 4 slats. One side of me wants to buy the US made system and the other side wants me to buy the system that seems like it has a few more features that i would like, so havent pinned it down yet lol

In that part of the show there were probably around 20 500g cakes, I had 12 200g silver flash cakes from spirit that went off right before the mortars started going in there which was a nice sound right before the shells started hitting so i think i will employ more of those next year.