View Full Version : ATF Licence past felon

07-11-2016, 01:15 AM
I've got a felony in 1997 for something stupid I've done rather not get into that on here. I was able to purchase firearms while I was on probation back in 1998. So do you think I would have no problem applying for type 54. Would really like to purchase Dave's DVD and take my boring show up a lvl.

07-11-2016, 06:46 AM
This is what I know and what my experience with this has been. I get this question from time to time. Most of the time it involves a drug charge. If it involves a gun charge or a crime of a violent nature, you can probably forget it. I think the reason you were able to purchase a weapon back in 1998 was the records were slower back them. Was your gun purchase a long gun? I know here in Pennsylvania a handgun background check is a little more extensive. The ATF has something called Relief from Disabilities for people with issues in their history. I believe it is manly for employees of people in the explosive business more than owners. If you apply there is a question about felonies in the application so you have to report it. If you don't report it on the application and they find it , they will come down hard on you. The nice thing about applying for the ATF licensed and you get denied, you get your money back. The problem is that it usually takes three months to get your money back.

07-11-2016, 12:04 PM
My charge was non violent I did have permission from my probation officer to purchase any weapon rifle or handgun. Am going on vacation in August when I get back will purchase your DVD. I believe I'll have no problems will keep the process updated so others with similar case can follow.

01-30-2017, 10:40 PM
Did you ever apply for it and if so what did they say? Where you able to get it?

01-30-2017, 11:13 PM
I see someone brought this thread back. That is good because I can update my opinion on it. My comment does not pertain to the above member that started this thread. I recently received an email from someone that had a felony and also received some sort of pardon. He applied for the ATF Type 54 and was denied, he went on to apply for "Relief from Disabilities". The second step took months, he was denied a second time. I asked him did he include his pardon letter during the second step and he responded "No". Would that pardon letter have helped? Knowing what I now know, my answer would be no. A pardon does not mean you did not do whatever you were convicted of, it somehow eliminates it from your record. But even that is not 100% a guarantee of anything. My opinion now is with a felony you are probably not going to get your own ATF license unless you make them give it to in some fashion. an attorney will probably be needed. I heard of felons being able to work around an explosive operation for example, the blasting industry, this man was a great driller into the rock and the company was able to keep him as long as when the explosives came out he could not be near them. That may be an example of relief from disabilities. If someone has an example please post it. The chances of a felon getting his own ATF Explosives license is probably going to be very difficult. Getting Relief from Disabilities may be easier if you are an employee of an ATF license holder. Remember for those of us that work part time for professional display companies, we have to be listed as an "Employee Possessor" on the company license and get background checked. This still occurs even if you have your own ATF license.

01-31-2017, 12:03 AM
I have a question how was the man behind the Apollo firecrackers able to get his license back after being convicted? For got his name started with a L Larry something? Because he was caught red handed mulitple times witch wouldn't of that made him a fellon?

01-31-2017, 09:11 AM
I never heard of those firecrackers. Don't confuse people selling overloaded Consumer Fireworks with ATF licensed dealers or ATF licensed Users of Display Fireworks. I know there is a Consumer Fireworks dealer here in Pennsylvania that was shut down years ago for selling Consumer Fireworks for some unlawful reason. Next year he is back in business , he just put the business in a another family members name. These small midlevel local entrepreneurs are very good at this sort of legal shifting of ownership. This is where consulting with an attorney pays off.

01-31-2017, 10:25 PM
I was under the impression that if you where caught selling overloads it was kinda the same as being caught selling illegal fireworks? Or am I wrong

02-01-2017, 08:20 PM
I was under the impression that if you where caught selling overloads it was kinda the same as being caught selling illegal fireworks? Or am I wrong
I do not know if selling overloaded fireworks carries a criminal charge.


02-02-2017, 12:37 AM
I do not know if selling overloaded fireworks carries a criminal charge.


No I was meaning 1.4 to say selling ol 1.4 fireworks I for some reason allways thought they treated that as the same as if you where selling a 1.3 produced... Ik it's harder to do because of testing and every thing because they have to prove it is ol. I can't remember the guy's name it was Larry I think I'm only saying his name on the form because he passed away many years ago. He was selling a ol firecrackers and thunder kind type products ... Ik the chemist45 has talked about him befor. He was allegedly be hind the first tank crackers? people said he was kinda mob'ed up I can't remember the guy's name. I was pretty sure he was arrested and did time for selling over loads.? Or could it of been because he was making something that sould of been 1.3 and labeling it 1.4 he was a atf lisence holder. And there was a case of those rockets of some one getting pinched a while back I thought? And yes Dave over the last about 3-4 years OL have been out of control befor it was only given to people who where trusted knew a little something about fireworks had a love for the hobby you would be offered it. Had a buddy never had the OL in his tent only gave them to you if he knew you wernt a dumbass. The last 3-4 years seems like any bum off the street can get a truck load of them no problem. And yes Dave the price on them.... Seems like extortion ahhahaha depending what kinda of connections you have well used to be idk it used to be more subtle like you said now it seems like every ones getting them.... Kinda wish it was he old days still a lot safer less little kids getting ahold of it that's what scares me the most about them.

02-02-2017, 08:06 PM
I'm not sure but you might be thinking of Larry Lomaz.

02-02-2017, 09:16 PM
Larry Lomaz owned Buckeye/Midwest Fireworks. The owner of Apollo is another gentleman and as far as I know, he is alive and well. Larry sold some nice items. His firecrackers are still widely known superman and gangster were his DOT era crackers. Tank, Bikini Beach, and M100 were later items. His Air Thunder cakes were noisy.

02-02-2017, 10:14 PM
Larry Lomaz owned Buckeye/Midwest Fireworks. The owner of Apollo is another gentleman and as far as I know, he is alive and well. Larry sold some nice items. His firecrackers are still widely known superman and gangster were his DOT era crackers. Tank, Bikini Beach, and M100 were later items. His Air Thunder cakes were noisy.

Yes that's the man I was thinking of. My mistake about thinkin he was behind Apollo. Yes I was thinkin about Larry lomas wasn't he convicted of selling over loads?

02-03-2017, 01:13 AM
Among other things. Larry was a very well known and interesting character in the fireworks industry for sure. He apparently hosted rock concerts and bikini contests at his store at one time. The stories I've heard could fill up a page on this forum. Apollo was owned by a man named Tom. Another interesting fellow who I last spoke with 10 years ago. I still have about 3/4 of a bag of his old M70 crackers with my collection somewhere.

02-03-2017, 01:30 AM
Among other things. Larry was a very well known and interesting character in the fireworks industry for sure. He apparently hosted rock concerts and bikini contests at his store at one time. The stories I've heard could fill up a page on this forum. Apollo was owned by a man named Tom. Another interesting fellow who I last spoke with 10 years ago. I still have about 3/4 of a bag of his old M70 crackers with my collection somewhere.

Intristing. Are you aware if any of them where ever In prison for selling l o? I thought Larry ended up doing time for them or did they just yank his license? And if he was, was it for making them and then selling them? Compared to importing? I could be wrong shoot my mind kept tellin me Larry was behind Apollo witch he clearly wasn't. Those m70s where pretty good from my memory but that's another topic some other day.

02-03-2017, 01:37 AM
It depends on what version of M70 you had. The compliant ones were shit. They contained loose powder as opposed to an insert but nonetheless they were weak and dud prone. Larry was charged and fined for the Air Thunders but they were Chinese imports. 7 shots, 1.5" bore tube. Heavy report. I'm sure he carried the original Thunder King as well. His problems were many although I don't think prison was for the overloads. Apollo sold a firecracker called PCR2000 that got him in hot water. This was late 1990s I think.

02-03-2017, 01:40 AM

02-03-2017, 09:57 AM
It depends on what version of M70 you had. The compliant ones were shit. They contained loose powder as opposed to an insert but nonetheless they were weak and dud prone. Larry was charged and fined for the Air Thunders but they were Chinese imports. 7 shots, 1.5" bore tube. Heavy report. I'm sure he carried the original Thunder King as well. His problems were many although I don't think prison was for the overloads. Apollo sold a firecracker called PCR2000 that got him in hot water. This was late 1990s I think.
Interesting thing about Apollo - he made the best smoke crackers around! Wished I still had some. They were just smoke - but really whaled it out! We had those in our S&S stands - could not tell you how many times the cops came out to check - "oh they are selling m80s!" Then they got embarrassed cause they were just smoke. Same looks (White tube - fuse out the side i think) - just smoke though! LOL
PCR2000 - When we started handling them - knew it was too good to be true to last - but for 2 or 3 yrs - did good with them! Wished i had a box just for old times sake.
Sorry - kinda got sidetracked from original post - but can't help myself! :cool::cool:

02-03-2017, 11:02 AM
Joyce I also remember yellow colored tubes from back in the day that were smoke. I believe they were named M-80 Smoke.

02-03-2017, 11:40 AM
Joyce I also remember yellow colored tubes from back in the day that were smoke. I believe they were named M-80 Smoke.
Thats what i was referring to - but i thought they were white tubes. We bought them from Kellners at the time.

02-03-2017, 01:49 PM
They were called Ozark Smoke and were typical M80 tubes with a white label. They output quite a bit of smoke. I used to hold them until one day the hot melt that sealed the ends, liquified with the heat and burned the heck out of my 10 year old fingers. They also came in magenta, blue, and yellow. He also made a device called M80 spray that was like a short fountain.

02-03-2017, 01:58 PM
I'll take us way off topic. Dave, there was a yellow smoke tube called M80 smoke. It had a red textile fuse that was taped to the tube. Smaller tube than the typical 9/16" ID M80 casing. They were made in Taipai Taiwan along with the original smoke grenades, cherry smoke balls, smoke pots, witches couldron, and smokey Joe cigars (used in the cardboard inserts such as cabin on fire). They all had white, uncoated, textile fuses with colored threads.

07-07-2021, 07:12 PM
Hey I don't mean to hijack your thread, I just can't figure out how to start a new one.

I live in Illinois, I've been in touch with the DNR for my state license and ATF for the federal license.

I'm currently on probation and then I have an additional 2 years of a restraining order for a nonviolent offense. I forwarded nude pictures in college. I don't know why I have a restraining order, again I'm not violent and I hadn't seen the individual outside of court in years.

So my question is, can I apply for either the state or federal license? I've asked the ATF agent, the DNR person who I've been in touch with from the start, and my probation officer, but nobody seems to know. Is this kind of just one of those things I apply and see what happens? I don't wanna screw myself in the future if I get denied.


07-07-2021, 07:31 PM
Hey I don't mean to hijack your thread, I just can't figure out how to start a new one.

I live in Illinois, I've been in touch with the DNR for my state license and ATF for the federal license.

I'm currently on probation and then I have an additional 2 years of a restraining order for a nonviolent offense. I forwarded nude pictures in college. I don't know why I have a restraining order, again I'm not violent and I hadn't seen the individual outside of court in years.

So my question is, can I apply for either the state or federal license? I've asked the ATF agent, the DNR person who I've been in touch with from the start, and my probation officer, but nobody seems to know. Is this kind of just one of those things I apply and see what happens? I don't wanna screw myself in the future if I get denied.


I'm still busy as heck but I am reading the forums. It is great to see so much activity. I just want to post here for Troy before he goes into more confessions etc. LOL Troy your going to do some reading on an internet search of Explosives Relief of Disabilities Process The ATF websites explain the process. My other suggestion is to consult a criminal defense attorney about getting non violent charges on your record reduced to misdemeanors. Do not call the state people , the explosive privileges are a Federal matter.