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View Full Version : Reloadable tubes shrinking?

07-03-2011, 03:28 AM
So the debate has come up after our little backyard display if the reloadable tubes shrink as they become heated and used more and more after each shot. I would assume that most of us have gotten to the last couple shells in the pack and noticed that they arent sliding in as smooth as they were in the beginning of the box. So the question(s) is, is the tube shrinking after it gets hot? Or being that that is completely backwards to the norm in which colder temps cause that, is the material expanding, but in a way that its expanding INWARD causing the hassle? Or is the problem caused by all of the sut building up in the tube? Lets hear the opinions.........

07-03-2011, 04:11 AM
I would have to say YES.

07-03-2011, 04:22 AM
Of course it could also be that the tube is getting fuzzy on the inside or something. The slag build up from the BP could also be a cause, as well as the expansion issue. The expansion is probably magnified by the fact that cardboard is a poor conductor of heat, so the inside where the fire is is really hot and expands, while the outside that is relatively insulated is much cooler and not expanded nearly as much. This differential in temperature and therefore expansion may also cause the tube to de-laminate more quickly than if allowed to cool. Also, high temperature might adversely effect the glue holding it together.

Side note, it is scary how few people REALLY know the difference between ABS and HDPE because they are the same color. I had to set a guy straight about what material the consumer mortars were made out of earlier today. He did know pretty well what he was talking about though, so it might have been a slip of the tongue.

pyro man 205
07-03-2011, 10:32 AM
Good for you Hector on pointing out the difference between ABS and HDPE to that guy. even if he did know what he was talking about at lease you still talk about the difference between ABS and HDPE.the more we educate on safty with fireworks the better for all of us.

07-06-2011, 10:22 AM
I usualy wait a minute or so before reloading a tube.

07-06-2011, 11:00 AM
I know excal tubes I was using did shrink as well as had the build up from the bp it does say on the box to wait 30 seconds before reloading again