View Full Version : ATF license fedback (something different)

06-17-2016, 10:06 AM
Here is a copy and paste from one of my YouTube videos. This one is a little different.
I guess I don't understand how your shooting 1.3 for personal use? I work 1.3 professional shows all the time. 1.3 has certain storage requirements so its not like you can pick up a few cases of 1.3 for your 4th of July show and store those in your garage. I guess what you can do is buy the 1.3 the day of your show and take them directly to the shoot site but if they are sitting around they need to be in a temp day storage or portable magazine. My last question is doesn't the ATF come knocking on your door asking where all the 1.3 went? As part of the ATF storage requirements you have to keep strict records on your product where and when it went out the door. The ATF is cool with you saying you just shot it off for fun? I think a lot of the information is misleading here that your providing so please help me understand

06-17-2016, 12:07 PM
Here is a copy and paste from one of my YouTube videos. This one is a little different.
I guess I don't understand how your shooting 1.3 for personal use? I work 1.3 professional shows all the time. 1.3 has certain storage requirements so its not like you can pick up a few cases of 1.3 for your 4th of July show and store those in your garage. I guess what you can do is buy the 1.3 the day of your show and take them directly to the shoot site but if they are sitting around they need to be in a temp day storage or portable magazine. My last question is doesn't the ATF come knocking on your door asking where all the 1.3 went? As part of the ATF storage requirements you have to keep strict records on your product where and when it went out the door. The ATF is cool with you saying you just shot it off for fun? I think a lot of the information is misleading here that your providing so please help me understand

And the haters will continue to hate....I think a lot of people are confused about the ATF's role in all of this. They only care about the purchase, transportation and storage of 1.3. How, where or when it got discharged is none of their concern. If they suspect you of wrongdoing, you may be in for a headache, but still, nowhere in any information, do they require proof of detonation. Some of these people need to lighten up. Are there people out there firing 1.3 without following the local laws? Of course there are but that doesnt mean you have to be one of them.. Dave is not teaching people to break the law, he is helping people get their license. If the license holder chooses to break the laws, thats on them. Stop giving this guy a hard time. At the end of the day, whether it for personal benefit or not, he is doing his thing and during the process, he is helping a lot of people in achieving what they are trying to achieve.

06-17-2016, 01:42 PM
When I read this comment I thought where has he been for all the years I have been helping people get licensed. His situation is not unique, there are people that work for pyrotechnic companies for 20 plus years and never think about getting their own ATF license. They see all the regulations their company has to go through from CDL Hazmat endorsements, placards . fenced property etc. They see all of this as impossible or out of the reach of an average backyard enthusiast. Then , you want to shoot this stuff for the fun of it. LOL . It is also perceived as taking something away from them, they have been working for professional companies for years under the company ATF license and this random person gets their own ATF fireworks license with no professional experience. They don't like that.
Who does like it? People that get licensed , people that sell fireworks and fireworks related equipment , even ones that do not advertise with me, and a few other unnamed groups. I also like it and not just for monetary reasons , what a great feeling it is for me to get this ATF licensure process out to a large amount of fireworks enthusiast at the same time backyard fireworks are advancing to a new higher level. With help from people that purchased my ATF/DVD application package plus my advertisers I am able to continue to continue to produce videos , run this discussion forum and website free to users of fireworks. This website platform and my videos have a worldwide enthusiast following. There is a whole new group of newly licensed sophisticated users of fireworks out there, I am glad to be a part of it.

06-18-2016, 08:47 AM
I don't see anything this person stated as hating on anyone for using 1.3 for personal use. I think there are people that have a 54 and think well now I can just toss in 1.3 to my show and it's ok... that's where the misconception lies. When you toss in any 1.3 to a consumer show the entire show now becomes a 1.3 show thus requiring proper permits and more. Granted the ATF has nothing to do with the legal discharge of 1.3 they most certainly can ask that question during the process because if you don't have a legit answer they can deny you the 54 if they want to. My inspector asked me but I was ready for that question before even asked. You can say it doesn't matter where you live, ect..... but there is a reason why some states have more 54 holders then others. More importantly though is reading about someone who has zero experience in handling 1.3 but wants the 54 because they want to juice the show up. That there is my biggest concern. I think it's great that people want to pursue the 54 but really should be well versed with the product before ever shooting it

06-18-2016, 12:22 PM
Hate? I just see a couple of reasonable questions.

06-18-2016, 12:29 PM
Hate? I just see a couple of reasonable questions.

Yeah, that's all I see too.

06-18-2016, 03:30 PM
Yeah, that's all I see too.

"I guess I don't understand how your shooting 1.3 for personal use? I work 1.3 professional shows all the time. 1.3 has certain storage requirements so its not like you can pick up a few cases of 1.3 for your 4th of July show and store those in your garage. I guess what you can do is buy the 1.3 the day of your show and take them directly to the shoot site but if they are sitting around they need to be in a temp day storage or portable magazine. My last question..."

He hasnt asked a single question prior to him saying "My last question..." Instead he is stating that everything he saw in a video or videos is wrong. He works for a 1.3 display company and he is stating that everything he is seeing in Daves videos is illegal. The very first line of his statement ends in a question mark, but certainly is not a question.

My last question is doesn't the ATF come knocking on your door asking where all the 1.3 went? As part of the ATF storage requirements you have to keep strict records on your product where and when it went out the door. The ATF is cool with you saying you just shot it off for fun? I think a lot of the information is misleading here that your providing so please help me understand

Here he asks his first question and then follows it up immediately with a fact. Why the question if you know the answer other than pointing out that what he saw in the video he is questioning was wrong or he wasnt aware of the facts surrounding said video. This entire paragraph is about him pointing out what he thinks he knows to e wrong. Not a single valid question here especially seeing as how he is very aware of the rules as he works with 1.3 on a regular basis. This was all about saying I know the rules and you are breaking them.

06-18-2016, 08:24 PM
Sorry but all I still see is him stating what he has only know during his time with his display company and asking to help him understand. I guess I just don't interpret that as an attack. Lol

I guess it really doesn't matter my thoughts on it, I'm just curious to hear from Dave though, what are your thoughts? Did you take this as an attack on you? Or just someone that doesn't know anything outside the company they work for and had no idea a hobbiest could obtain their 54.

06-18-2016, 10:30 PM
CTPYRO keeps pushing that voice of reason agenda or that old pyro-universe agenda I'm not sure which one it is sometimes. As far as ilovecrackle I just glad he still has his state of origin listed. As far as that youtube comment I do not think it was hate based, but I think he feels I am somehow deceiving people, it is based on his not understanding the process. 99% of the resistance against me helping people get ATF licensed in 1.3 fireworks comes from other established pyro-technicians. I have a few theories on why that is. It has remained a constant over the years. Bazerk and many others grasp the concept quickly to become new advanced users of fireworks and fireworks related accessories. Not everyone wants to believe it or likes it can be done that quickly.
I get positive emails and YouTube comments all time. Occasionally I get YouTube comments that are not so positive or different, I want to sometimes share those also. This was an example.

06-18-2016, 10:41 PM
CTPYRO keeps pushing that voice of reason agenda or that old pyro-universe agenda I'm not sure which one it is sometimes. As far as ilovecrackle I just glad he still has his state of origin listed. As far as that youtube comment I do not think it was hate based, but I think he feels I am somehow deceiving people, it is based on his not understanding the process. 99% of the resistance against me helping people get ATF licensed in 1.3 fireworks comes from other established pyro-technicians. I have a few theories on why that is. It has remained a constant over the years. Bazerk and many others grasp the concept quickly to become new advanced users of fireworks and fireworks related accessories. Not everyone wants to believe it or likes it can be done that quickly.
I get positive emails and YouTube comments all time. Occasionally I get YouTube comments that are not so positive or different, I want to sometimes share those also. This was an example.

Great explanation Dave. Thanks for the response. :)

06-21-2016, 10:05 AM
I'm pushing nothing... I'm merely stating what is right and wrong