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View Full Version : Hello from KY

06-12-2016, 11:36 PM
Hello, My name is Richard I live in KY. Been doing backyard 4th shows since about age 12. Started off with just a few 12 shell re-loadables each year got more and better than last. I've always hand lit and fused finales. Never cared much for cakes yeah there nice but i love being up close with the mortar tubes (trying to light a shell next to one that just went off :D). Always bought my fireworks from Phantom my budgets never been much so my shows are normally short. Thanks to Dave that all changed last year when I saw this video.


I now get twice as much fireworks for the same budget I would have spent at Phantom or any other big box store.
I'd also like to thank Dave for another video that introduced me to FireTek I now own an FTH48 the compact model with Bluetooth. This year will be my first time using a firing system.

My 2016 Stash
300 Mortar tubes (6*50 shot fanned racks)
336 60g shells multiple brands
23 500g cakes
31 200g cakes

Will have video of this years show posted.
One day I plan to get ATF type 54 cert

06-16-2016, 03:28 AM
Welcome to the forums and that sounds like a pretty good show. Make sure to post up any video of the setup and show

06-16-2016, 05:14 AM
Welcome aboard Richard! Sounds like you've upgraded your show just a tad since age 12. :cool: Looking forward to seeing your setup and show after the 4th!

Hope you have a safe and loud 4th!

06-16-2016, 08:20 AM
Welcome to the Forum. Looks like you have "smelled the smoke".

06-16-2016, 08:35 AM
At Redwood
Thank you for all you mentioned in your comment. You made me feel that long drive to Kentucky was worth it when I made that video. With that FireTEK system and the nice amount of product you have, you will be advancing nicely. Get back to us and tell us how your experience with the FireTEK went when you shoot your show.

06-16-2016, 10:03 PM
Hi Richard, a fellow Kentuckian here. I am also new to the forum, yet also completely new to the pyrotechnic game, which it doesn't sound like you are! I bet those racks are insane! I am looking forward to seeing the video of your show.

06-16-2016, 10:21 PM
Welcome, sounds like a nice little setup, like others have said would be great to see a video of the show. Congrats on the FireTek system!

06-17-2016, 12:46 AM
Thanks everyone for welcoming me I do plan to have setup video and the show posted. Although am new to taking video but will do my best. As for my racks I followed this guide to the tee. Click here (https://holidappy.com/holidays/How-to-build-a-Fourth-of-July-50-shot-mortar-tube-launcher)

06-17-2016, 03:51 AM
As for my racks I followed this guide to the tee. Click here (https://holidappy.com/holidays/How-to-build-a-Fourth-of-July-50-shot-mortar-tube-launcher)

Interesting... Based on my technical abilities, for all my racks I followed this guide to the tee. 1090

06-21-2016, 06:35 PM
Thanks everyone for welcoming me I do plan to have setup video and the show posted. Although am new to taking video but will do my best. As for my racks I followed this guide to the tee. Click here (https://holidappy.com/holidays/How-to-build-a-Fourth-of-July-50-shot-mortar-tube-launcher)

Those are the same kind of racks I built and the same video I referenced. I didn't make my own mortars though. I purchased them from either pyroboom.com or pyrodirect.com.

06-21-2016, 07:55 PM
Yeah I bought my mortars just used the guide to build the racks