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View Full Version : 1.3 License For NY

06-06-2016, 12:23 PM
Im interested in buying the DVD to get my license but I want to see whats even possible first.

Fireworks aren't legal in NY at all for those who don't know. I am a firework enthusiast and I want to see if there's a way I can enjoy fireworks in my area. I was reading around the forum and it seems people have successfully succeeded in getting the license but my question is do I need to have a magazine to store everything? Also do I need some kind of insurance for a show?

I just want to be able to buy fireworks and shoot them off at my house.


06-06-2016, 12:37 PM
First things first welcome to the forum and I am a fellow new yorker, we are now a safe and sane state. Not all fireworks are legal but some are. Secondly it is possible to get your 54 here in NY, I have dave's dvd and the only issue I am having is getting contingency storage. I can't seem to get an answer at the moment about storage. The only other thing is lighting 1.3 in NY isn't really going to be that easy, not that it's not possible but there will be hurdles at this time.

06-06-2016, 12:38 PM
I do not think this license is for you. If you need a ground up education on the ATF licensing process, you are going to have to purchase my DVD/application process. I can't go back and forth with questions when someone has no idea of the concept. It is reasonable priced and explains the procedure. My initial impression reading your email. It is not for you. It sounds like you want to be the only house in your neighborhood that is allowed to shoot fireworks in your backyard when no one else is permitted. The last sentence you wrote is the real question. The ATF license is not for that purpose.

06-06-2016, 12:46 PM
I do not think this license is for you. If you need a ground up education on the ATF licensing process, you are going to have to purchase my DVD/application process. I can't go back and forth with questions when someone has no idea of the concept. It is reasonable priced and explains the procedure. My initial impression reading your email. It is not for you. It sounds like you want to be the only house in your neighborhood that is allowed to shoot fireworks in your backyard when no one else is permitted. The last sentence you wrote is the real question. The ATF license is not for that purpose.

I have to agree with your assessment Dave, NY is now a safe and sane state and this one still thinks fireworks are illegal. Some are but not all are.

06-06-2016, 12:59 PM
Wow I was hoping for a better welcoming! I am a big fan and have been watching Daves videos for a long time.

The reason why I came here was to learn. So now I know safe and sane fireworks are allowed in NY thank you for that information.

06-06-2016, 01:21 PM
Wow I was hoping for a better welcoming! I am a big fan and have been watching Daves videos for a long time.

The reason why I came here was to learn. So now I know safe and sane fireworks are allowed in NY thank you for that information.

You have to understand that Dave gets a bad rep for doing what he does and its usually a result of misinformation being involved. He helps people get this license. When the people who do get licensed start using it to do more harm than good, then it reflects badly on him. I can see where his answer would have come off a little brash, but my feeling is that is why. I may be wrong and he may correct me, but I believe it to be at least part of the reason. On top of that, he did and continues to put time and effort in to making that package as well as all of the videos most of us enjoy watching. He scratches our backs by helping and we scratch his by paying a small amount for his time and effort.

06-06-2016, 02:12 PM
I didn't mean to cause a problem im just a fellow pyro who wants to learn. Im sure everyone was in my position at some point. I just bought the DVD. Hopefully I get some answers but I don't think the DVD will contain the NY related question I have that's why I asked in the first place.

06-06-2016, 02:14 PM
I didn't mean to cause a problem im just a fellow pyro who wants to learn. Im sure everyone was in my position at some point. I just bought the DVD. Hopefully I get some answers but I don't think the DVD will contain the NY related question I have that's why I asked in the first place.

PM me bud. Ill help wherever I can.

06-06-2016, 02:49 PM
Ajp989- Another thing to keep in mind is just because you get your type 54 license, it does not automatically allow you to legally shoot fireworks (in your backyard) other than safe and sane legally in your state of NY.
Your type 54 license is just a federal license that allows you to purchase 1.3 fireworks.
From me reading through these forums, there seems to be quite a few from NY that has gotten their 54 so if this is what you want, by all means go for it! :)
But just so you know, obtaining your 54 will not allow you to even shoot consumer fireworks legally in your backyard (without a state permit).

Now as for obtaining permits to legally shoot in NY, maybe some NY pyro's can chime in on that since I'm not familiar with NY laws.
And maybe some of the NY pyro's might be able to suggest any pyro clubs in NY or any surrounding states.

06-06-2016, 02:52 PM
well said Mr Crackle

06-06-2016, 03:58 PM
I must say it's great for you to join the forums and learn what you can and if I came off like a jerk I apologize for that as that was not meant to be. I will actually send you a pm as well but like you I'm in NY and advancing myself as well. There are just a lot of variables at play in our state and you never know who's lurking here to try and misuse any information we post especially in NY. Just please be careful about certain posts here about what you do.

As far as permits in NY, I am pretty sure they want ny shooters card, insurance, etc. Hopefully someone else with a 54 from NY will chime in and help me out cause like stated in previous post I can't get any answers or info for my contingency storage. Anyway it is great to see another new yorker hear and hey some one else who love's pyro can help us expand our law.

06-06-2016, 04:32 PM
You need a cert of compentency from the state of NY to legally shoot 1.3..... but before you can even do that there is the test you need to take with approved shows you have shot under a lead shooters watch...

06-06-2016, 05:53 PM
At ajp98

I received your order, it will go out in the AM. Now that I see where you live, you should be able to get through this. I am sending a private message.

06-07-2016, 09:16 AM
New York State is a catch-22. I have both an ATF manufacturing license and NYS license to deal in explosives, and a Certificate of Competency to shoot fireworks. I was asked last year to shoot some 1.4 cakes at a wedding (the family was providing the fireworks) on private property. The only thing I could find to legally do this was to get a permit, which requires proof of insurance. The regs do not differentiate between 1.4 and 1.3 fireworks. I called my NYS inspector for his imput, and after consulting with his boss, could not come up with an answer. It is a very grey area in NY and the different regs from different agencies don't make a lot of sense. I contacted our local fire department, shot off the cakes, and went on my merry old way. I doubt if this answers your question, because I don't believe there is an answer.

06-07-2016, 10:46 AM
It helps thanks. So you have a 54 in addition to the other licenses you said?

06-07-2016, 03:22 PM
It helps thanks. So you have a 54 in addition to the other licenses you said?

The 54 is not a manufacturing license. There is another type of ATF license/permit for making your own fireworks

06-07-2016, 06:11 PM
If you make fireworks for your own use you don't need a manufacturing license, but that is another story. LOL

06-07-2016, 06:19 PM
My ATF license is a type 20, or "Manufacturer of Explosives". It allows me to manufacture fireworks for my own use. A large part of it relies on having a proper storage magazine and meeting the required distances for it. The ATF site may answer some of your questions.

06-07-2016, 07:07 PM
We have a lot of people from New York & New Jersey in the CrackerJacks Club & have several shoots a year in PA where these guys come & have a BLAST--literally & figuratively. If you would like more "inside" information, shoot me a PM. And check out the web site crackerjacks.org.
And---welcome to the Forum.

06-08-2016, 10:09 AM
Thanks! been looking for a club sent you a pm

06-24-2016, 02:08 AM
I'm not an expert on it, but my understanding of how it works in NY is that, in addition to the ATF license, you'll need and OPT (own, possess & transport) license from the State Div. of Labor/Dept of Safety & Health. NY also needs you to show proper storage in an ATF approved magazine, and show a valid ATF license first. A NY Certificate of Competency is only required if you are the lead operator at a "public" display. Yes, insurance is always required at a "public" display. A NY Manufacturer of Explosives license is also available, and obtaining that will obviate the requirement for an OPT. I am in the middle of this process now, and am confident I will get everything I need no problem. In theory at least, you could shoot fireworks every night at your house if you got permission from the AHJ and local Fire Marshal to do so every day of the year. Good luck with that one (unless your uncle is the Mayor, LOL). In rural areas in upstate NY that could happen, or perhaps more likely, permission for every Saturday night from 8 - 11pm as a "club shoot". In such a scenario, you would in effect be exempt from all the fireworks laws on the books in NY during those hours. You would have to rely on fireworks friendly neighbors that would tolerate it, as you would still be subject to disturbing the peace laws, disorderly conduct, and a host of other "catch alls". Another consideration is starting a forest fire that could consume several homes. You could be held liable civilly for the property damage, and criminally in someone was injured or died in the resulting fire. Just something to think about.

07-05-2016, 08:28 PM
Great to hear there are people like me out here in NY. I just ordered the video. Does anybody know of any clubs near the Saratoga area?

07-06-2016, 11:43 AM
Great to hear there are people like me out here in NY. I just ordered the video. Does anybody know of any clubs near the Saratoga area?

Welcome to the forum. I am just south of you in the Albany area and as of this moment there are no clubs around our area. I would love to start one and I am also working on contingency storage for my atf type 54 at the moment.

07-06-2016, 01:24 PM
Great, I have been doing some homework on contingency storage. Can't find a thing. Keep me informed on how the process goes. How do you use PM.

07-07-2016, 11:54 AM
American Fireworks in Utica sells 1.3 so you might find contingency there

07-07-2016, 06:28 PM
American Fireworks in Utica sells 1.3 so you might find contingency there

Thanks for the info.

08-16-2016, 06:57 AM
Just received my letter of contingency and moving forward to complete the process and hopefully add another new yorker to the 54 club.

08-16-2016, 08:09 AM
Great job Chris

08-16-2016, 08:56 AM
User and Chris, You should check out Santores World Famous Fireworks in Stillwater. They are always looking for shooters and do lots of shows in the Albany/Saratoga areas. How old are you?

08-16-2016, 09:29 AM
At chriskrc
Good job, keep it going, get the fingerprints done and mail it in. Keep the momentum going.
At rocky99
These guys are at least over 21 because they are applying for ATF licenses. Put them to work on some shows. LOL

08-16-2016, 11:21 AM
User and Chris, You should check out Santores World Famous Fireworks in Stillwater. They are always looking for shooters and do lots of shows in the Albany/Saratoga areas. How old are you?

I contacted them before it became Santores and never heard back but I will probably contact them since change of ownership has happened.

08-16-2016, 11:23 AM
At chriskrc
Good job, keep it going, get the fingerprints done and mail it in. Keep the momentum going.
At rocky99
These guys are at least over 21 because they are applying for ATF licenses. Put them to work on some shows. LOL

Thanks Dave I will surely keep everyone up to date with the whole process

08-16-2016, 01:14 PM
Right behind you hoping it get it sent out this week

08-18-2016, 02:20 PM
Just sent mine in playing the waiting game now

08-19-2016, 07:27 AM
Contact Jeff Ward, the general manager, at 664-9994.