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View Full Version : Homemade Wasp superstinger frame

06-27-2011, 05:43 AM
In the process of building a wasp super stinger. still a few adjustments need to be made for the motor mounts and the supports either side . Next update will be the finished product pasting a shell, tell us what you think so far.

06-27-2011, 06:54 AM
Just a heads up last person to copy the wasp (and also use their software) got a nasty letter from the owners lawyers. You might want to keep what you are making quite. Looking good though

06-27-2011, 11:32 AM
ouch yeah wouldn't want that. although, what would the legal issue be if they weren't selling it? just wondering

06-28-2011, 01:00 AM
woops so it doesnt help it when you email them asking to buy there software. But yeah what would be wrong if you were only using it for your own use and not selling it

06-28-2011, 09:31 PM
Ive got no idea fireworks is my forte,law is not but I guess it would be like illegally downloading someone's music.

Whitepyro the reason there is something wrong with making a clone is that the developers of the wasp dedicated hundreds of hours to the project to make their product and are selling it at quite a reasonable price. If you were to dedicate that much time you wouldnt want someone just cloning what you had done. Wait for a response from them if its positive than your in luck if its negative " you took it to the scrap metal dealer"

06-29-2011, 01:02 AM
well they cant sue me im on the other side of the world next door to you ralph

06-29-2011, 04:49 AM
lol you from that medium sized state that doesn't wish to admit its part of Australia ;)

Im actually considering buying a WASP though ~2K + postage is still quite a good price

06-29-2011, 04:53 AM
cheeky bugger. Yeah or use your brain and build one for 4 hundy

06-29-2011, 06:57 PM
Are you going to write your own software to operate the machine?
Also I don't see any stepper motors or controller they aren't very cheap.


06-30-2011, 01:22 AM
Notice that it says in the "process" of making one, meaning i'm not yet finished ,Yes i have the motors now but i think $55 a motor is very cheap. And no i am going to make a G code and control it via mach3 software