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View Full Version : Good consumer level companies?

05-16-2016, 05:16 PM
Hey guys,

I've been watching the youtube videos for awhile but have just lately been getting much more heavily into fireworks. I've always done shows for my families 4th of July where we drop around $1000 or more depending on the crowd and my skills and knowledge have grown quite a bit over the years. Anyways, after watching Dave's videos I started realizing we could save a ton of money by ordering online. I live in Nebraska so you can understand why it's not easy getting my hands on product outside of the 4th of July holiday and even then, the prices are completely asinine. We're talking anywhere from $90 and up for a single LOW end 500g cake....and those are the cheap ones believe it or not.....

With that being said, what are some of the best companies to order online from in my situation? I really like Spirit of '76 but their shipping rates would take 1/4 to 1/2 of my budget right off the bat. I came across a company by the name of BIG fireworks and was able to get a wholesale account with them where they offer free shipping on orders of at least $500. For 500g cakes their prices range from $50 for a case of 8 to $120 for a case of 4. Is this about the best deal I'm going to find? Or does anyone know an even better company?

I would love to get my type 54 license but since I'm only doing one show a year, I have a hard time justifying all of the extra work involved. The only time anyone around here has fireworks outside of the 4th are for large events. College baseball/football games, large city events, etc and they contract much larger out of state companies to do them.

I apologize if this has been asked before on here. Like I said, I'm new to the site and trying to push myself into the next level of fireworks. Thank you for any replies!

On a side note, I want to get a firing system but can't afford a brand new Cobra system or equivalent. Are there any sites other than ebay that sell them used or even just cheaper brands? I know I can get the dirt cheap chinese systems that have like 2 cues or 4 cues but I'd something with a decent number of cues at the very least....

05-16-2016, 07:02 PM
Before I read your entire message I did a little speed reading. My initially impression was limited funds. Now that I read the entire message my impression is limited funds. It is hard to take $1000.00 and have it all so to speak. The reality is you can not take $1000.00 have a large amount of fireworks shipped to your home and have a Cobra Fireworks Firing System to fire it all. Fireworks are an expensive hobby, advancing further into fireworks with an ATF license and wireless firing systems makes it all the more expensive. All the suggestions on where to shop can only do so much. The funds have to be there.
Here is the answer, tell those people coming to the picnic to give you more money. Demand for fireworks is high this time of year so prices will not be all that cheap. If you take $1000.00 and buy fireworks in February than you will find a better deal. Another suggestion is to find other fireworks enthusiast in your are and combine your order , this reduces the shipping cost. Getting an ATF license will allow you to purchase 1.3 fireworks if you feel you are competent to handle them. The price of 1.3 fireworks are more consistent and not subject to all the BOGO type marketing etc.
Run through my advertiser list and see what deals they will give you. I can not recommend you to purchase fireworks from people that are not part of this website.

05-17-2016, 06:59 AM
Chin up ! everyone has a different perspective and $1000 is enuff for a fabulous show especially if you do your homework !!

surf wholesale fireworks - no big secret club - the info is there !
my 1st year I think I ordered from 3 diff places and a tiny <$50 for a specialty product . MY FAVORITE is a sponsor here - eddie @ lil china / nite lites is a good start - HE has a hella selection and great prices - call and ask for a pricelist /cd .......... Don't be freaked out by shipping - you'll still be getting a case for nearwhat you paid for a single.hahaha Nebraska singles !

It fluctuates and sucks but my guess is 200 shipping and 800 products -((your $1000 )) sounds like a decent guess ( for me ) . HAULIN a pallet or 2 of explosibves across the country to you in Podunk Nebraska hahaha for $200-not unreasonable ! come on truckers gotta work !

ANYWAYS - I did a fabulous 15-17 min show for that.($800). built my own racks etc etc........

Lastly people will help you but yuh gotta do some research yourself....and whinning about shipping hahaha suck it up cupcake ! everybody pays shipping , wanna play gotta pay.....good luck

WHOLESALE is a game changer ! ANDDDDDDDDDD yup yuh gotta start earlier - THE SALES start like feb !!! This stuff is stupid expensive - missing the big early bird incentives is a rookie mistake..... Also you are bumping into their BUSY TIME - yuh don't wanna be last min - the big companies are servicing their prime customers /priority will be on the guys that spend thousands . Not to mention by now the favorites/ most popular are likely sold out ? yeah yeah chin up again ! - you still have plenty time to get an order in and plenty to choose from.

I used the cheap Chinese sets - with creative fusing and a few mods - you have ridiculous options ! I have a cobra set now ........you can save and work up to that later , ask for pieces for Christmas ,birthday ETC

05-17-2016, 08:38 AM
Watch Dave's video on building a nail board! It will suffice to your needs at first. It might be perplexing at first, but you'll catch on.
Then save up your pocket change till fall to attempt to get a real firing system. Try to find a local club to get advice and experience. Watch more vids. You'll get hooked!

05-17-2016, 11:28 AM
The company I buy from is in Ohio. I live in Florida. I had 26 cases delivered last month and the shipping was something like $350. I bought them in March because they offer a 40% discount in March, 30% in April, and 20% in May. So far this year I'm in for $2500. Like the other guys said, this is an expensive hobby. My best advice would be to buy early and buy in the off-season. Unfortunately UPS and FedEx don't have off-seasons. So the shipping issue you'll just have to factor in your budget. I also picked up a nice wireless remote firing system with 12 remotes for $200. It came with talon fuses too. Much MUCH cheaper than a Cobra system, and it will still light the fuses! Google is your friend. Good luck!

Wholesale Fireworks
05-18-2016, 12:35 PM

We have just what you need and are licensed to sell in Nebraska. check out our website www.wfboom.com and feel free to give me a call or PM here. Even if you dont buy from us we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

06-04-2016, 02:52 AM

We have just what you need and are licensed to sell in Nebraska. check out our website www.wfboom.com and feel free to give me a call or PM here. Even if you dont buy from us we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

+1 on these guys. Product is excellent.

I should have stopped in on my trip back from Detroit over Memorial Weekend. Drove right by, Damnit!

06-04-2016, 05:41 PM
Big part of the fun every year and only way to save is...................ROADTRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-05-2016, 12:33 PM
Big part of the fun every year and only way to save is...................ROADTRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!

+1 onthe road trip, there's just something about making the trip