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05-04-2016, 10:17 AM
Hey folks. I've loved fireworks since my uncle brought up some bottle rockets up for the 4th when I was 6. I remember ordering blue Angel catalog and wearing it out looking at all the pictures. Never ordered anything, but dreamed about doing so. When I got older I was able to get the magical list from my uncle and that's when all he'll broke loose. He actually had some salutes crackers that you can't find anywhere. My paperboy money went quick. I still have a soft spot for bottle rockets and firecrackers. Recently found some of the old cracker pack art, and brought back so many memories. My oldest son has caught the bug and we love looking at all the fun novelty stuff and rockets in our stash. I'm going to try some reloadable morter this year. I had them before kids and really liked the Excalibur. Has anything come along that's better or one that's notable? Thanks!

05-04-2016, 12:50 PM
Welcome to the forum. Excals, big pro shells, exterminator are all awesome. Where in the Hudson Valley are you?

05-04-2016, 12:53 PM
Thanks for joining the pyrotalk forums. When I talked with the people at Phantom Fireworks they told me Blue Angel was their name prior to Phantom. Along with BJ Alan Company. I have a few advertisers located near that end of Pennsylvania if you are need of fireworks this July 4th. Most of the canister artillery shells are nice and close to the same in performance.
Has anything come along better you ask? Some of the 1.4 or old Class C stuff has come along nicely. If you want beyond that you will need an ATF license. Nice you are seeing the excitement in your son and reliving your own experience.

05-04-2016, 02:21 PM
Yeah, it is fun. He was home sick today, so we went through some of leftover stash. I found a great guy about an hour from me. Big D is the place. What are some places you recommend near me. I cheked out some of the advertiserS places, and most out near Ohio. I found a pdf of the catalog the other day and brought up so many memories, I think it was from 86

05-04-2016, 05:53 PM
One of my advertisers Mess Fireworks is around 180 miles from you in Great Bend Pennsylvania. That may or may not be too far for you. Depending on your budget you can have cases of fireworks shipped to you. Although living in the state of New York it may work a little differently than normal. Either way enjoy yourself with the fireworks you do purchase wherever that is.

Fire Art
05-07-2016, 03:13 PM
Welcome to the forums! I get out that way once in a while, maybe we can meet up.

05-08-2016, 07:21 PM
I advise joining a club so you and your son can go to the open shoots and get to meet great people and make good connections. Its the best way for people getting into or back into pyro to see all aspects of the hobby and to safely get acquainted with products you haven't had experience with. Food friends and LOTS of Fireworks! Can it get any better???!!

05-08-2016, 10:18 PM
Nice, thanks for replies. Sounds good Ant. I'm also a cigar lover too. I'll look into that Dion, thanks

05-08-2016, 11:20 PM
Welcome nayslayer.

05-09-2016, 08:34 AM
I advise joining a club so you and your son can go to the open shoots and get to meet great people and make good connections. Its the best way for people getting into or back into pyro to see all aspects of the hobby and to safely get acquainted with products you haven't had experience with. Food friends and LOTS of Fireworks! Can it get any better???!!
Welcome Nayslayer. To copy what Dion Said - check out some local clubs...Cracker Jacks, Pa Pyro Artists, NLPC for this area. If you want to go to the WEST side of NY then WNYPA

05-09-2016, 11:23 AM
Welcome, Good to see someone from Hudson Valley NY pretty country up there. I grew up in the village of Cold Spring and they used to have great firework displays down at the dock over the Hudson. I remember the Jaycees put the event on and back in the 70s they would hand fire the shows back then blue angel would ship product via UPS right to your front door, Boy times have changed. Anyway again welcome