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View Full Version : Feedback on ATF license

04-29-2016, 09:07 PM
When you hear about people trying to stop me from ATF licensing fireworks enthusiast, they usually cite all sorts of reason about someone getting hurt or legal issues etc. I keep telling you they are trying to stop me for reasons other than the ones the want you to believe. Here is a feedback comment on one of my YouTube videos.
copy and paste
You were mentioned during some small talk at my pgi class, they were discussing your DVD pkg and how people with no experience were getting licensed and trying to undercut their business of doing displays... The class was 1/2 law enforcement or fire dept... 1/4 display operators who do shows for a living and the last quarter was hobbyists like me who got a 54 to get better shells and salutes.... A couple of us sang your praise while a few other were not as big of fans... I thank you for all that you do and the great videos that you make....
They are trying to stop me for the same reasons Cabelas , Gander Mountain etc tries to stop all those little independent guys at gun shows from selling gun. It is all about money and control of the fireworks enthusiast market. The people trying to stop me and are not concerned about your safety or legal issues. They are concerned about their own issues. Have you noticed for 5 years they were dead set against you getting an ATF Fireworks license. Now all of sudden they will show you how to do it "The free and correct version". I keep telling you the real enemy of pyrotechnic is not the ATF or imaginary anti-fireworks groups. The real enemy of pyrotechnics is actually a group of people in pyrotechnics. How these people have any credibility over the years amazes me!

04-30-2016, 08:04 AM
I've made this argument before. It's like many in the hobby covet their knowledge and position as enthusiasts and seek to control what's going on with their own set of rules and regulations concerning what's best for the hobby. "We have met the enemy and it is US."

04-30-2016, 01:48 PM
This is just my opinion but sounds like to me that people of another website and you need to resolve your problems on your own and stop complaining about it to other people. If some one is serious about obtaining an ATF permit they don't need help from others they need to do their own hard work and research and they will obtain one. That is the problem with the world today every one is complaining about every one else instead of worrying about how they can make it a safer place to live

04-30-2016, 04:04 PM
Dave is right on this one. Sometimes the the truth hurts.

05-01-2016, 01:44 PM
I am running my own race so to speak, but at the same time, I have to defend myself. When someone is trying to poison the minds of my fireworks enthusiast subscribers and advertisers, I have to expose it. It all comes from a few established current enthusiast and professionals. Once you know what their motives are, it makes it easier to understand. With the sudden increase in ATF license holders and advanced users of fireworks, it now changes the playing field. The current good players, for example large fireworks companies and equipment entrepreneur’s, welcome and embrace this new market. It brings new opportunities and customers. However, there are those that do not embrace it and want to stop it. It challenges and changes their position in the game. It takes the game in a new direct. They may not be part of this new direction. Because the game has changed, they are not sure what their position is, this is why you see their position change from time to time. It is an effort to get back in the game or, attempt to destroy it in hopes of bringing the old game back. An old game where they will go back to the top players. To ignore it all is to deny it.
How good do you think it makes me feel to hear about someone finding my videos, watches them, becomes inspired, then goes on to become ATF licensed, state shooter licensed, buy a firing system , display a pyro-musical and work part time for a professional fireworks company. It has happened multiple times over the years, I am proud to be a part of it. I enjoy seeing other people be successful. Not everyone does. Not everyone wants advancing fireworks enthusiast, some people want it to stop. They come up with this guise of you are not knowledgeable, you are not competent or legally you cannot do it etc. Then when that is proven to be untrue a new guise is created. It is all designed to confuse and discourage the advancing fireworks enthusiast. Come join us and cling to old ways of doing things you will hear. Don’t be part of this new direction, you will get yourself in trouble they will say.
Funny thing as an example, using one of my advertisers Phantom Fireworks. Of all the companies out there that would want to stop me from doing what I do, you would think it would be them. You can imagine all the reasons. Instead, they sign up to be part of it. Allow me to spontaneously drive to their warehouse, video the entire operation and not even want to view the video before I post it. Then I get invited to their private party. I use them as an example but have done this same thing with other fireworks companies both retail and professional. I am fortunate I have the support of the major players in the field. I also have the support of thousands of fireworks enthusiast. It is a good feeling. I can only address the occasional interference from time to time, the disgruntled players throw out there.

05-02-2016, 07:00 AM
Their are those who are stuck in the old times and those who have moved themselves into the new times. Dave you do great things for this industry and with the Internet it's easier to gain knowledge now. In my opinion hands on training is the best still and going to a training class never hurts but that does not mean people shouldn't be able to advance themselves.

Northern Sky
05-02-2016, 09:20 AM
I for one have been around for a bit and am tired of hearing this CRAP repeatedly.

On here you are the only one that keeps kicking the hive. Who are you defending yourself from, the phantom they? "They" aren't here. You banned them and pretty much anyone that is a member of other fireworks forums or websites. Please for the love of all that goes BOOM, crying about what others think you.

My mother used to say "All the water of the seven seas can't hurt you until it gets in". Get over it.

There isn't a fight if there is no opponent.

05-02-2016, 02:57 PM
You don’t hear it repeatedly, you hear once every three months. LOL
You going to Pyrofest this year? How many of my helpers and ATF licensed people did you steal this year?

Northern Sky
05-02-2016, 03:41 PM
I'm still on the fence about Pyrofest. I have a few things holding me up at the moment. It is a busy season thus year again. I have been being "encouraged" by a few people to crew and teach a bit on their displays. Last year I bought VIP and just wanted to eat drink and be happy with Joe and the boys but we got ropped. Into working all Saturday.

Time will tell.
As far as stealing people, I don't understand. I didn't know you had a crew to steal from. I'm just a hobiest lighting fuses.

05-02-2016, 04:19 PM
Its a joke from last year, when you took Pat from the Muse fireworks and put to him work up in Erie somewhere with you. I think Pat may be at Pyrofest this year. I heard they put some of you guys to work when they were running late last year. Putting all those displays on in two days in a row is a massive undertaking, it was nice of you guys to help.

05-02-2016, 07:35 PM
Last year I bought VIP and just wanted to eat drink and be happy with Joe and the boys but we got ropped. Into working all Saturday.
Well, one thing I did learn was your fondness for my Espresso & Beef Jerky! LOL.
The entire Bixler Pyro crew [except for me] went out to help set up Ricardo's show. Me, I'm the old guy & was there to relax---so I stayed behind & did that---relaxed!!!
It was pretty disorganized from what the guys said---way too many people trying to help out but not getting the direction they needed.
We aren't going to Pyrofest this year since we will be going to PGI---and will be doing a show there.