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View Full Version : Kneppy's Fireworks - all products have arrived

06-26-2011, 07:27 AM
Just to let you all know - all of our products have finally all arrived. We shot all the new Cutting Edge, Windmill, and Brothers products during a small show last week - all looks great! Did a private daylight demo yesterday of Windmill stuff - all great. I was able to take notes on that one.
So we have some prime stuff now ready for your pickup at Kneppy's!
Joyce and Henry

06-28-2011, 12:34 AM
Pay for a 1 week banner on this site? It would be convinient for us consumers. Just saying thats all.

06-28-2011, 10:54 PM
i have a 1 year banner on this site - good till aobut April, 2012.
also website is in my signature....

06-29-2011, 09:53 PM
If I'm not mistaken Cutting Edge has something to do with Mega Banger. Anyone know anything about this?

06-29-2011, 10:10 PM
dont know but can look into it for you

07-15-2011, 11:47 AM
You've been selling fireworks for a while now. Just a question out of curiousity. I know it's personal preference, but which mortar kit would you say has the best ROUND shells, as far as break size, orientation of the break, burst sound etc? I know the excals, megabangers, pro shells all have great canisters, but I'm not familiar with many of the consumer ball shells.

07-15-2011, 12:48 PM
I found a nice kit from Kneppy's this year from Windmill: W5005 Sky Tiger 6 pack. Got a case in April & when I saw how they broke I got a second case in June! Heavy ball shell, good height & solid breaks! Not expensive, either. There are six different effects-all with rising tail. Down side is the shells aren't marked what they are. There are 2 ea. with red, white, & green string loops on the fuse..you could figure it out which 2 are each string color--the box lists the effects-
1. Green glitter & crackling w/rising tail
2. Green Purple peony w/green tail
3. Silver palm tree w/ silver tail
4. Gold wave to red w/ golden tail
5. Time rain w/ golden tail
6. Crackling w/ crackling tail
#3 & #5 were particularly nice for such a small shell--I get tired of peonies!!!
Not as big & bad as Pro Shells or Excal's but a really nice shell for the size & price. I used 50 of them fast fused in my finale--looked really nice. I will be getting several cases again. I hope Kneppy's keeps them in their inventory. A+++ in my book.

07-23-2011, 01:34 PM
Joyce always has a very nice selection of shells to choose from. Give the Golden One shells a shot that she carries. They have a very nice mine effect under a very symmetrical break. Great quality shell.

07-23-2011, 11:11 PM
Joyce always has a very nice selection of shells to choose from. Give the Golden One shells a shot that she carries. They have a very nice mine effect under a very symmetrical break. Great quality shell.

I agree completely.