View Full Version : Storage Magazine Questions

02-05-2016, 11:41 AM
Ok guys, tomorrow I start the construction of my Type 4 storage magazine and I have one question that I am hoping someone can answer for me. I have scoured the internet and read everything I can find posted by the ATF and still dont know the answer I need. So any of you guys know if the roof shape matters? Specifically, do they care if its a flat roof, gabled roof or any kind of pitched roof? I know it has to be metal no matter what type of roof it is, but do they care about the shape? Ive put a call into the ATF several times with no response and I dont know who else to ask. I assume that they dont mind because shipping containers are flat and I have seen ATF approved magazines that have gabled roofs. Just looking for some insight.


02-05-2016, 10:55 PM
I had a few people construct their own storage. Did you search the forums? Most people convert a job box into a magazine and place it in a shed.
Here is at least one ATF document I found. The ATF will probably not call you back and just refer you to their website and Orange Book.

02-07-2016, 11:58 PM
Thanks Dave. I did have that one. What I find annoying is that they won't tell you anything specifically. I know how to construct a shed and I know what their regulations state but they also don't state any specifics. For example, the shape of the roof, thickness of the wood used on the floor or door. Thickness of metal that can be used to cover the wood and roof. They do t say how big or small it can or can't be. Then when I do get a hold of them and ask them these questions they say "well we can't really tell you how to build it". I feel like saying "well there must be a minimum requirement somewhere". Either way I've got the framing up on mine now and am ordering the metal siding for the roof and exterior tomorrow. Then I will get the inside lined with osb and finally attach my door and hasp locks. I will let you guys know how it goes with the inspection.

02-08-2016, 11:35 AM
Well I put in a few hours on Saturday and ended up with a finished framed magazine. The internal storage will be 6ft x 6ft x 6ft. Total cost at this point is $325.00. I will be ordering the metal for the sides and roof this week. Once that is done I will line the inside walls with OSB to make it non sparking and lastly, add my hasp locks and submit my application and hopefully get approved.


02-08-2016, 11:45 AM
Looks good man

02-09-2016, 07:54 AM
That looks great.

02-09-2016, 01:53 PM
Thanks guys. I will post the pictures of the magazine once the metal is installed. One step closer to the license. Very excited!

02-09-2016, 10:29 PM
You are looking good on that outdoor building. Is that insect repel-ant wood you are using? Thanks for keeping us updated on this. Remember the ATF may not be use to seeing someone do what you are doing in Florida. I really do not know the area that well. When you get to the application and inspection part , do not let them convince you to withdraw the application. Keep us posted. And for sure let me know when you are scheduled for an inspection. I want to give you a pep talk.
A story comes to mind, an ATF Inspector told me a story of a man that built a small outhouse looking shed and placed a magazine inside of it. He got approved to hold 50 lbs of dynamite. He laughed and said while it looked like an outhouse , it met the requirements. On a future annual inspection he had one too many sticks of dynamite in it making it 51 pounds. They counted twice and came up with the extra pound. He received a letter of warning not to do it again and stay within the 50 lbs.
Also keep in mind, it is permitted to have multiple 50 lbs storage on the same property.

02-10-2016, 01:13 AM
You are looking good on that outdoor building. Is that insect repel-ant wood you are using? Thanks for keeping us updated on this. Remember the ATF may not be use to seeing someone do what you are doing in Florida. I really do not know the area that well. When you get to the application and inspection part , do not let them convince you to withdraw the application. Keep us posted. And for sure let me know when you are scheduled for an inspection. I want to give you a pep talk.
A story comes to mind, an ATF Inspector told me a story of a man that built a small outhouse looking shed and placed a magazine inside of it. He got approved to hold 50 lbs of dynamite. He laughed and said while it looked like an outhouse , it met the requirements. On a future annual inspection he had one too many sticks of dynamite in it making it 51 pounds. They counted twice and came up with the extra pound. He received a letter of warning not to do it again and stay within the 50 lbs.
Also keep in mind, it is permitted to have multiple 50 lbs storage on the same property.

Its not insect repellent wood but it is pressure treated and they dont like that much. Just so everyone is clear, I am not putting a magazine inside of this shed. This will be the magazine. Once it is wrapped in metal and I line the interior walls with OSB, I will put my hasp locks on it and it will be ready to rock. As far as the ATF goes, I am not too worried. I have the cell phone number of the guy who will most likely be doing my inspection and interview. Seems like a good dude and I have been speaking to him about this venture quite often. As soon as I get an inspection date, I will let you know. As far as I can tell, I should be able to store up to 5,000 of composition based on the table of distances. Actually, where this thing is at I could do more. I dont think I will have any problems like the dynamite guy, lol.

02-10-2016, 01:27 PM
let me know how this turns out i may try this route here in wv good luck

Northern Sky
02-10-2016, 07:04 PM
let me know how this turns out i may try this route here in wv good luck

I'm sure you all ready know how firework unfriendly WV is.

02-29-2016, 10:42 AM
Well after this weekend, I am 1 step away from completing my magazine. Its now completely shrouded in OSB and will be cover in metal by Wednesday. I will post the final pics at that point. The anticipation is killing me.


Obviously I will fix the cut at the bottom of the door area when I put the metal on. Progress is going slower than I would like, but at least there is progress.

02-29-2016, 11:15 AM
you need too to cover the bottom you might want to dig a trinch and let the metal on sides go to the ground and back fill with gravel
just a thought .

02-29-2016, 11:21 AM
you need too to cover the bottom you might want to dig a trinch and let the metal on sides go to the ground and back fill with gravel
just a thought .

You are correct, the sides do need to cover the bottom, but I stopped the wood short so its not in direct contact with the ground for rotting purposes. The metal however, will be going into the ground and will then be backfilled with gravel.

03-01-2016, 07:54 AM
Wow that looks great so far. I like your idea of building your own.

03-01-2016, 09:23 AM
Wow that looks great so far. I like your idea of building your own.

After looking at how much these things cost to buy, building my own was definitely the only option. $2000 was the cheapest one I found and I would have had to drive to Wisconsin to get it. This one will have cost me just under $1000 and I get to have the pride of doing my own. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has the space. Thats the real issue we had to deal with down here in Florida. When I am completely done with it and it gets approved, I will post all of the specs and dimensions so people can use it as a reference if they like how it came out.

03-02-2016, 02:55 PM
After looking at how much these things cost to buy, building my own was definitely the only option. $2000 was the cheapest one I found and I would have had to drive to Wisconsin to get it. This one will have cost me just under $1000 and I get to have the pride of doing my own. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has the space. Thats the real issue we had to deal with down here in Florida. When I am completely done with it and it gets approved, I will post all of the specs and dimensions so people can use it as a reference if they like how it came out.

Great job so far. This is similar to something I have been thinking about for awhile.

03-03-2016, 09:25 AM
Great job so far. This is similar to something I have been thinking about for awhile.

Do it! Well worth it. I will come in right around $800 when its all said and done. Thats all wood, metal, locks, hinges, screws and nails. It is the cheapest form of a storage magazine that you will find, especially at this size. Mine measures 6ft deep x 6ft wide x 6ft tall internal dimensions. I can fit a lot of boxes in there.

03-03-2016, 01:03 PM
Do it! Well worth it. I will come in right around $800 when its all said and done. Thats all wood, metal, locks, hinges, screws and nails. It is the cheapest form of a storage magazine that you will find, especially at this size. Mine measures 6ft deep x 6ft wide x 6ft tall internal dimensions. I can fit a lot of boxes in there.

That's awesome bazerk. Hey when the atf inspect it and sign off that it is good to go can you let us know how much you are able to store in it?

03-03-2016, 01:07 PM
That's awesome bazerk. Hey when the atf inspect it and sign off that it is good to go can you let us know how much you are able to store in it?

By the regulations or how many cases I can actually fit in there?

03-03-2016, 01:12 PM
By the regulations or how many cases I can actually fit in there?

By the regulations would be great, since that's by composition weight. By the looks of it a lot of cases will fit in there.

03-03-2016, 01:21 PM
By the regulations would be great, since that's by composition weight. By the looks of it a lot of cases will fit in there.

I will get you a definitive answer post inspection, but up until this point based on the table of distances and the capacity of my magazine, I should be allowed up to 5,000lbs. Way more than I will ever need to store at one time but better to have the space then not enough right? I was actully going to over build for my needs so that I could offer contingency to another person who may be in that area. Im trying to help people out.

03-03-2016, 11:05 PM
I want to clarify this, you are not building a shed to house an internal magazine. You are building a shed that will be the magazine? Is this correct?

03-04-2016, 12:37 AM
I want to clarify this, you are not building a shed to house an internal magazine. You are building a shed that will be the magazine? Is this correct?

That is correct Dave. This will be the storage magazine. The specs call for metal covered wood, metal or fabricated metal. So thats what I am doing. I will be putting the metal on this weekend.

Northern Sky
03-04-2016, 03:01 AM
I should be allowed up to 5,000lbs. Way more than I will ever need to store at one time but better to have the space then not enough right? Im trying to help people out.

5,000 pounds? Good luck with that.

03-04-2016, 08:46 AM
That is correct Dave. This will be the storage magazine. The specs call for metal covered wood, metal or fabricated metal. So thats what I am doing. I will be putting the metal on this weekend.



03-04-2016, 09:02 AM
I will get you a definitive answer post inspection, but up until this point based on the table of distances and the capacity of my magazine, I should be allowed up to 5,000lbs. Way more than I will ever need to store at one time but better to have the space then not enough right? I was actully going to over build for my needs so that I could offer contingency to another person who may be in that area. Im trying to help people out.

That's great, nothing wrong with having extra room. Thanks for keeping us posted and looking forward to seeing the final result.

03-04-2016, 09:12 AM
5,000 pounds? Good luck with that.

5,000 pounds? Good luck with that.
What's the luck for? Getting approved or fitting 5000lbs in there? I say 5000lbs because the table of distances are from 0-1000 and then 1000-5000. I have the distance to go up to 5000lbs where I have put the magazine. I don't expect to be able to fit 5000lbs in that space.

Northern Sky
03-04-2016, 10:52 AM
What's the luck for? Getting approved or fitting 5000lbs in there?

I can see how that can be taken either way. Actually, it was meant to be sarcastic for fitting 5K pounds because you aren't going to scare that amount.

But now that you mention it, Good Luck getting the approval. I should have said that long ago. I hope everything
goes according to plan there for sure. That being said; you will have to cover the nail or screw holes to make sure no metal can be exposed. And, I'm not sure on the floor. Here in PA, I did some research a while ago for a magazine and remember something about them wanting a poured pad and a metal underlayment. That had two purposes; keeping rodents and fire out.

They all have to be approved by local authorities in addition to the ATF. In my area in particular, I can't use standard shipping container. They have been deemed illegal for long-term use. I have to apply for a 30 day permit. The funny thing here is I can use one per my township if it looks like a shed or outbuilding, so in my case it has to have a peaked roof for starters.

The new ATF agent I have been working with after mine was promoted, said I couldn't have a wooden roof. I said it's a shipping container, there is a metal roof. He was adamant about the roof being metal. The purpose in his example is security against fire entering through the roof. So get this, I would have a metal roof over the product have to build a peaked wooden frame then sheet the roof in metal.

And that's just the local stuff. We also have to have a DEP approval in addition to ATF and Local authorities.

There are more hoops but it isn't my thread so I don't want to take it over.

03-04-2016, 11:18 AM
I can see how that can be taken either way. Actually, it was meant to be sarcastic for fitting 5K pounds because you aren't going to scare that amount.

But now that you mention it, Good Luck getting the approval. I should have said that long ago. I hope everything
goes according to plan there for sure. That being said; you will have to cover the nail or screw holes to make sure no metal can be exposed. And, I'm not sure on the floor. Here in PA, I did some research a while ago for a magazine and remember something about them wanting a poured pad and a metal underlayment. That had two purposes; keeping rodents and fire out.

They all have to be approved by local authorities in addition to the ATF. In my area in particular, I can't use standard shipping container. They have been deemed illegal for long-term use. I have to apply for a 30 day permit. The funny thing here is I can use one per my township if it looks like a shed or outbuilding, so in my case it has to have a peaked roof for starters.

The new ATF agent I have been working with after mine was promoted, said I couldn't have a wooden roof. I said it's a shipping container, there is a metal roof. He was adamant about the roof being metal. The purpose in his example is security against fire entering through the roof. So get this, I would have a metal roof over the product have to build a peaked wooden frame then sheet the roof in metal.

And that's just the local stuff. We also have to have a DEP approval in addition to ATF and Local authorities.

There are more hoops but it isn't my thread so I don't want to take it over.

I appreciate the insight. I will tell you whats going on in there. I have lined the interior with 5/8in OSB. Its held to the studs with liquid nails and tacked up with finishing nails so they are recessed below the surface. As far as cover the screw heads on the floor, I used linoleum stick on tiles as were approved my my local ATF. The most current regulations state that the magazine can be situated on a pad or piers. If on piers then the metal siding must extend down past the framing of the floor and to the ground. I will be running mine into the ground about 6in and then I will be backfilling around the entire perimeter with rocks. No rodents or fire will be able to get under it. The roof will be covered with metal just as the sides will be. When its done it will look like this, only different colors and different locks. The attached image is of a pre-approved magazine sold by a fireworks company in WI. They cost $2000.


Northern Sky
03-04-2016, 12:13 PM
The only problem I see with that is, the wife would want me to build one for her/our gardening addiction. Don't even get me started on that subject.


You should have posted those pictures in the first post but then there wouldn't have been a discussion just pats on the back.

03-04-2016, 12:36 PM
The only problem I see with that is, the wife would want me to build one for her/our gardening addiction. Don't even get me started on that subject.


You should have posted those pictures in the first post but then there wouldn't have been a discussion just pats on the back.

I hear you on the wife part. Im already being asked if gardening crap can be stored in there if there is no fireworks in there. My response was "there will ALWAYS be fireworks in there". Thanks for the input though man. I am posting step by step to try and help some people who may have been on the fence about going about something like this. Its not hard and relatively inexpensive. I am trying to teach people through my trials and tribulations if you will. For example, if I dont get approved due to the magazine I will share why and how I remedied the situation and so on. This is a facet of the entire process that is not really discussed in Daves video package. As informative as it was, it didnt help me on the storage side of things ya know? I dont have a contingency option around me so that wasnt even something I could consider. I did find a caompny in Miami that deals in 1.3 but he doesnt allow storage unless he knows you, lol. To which I asked "how do I get to know you if I cant legally buy from you?" I think that was perplexing to him. None the less, I have a resolve and now I am playing it out.

Northern Sky
03-04-2016, 12:42 PM
There is at least one Pyro Club in Florida that I am aware of that is active. They might be worth looking into. The way I look at it is "A rising tide raises all ships".

The saying about reinventing the wheel cracks me up because how many times can that be proven wrong but this kind of stuff is a little different.

03-04-2016, 11:07 PM
At Bazerk
Once you get that magazine approved. You will be able to issue your own contingency storage agreements to potential ATF fireworks license applicants. I know that down the road so to speak. If you ever consider that option let me know we can discuss further. From the looks of those pictures you doing great work. I'm impressed. Its great for us to follow the progress.

03-06-2016, 08:34 PM
Ok, well today was a big day as we got all of the metal hung. Door is not hung and the metal is on it as well. The locks will be added tomorrow and my application will be submitted tomorrow as well! I am amazed as to well it came out and I can attest to the fact that it is every bit as solid as it looks. Check it out.


03-06-2016, 08:43 PM
A few more. Could only attach 6 per post.



The video looks like crap because it was recorded in 4k. None the less, you get the idea.

03-06-2016, 10:39 PM
Let me try to post some of those other pictures. You can always post the pictures on the Post Photo section of pyrotalk. Them embed there here , ot post them elsewhere on the internet. When you upload directly on the forums, they never get as large. I have the forums set at 6 video/pictures per post. You can make multiple post of six and/or combination of six videos/pictures per post.

Who would not want this in the corner of their backyard.

03-06-2016, 10:54 PM
I for one am impressed with you ambition on this project. I am not sure where you are at with that Type 54 procedure. I have to tell you now that I look at your property and depending on the ATF approval of the project. I thinking you should apply for a manufacturing license. This will not only allow you to purchase 1.3 but consider other projects. My guess is the ATF will tell you it is not necessary since you are not in commerce, but it something to think about.

03-06-2016, 10:57 PM
I for one am impressed with you ambition on this project. I am not sure where you are at with that Type 54 procedure. I have to tell you now that I look at your property and depending on the ATF approval of the project. I thinking you should apply for a manufacturing license. This will not only allow you to purchase 1.3 but consider other projects. My guess is the ATF will tell you it is not necessary since you are not in commerce, but it something to think about.

I am submitting my application tomorrow. Excited!

03-06-2016, 11:06 PM
I have a question about that white fence in the backyard. Does the fence enclose the entire backyard? Remember the example in my video where the person had that locked gate in front of the magazine? I am trying to think of a way to explain this. Is it possible to drive a vehicle from the road in front of your house to this magazine OR is there a fence or barrier in the way?

03-06-2016, 11:28 PM
Looking good Bazerk, sent you a PM.

03-07-2016, 12:04 AM
Just so everyone knows. I removed a google earth post on this thread by request and I agree. All we need to post is, the project is located in the state of Florida. But now that I know where it is, I can see there are at least two other 54 holders in the same county of Florida. LOL I knew the location before he post the google earth picture.

03-07-2016, 08:27 AM
Bazerk that looks great. Thanks for keeping us in the loop during the construction.

03-07-2016, 08:31 AM
Bazerk that looks great. Thanks for keeping us in the loop during the construction.
No problem bud! Just trying to do my part in progressing the hobby by helping others on this aspect of the process. I have followed every rule and regulation they have listed so it should comply. I will keep everyone posted regardless of the outcome. In saying that, failure is not an option.

03-07-2016, 03:54 PM
Bazerk, thanks for posting! I may try a little bigger version one day. My question is security, using a shipping container seems so much more secure? Did you add any steel to screw your hinges into? Length of screws? My point being, I would be scared of someone cutting and hammering there way in?
I don't know anything about storage laws this is just a opinion question?

03-07-2016, 04:13 PM
Bazerk, thanks for posting! I may try a little bigger version one day. My question is security, using a shipping container seems so much more secure? Did you add any steel to screw your hinges into? Length of screws? My point being, I would be scared of someone cutting and hammering there way in?
I don't know anything about storage laws this is just a opinion question?

No matter what you build it out of, if they want in, they will get in. Hell a shipping container would take me less than 5 minutes to get into with a battery powered angle grinder and a metal cutting wheel. I think the ATF understand this. To answer your question, no, I did not add steel. I double studded on both sides of the door and used 3in stainless steel screws into those studs. You arent kicking the door in as there is a door stop on the inside for that reason. You cant take the pins out of the hinges so that wont work. You wont be cutting the hasped puck locks because you cant get to the part you need to cut to open it. This magazine is in such a secluded area off of a very long private road that someone who knows its there would even find it. In saying that, I can tell you that however one decides to try to get in will take longer than it takes for me to get my AR15 out. I understand your concern but there is only so much that you can do to protect your stuff. In saying that, nothing will be 100% protected. I have outdoor surveillance and motion censored lights out there so one will have to decide if getting a couple thousand dollars worth of pyro is worth jail time or their life.

03-07-2016, 04:56 PM
Well I put in a few hours on Saturday and ended up with a finished framed magazine. The internal storage will be 6ft x 6ft x 6ft. Total cost at this point is $325.00. I will be ordering the metal for the sides and roof this week. Once that is done I will line the inside walls with OSB to make it non sparking and lastly, add my hasp locks and submit my application and hopefully get approved.


FYI: Don't forget to put a epoxy or similiar non spark coating over any internal nail or screw heads. I have a friend who had to fix this at the result of first inspection prior to approval.

03-07-2016, 05:13 PM
FYI: Don't forget to put a epoxy or similiar non spark coating over any internal nail or screw heads. I have a friend who had to fix this at the result of first inspection prior to approval.

This is a good point. I put wood putty over all of the screw head on the inside walls and ceiling. I am putting linoleum tiles over the nail heads on the floor to fix that issue. The vent is a 12inx12in plastic vent cut directly in the center of the ceiling which allows heat to escape into the "attic" area where the ridge vent is in the roof. I cant for the life of me see how they can not approve this magazine, lol.

03-07-2016, 05:36 PM
Great job, Thanks for the update posts.

Northern Sky
03-07-2016, 06:27 PM
I cant for the life of me see how they can not approve this magazine, lol.

I can; they'll come back to inspect it and find that the door won't shut because it's jam packed with pyro candy.:cool:

03-07-2016, 06:39 PM
I can; they'll come back to inspect it and find that the door won't shut because it's jam packed with pyro candy.:cool:
That would be an acceptable reason. If that's the case I'll just shoot what I gotta shoot right there on site to make room. Win win for all.

03-07-2016, 08:28 PM
The more I look at the pictures of it, the more i like it. Can wait for the ATF Inspectors response. Everything that will be right or wrong on this will be a lesson for us all in the future. There have been pyrotalk members that place a magazine inside of a shed, but none have made a shed a magazine that i am aware of.

03-07-2016, 11:04 PM
The more I look at the pictures of it, the more i like it. Can wait for the ATF Inspectors response. Everything that will be right or wrong on this will be a lesson for us all in the future. There have been pyrotalk members that place a magazine inside of a shed, but none have made a shed a magazine that i am aware of.

Posotive thinking.....nothing will be wrong! lol. Why would anyone just build the structure as the magazine? Doesnt make sense to me to build a shed just to put another storage container in it.

Northern Sky
03-07-2016, 11:22 PM
Doesnt make sense to me to build a shed just to put another storage container in it.

Indoor magazines are more easily approved mainly for security. Dave asked if your magazine was accessible to vehicles? Your response was surveillance, distance and concealment justified. What he was leading to is, a perspective thief can damage your magazine with a vehicle to gain entry. Nobody ever said all thieves are rocket surgeons.

The advantage of an indoor magazine is that the building itself acts as its own security. Most indoor magazines are job-boxes and gun safes. Capacity is obviously limited so, good luck selling the ATF agent on the idea that the 20+ cases of 1.3G product was stored in there from your purchase June 15 until July 4th. How about the rain-out that was shot the following weekend?

03-07-2016, 11:33 PM
Indoor magazines are more easily approved mainly for security. Dave asked if your magazine was accessible to vehicles? Your response was surveillance, distance and concealment justified. What he was leading to is, a perspective thief can damage your magazine with a vehicle to gain entry. Nobody ever said all thieves are rocket surgeons.

The advantage of an indoor magazine is that the building itself acts as its own security. Most indoor magazines are job-boxes and gun safes. Capacity is obviously limited so, good luck selling the ATF agent on the idea that the 20+ cases of 1.3G product was stored in there from your purchase June 15 until July 4th. How about the rain-out that was shot the following weekend?

Wouldnt every outdoor magazine be accessible to vehicles? He asked if there was a fence that circumvented the entire property also. I would image that if said thief was willing to run into that structure to gain entry, a PVC or wooden fence wouldn't deter them much would it? At the end of the day, nothing is truly safe if the thief wants it bad enough. I am not at all worried about my magazine being messed with to be honest. There are 6 residences on the 50 acres that are in the area and only one way in. Everyone knows everyone and they are all very over protective of their area. Its not uncommon for any of them to call each other to ask who the unknown car is. If the thief wants it, he can try to get it. If he gets it, kudos to him.

Northern Sky
03-08-2016, 12:04 AM
Wouldnt every outdoor magazine be accessible to vehicles? He asked if there was a fence that circumvented the entire property also. I would image that if said thief was willing to run into that structure to gain entry, a PVC or wooden fence wouldn't deter them much would it? At the end of the day, nothing is truly safe if the thief wants it bad enough. I am not at all worried about my magazine being messed with to be honest. There are 6 residences on the 50 acres that are in the area and only one way in. Everyone knows everyone and they are all very over protective of their area. Its not uncommon for any of them to call each other to ask who the unknown car is. If the thief wants it, he can try to get it. If he gets it, kudos to him.

Please bare in mind that I'm not trying to be a PITA of stickler here, just sharing information
and finishing where Dave left off. No not all outdoor magazines are accessible to vehicle traffic. He asked about a fence. He was in a round about trying to see if you lived on a gated property? That would deter vehicle damage as would Jersey Barriers or reinforced poles.


As for the acreage and neighbors; the properties I hunt resemble what you describe. Every year equipment mysteriously go missing and there's some "Jack Weed" that walks under me who has some lame reason to be there. The four wheelers are all chained and locked but as you said that helps keep honest people honest.

I'm sure you will be fine. It all comes down to the ATF.

03-08-2016, 01:35 PM
Any ideas as to where to get my fingerprint card from? My local PD will do the prints but they are asking that I bring the card. Seriously?

03-08-2016, 02:53 PM
Any ideas as to where to get my fingerprint card from? My local PD will do the prints but they are asking that I bring the card. Seriously?

ATF website, you can order a whole packet. I'll look for a link.

03-08-2016, 11:01 PM
Check you email I am mailing you a official explosives fingerprint card. Not sure when you ordered my ATF/DVD application package but I now include the exact explosive fingerprint card they want with each package. It looks like the trend is for people doing fingerprints to do them on a computer. However for private ATF license applications they seem to prefer traditional fingerprints. i keep telling people this application process is not as sophisticated as one would imagine.
Don't rush to do more than you already did on this magazine, wait until the first inspection and get their response. You may have got it right from the get go. I had an applicant do what you are doing in a New England state, he got it right the first time. The ATF sent two different people to look at it. Then they just sat on their decision. He emailed me because the ATF in that area was just not used to seeing that level of sophistication for a hobbyist. Remember most fireworks enthusiast not in business don't do this sort of thing. In some areas the ATF just does not know what to do when they see this. I called his local ATF supervisor and advocated for him, they gave him the license. Don't expect immediate approval when they send someone to look at this. I expect them to plan a second visit and inspection by another ATF Inspector. I would be shocked if a single Inspector signs off on this project. Then a delay will occur. Lets get to that point in the process and discuss it further. I have to say this but I really feel you are not that type of person. Do not let anyone convince you to voluntarily withdraw you application for any reason . The ATF has one of four options with your application. I hope you saw my last ATF points to ponder video. You are an advance fireworks enthusiast, I saw in your prior post you purchased Cobra Fireworks Firing System. You are on a roll, its great to see this level of enthusiasm.

03-09-2016, 11:31 AM
Thanks for sharing the pics Bazerk. Looks great!

03-09-2016, 11:37 AM
Thanks for sharing the pics Bazerk. Looks great!

Your welcome and thanks for noticing! @Dave, I dont think there is anything more I could do to that magazine even if I wanted to. I followed every rule and regulation they have listed. I expect to pass on the first outing and would be somewhat surprised if I didnt. My local PD does fingerprints so that wont be an issue. As far as backing down or withdrawling my application....lol. Snowflakes chance in hell bud.

03-13-2016, 06:50 PM
Went this far, why not go all the way and use wood laminate for the flooring? Did this to cover the nail head that are holding the plywood down. Now I am 100% complete with the magazine and will be awaiting my phone call for inspection! Wish me luck!


03-13-2016, 07:16 PM
[QUOTE=Bazerk;33237] Wish me luck!/QUOTE]

Good Luck! ;)

03-14-2016, 07:29 AM
Good luck Bazerk.

03-29-2016, 11:05 AM
One step closer! Application is in and my debit card has been charged the $100 fee. I would assume that it this point they should be calling any day now.

03-29-2016, 12:38 PM
Good luck brother, hope all works out.

03-29-2016, 01:13 PM
One step closer! Application is in and my debit card has been charged the $100 fee. I would assume that it this point they should be calling any day now.

They always take the cash quickly. You should get a call from a regional office at some point

03-29-2016, 01:21 PM
They always take the cash quickly. You should get a call from a regional office at some point

I was told that the national average turn time right now is between 45-60 days from application to license. Hopefully this holds true so I can have it in time for the 4th.

03-29-2016, 04:54 PM
I was told that the national average turn time right now is between 45-60 days from application to license. Hopefully this holds true so I can have it in time for the 4th.

if nothing gets held up that sounds about right... mine was about 60 days

03-29-2016, 11:45 PM
I was told that the national average turn time right now is between 45-60 days from application to license. Hopefully this holds true so I can have it in time for the 4th.

I'm just closing in on the 60 day mark late this week. From the time they took my fee out it was around 3 weeks until I had my interview.

04-25-2016, 03:55 PM
Well I just got my call for the verbal interview! Excited and nervous, lol. It will be this friday at 9:30am. Any tips?

04-25-2016, 04:02 PM
Well I just got my call for the verbal interview! Excited and nervous, lol. It will be this friday at 9:30am. Any tips?

Good luck my friend, I'm sure you will do fine. :)

04-25-2016, 04:03 PM
Good luck Bazerk

04-25-2016, 04:41 PM
Well I just got my call for the verbal interview! Excited and nervous, lol. It will be this friday at 9:30am. Any tips?

Just be yourself... much of the process will be going over storage/orange book/record keeping. This is the last step in the process and once they hand in their report it's usually 2 weeks till your blue envelope comes in the mail

04-25-2016, 05:11 PM
Just be yourself... much of the process will be going over storage/orange book/record keeping. This is the last step in the process and once they hand in their report it's usually 2 weeks till your blue envelope comes in the mail

My situation is a bit different in that I am providing my own storage and its in a different county from where I live so 2 ATF offices are involved. One will do the verbal interview and the other will do the magazine inspection. I text the guy whos coming down to do my verbal and asked him how long he thinks this will take and he said less than an hour seeing as there is no magazine to inspect during this interview. Do I need a copy of the orange book? I have the PDF version, but what specifics do they usually look for as far as info from the book?

04-25-2016, 05:18 PM
They give you an orange book to keep. My inspector really was big on record keeping and what to do should you have product stolen. I cant remember the whole deal but we spent time on keeping accurate records for sure but I don't use storage except once a year. When I buy it gets shot the same day

04-25-2016, 05:48 PM
I have to store mine because the nearest 1.3 dealers are mostly out of state and I'm not making that trip multiple times a year. Lol. So they don't test you then right?

04-25-2016, 05:54 PM
Test you?? No there is no test. The ATF is basically vetting that you are a responsible person and nothing more. To have a state shooters license to shoot display fireworks requires a test

04-25-2016, 09:00 PM
At Bezerk
You are finally coming towards the end of the road. Are they doing the magazine inspection on a separate day from your interview? Did they schedule the inspection? He will go over that list of items I discussed in the video. It is a learning event. not a quiz. Keep us in the loop as it moves along. I am worried about the property surrounding the magazine. I hope they don't want a fence or gate. Or maybe you already have that covered. This is not an indoor magazine, it is a magazine. LOL

04-25-2016, 10:54 PM
The Tampa office is revise tly backed up and they are the ones responsible for the inspection of the magazine. The Port St Lucie office is doing the verbal. I text the St Lucie guy today and asked him how things were going and he asked if I was available Friday to do the verbal and of course I said yes. I will get in touch with the Tampa office this week as well. As far as the fence goes, I do t see it as being a problem. I think they want a fence of its a magazine that is able to be moved. Mine is a permanent structure so I am hoping that will help my cause. I will keep everyone posted. We are getting. Lose to the 4th and I still need to drive to Indiana and see my boys at Lynch to go shopping. Lol

Northern Sky
04-26-2016, 08:47 PM
The Tampa office is revise tly backed up and they are the ones responsible for the inspection of the magazine. The Port St Lucie office is doing the verbal. I text the St Lucie guy today and asked him how things were going and he asked if I was available Friday to do the verbal and of course I said yes. I will get in touch with the Tampa office this week as well. As far as the fence goes, I do t see it as being a problem. I think they want a fence of its a magazine that is able to be moved. Mine is a permanent structure so I am hoping that will help my cause. I will keep everyone posted. We are getting. Lose to the 4th and I still need to drive to Indiana and see my boys at Lynch to go shopping. Lol

Lynch has some outstanding product. Check with Dave Lynch, they can let you know when a delivery is headed to your area so you can save on some shipping and windshield time.

04-26-2016, 09:27 PM
The one thing I always liked about the Lynch 1.3 products are, many are 12/1, 24/1 8/1 4/1. Most 1.3 distributors only sell 1/1 or 2/1 cakes. Too big for the backyard 1.3 guys sometimes.

04-27-2016, 08:39 AM
Lynch has some outstanding product. Check with Dave Lynch, they can let you know when a delivery is headed to your area so you can save on some shipping and windshield time.

Speaking of which, he was asking me if I wanted to allow my land on the west coast of FL to be a distributing location (satellite magazine) for them. It was just a possible idea and I may actually look into making that work. That would certainly be convenient for me, lol. I would just need to find someone local over there to man it when people need to pickup.

04-27-2016, 12:51 PM
If someone anywhere in united States wants to get large magazines approved, I know many 1.3 dealers that are ready to fill them. Storage is always in demand for explosive products. Along with allowing someone to use your storage comes extra responsibilities. Once you get this magazines approved, if you chose to do so, you can give out contingency to future ATF Fireworks applicants. How and if you do that is entirely up to you.

04-29-2016, 12:56 PM
Had my verbal today! Everything went very well. He told me that he doesnt foresee any reason that my magazine wouldn't pass inspection. He sent the referral in for the inspection 2 days ago, so I should be getting a call with a date soon. I learned some things as well. For one, I didnt realize that igniters and quickfuse were supposed to be stored in the magazine. I also learned that the comp weight of cakes is 25% of the net not 50% like I have been told by most people. The extra gate or fence thing seems to be a City, county or state regulation Dave, its not an ATF thing. There was one difference that we shared vs what I have learned here and what he says to be true as far as transportation. He didnt insist that I needed placards during transportation, but he seemed very confident in the fact that whether its for commerce or not, you needed to have them. He asked me, for my own good, to follow up with the DOT on that and he did affirm that the ATF has nothing to do with the transportation of the fireworks. He told me that permits are not required as part of the paperwork needed for inspection purposes. All in all, he was a really nice guy and it was a pleasure to deal with him.. He was originally from NJ so he was pretty familiar with the fireworks side of his job. He reinstated that there are very few of "me" in the state as well which is kind of a cool feeling. In closing, he is anticipating me having my license within the next 3 weeks and that makes me happy. Ill keep everyone posted (not that anyone gives a shit, LOL!)

04-29-2016, 02:55 PM
The ATF has nothing to do with the transportation but I've read somewhere on the ATF site that unless you are in commerce ( in the business of ) then you do not placard. It's really a grey area in my opinion but if you placard then that means you need a hazmat... insurance.. DOT #... ect. As for permits I've also heard conflicting information that some ATF inspectors want to see it and others no. I've kept copies of permits just so I can validate I shot my product legit and not in someone's backyard. Besides.... if you plan on shooting B and the authorities come knocking.... this is where you get in trouble because that 54 won't bail you out... just saying.

04-29-2016, 03:15 PM
The ATF has nothing to do with the transportation but I've read somewhere on the ATF site that unless you are in commerce ( in the business of ) then you do not placard. It's really a grey area in my opinion but if you placard then that means you need a hazmat... insurance.. DOT #... ect. As for permits I've also heard conflicting information that some ATF inspectors want to see it and others no. I've kept copies of permits just so I can validate I shot my product legit and not in someone's backyard. Besides.... if you plan on shooting B and the authorities come knocking.... this is where you get in trouble because that 54 won't bail you out... just saying.

I hear ya. In my particular case, I am good in the fact that I only shoot in 2 places. One is in the middle of some decent acreage and the local fire marshal is a family friend and the other is on an acre lot in the city I live in. Its the city of Plantation and many of the local PD are in attendance at that party. Its pretty much a given that no cop in any city or state is going to give anyone a hard time on New Years or the 4th of July. Does it make it ok? No. Do I abide by the rules of safe distances and such, yes. I would never do anything stupid with fireworks when there are other people involved. The only thing I would need to worry about as far as legal issues would be if I was doing something stupid and acting a fool with fireworks that the police would bother me or anyone else for that matter on either of those 2 days. Either way, I am excited.

04-29-2016, 04:38 PM
Way to go Bazerk. Good to hear the news

05-04-2016, 08:58 AM
got the call from Tampa ATF yesterday. They are coming to inspect my magazine tomorrow morning. She was very appreciative of all of the contruction pics I sent with my application and basically told me over the phone that there should be no reason that it wont pass inspection. Says she wished everyone was a thorough with the application and building process of the magazine as I was, lol. Inspection is at 10am tomorrow so wish me luck. All things going as planned, I should be a part of the 54 crew in the next few weeks. Yay!

05-04-2016, 10:18 AM
Good Luck Bazerk, I'm sure everything will go fine.

05-04-2016, 12:14 PM
Good Luck Bazerk, I'm sure everything will go fine.

I hope so. I am on a mission as it was suggested by a couple people on these forums to not expect to pass on the first inspection. That sounds to me like a challenge, lol. Challenge accepted.

05-04-2016, 12:52 PM
Good luck Bazerk, way to take the challenge head on.

05-04-2016, 01:03 PM
Tomorrow is the inspection day, that is great. I am expecting you to pass on the first inspection if one inspector shows up, if two show up to expect you know how that goes. you doing a great job on all of this, I hope you are an inspiration for others. Every time I hear about a newly ATF Firework License holder it pleases me. I have a feeling we are going to hear that about you soon. Lets us know how it goes tomorrow.

05-04-2016, 01:57 PM
Tomorrow is the inspection day, that is great. I am expecting you to pass on the first inspection if one inspector shows up, if two show up to expect you know how that goes. you doing a great job on all of this, I hope you are an inspiration for others. Every time I hear about a newly ATF Firework License holder it pleases me. I have a feeling we are going to hear that about you soon. Lets us know how it goes tomorrow.

I certainly hope so. Everyone I have dealt with from the ATF has actually been an absolute pleasure to deal with. All of them have been helpful in answering questions and willing to give me all of the time I need to ask any and all questions I had. I certainly hope that this is translates into a license in my hand at the end of the process. Everything is pointing in that direction. I hope to be an inspiration to other as well. That is why I am posting everything from the ground up in this thread. I am not looking for anything more than a license for me and the ability to help others in their journey, especially if they chose to build their own magazine like I did.

05-05-2016, 11:48 AM
*UPDATE* Inspector showed up 10 mins early at 9:50am. Left at 10:25am with an all thumbs up! Said that there was absolutely nothing wrong or needed to be changed with my magazine and will be submitting her report Monday for the purpose of issuing my license. On a side note, I am also cleared for 5000lbs even though I cant fit that much in there. Yay me!

05-05-2016, 12:22 PM
*UPDATE* Inspector showed up 10 mins early at 9:50am. Left at 10:25am with an all thumbs up! Said that there was absolutely nothing wrong or needed to be changed with my magazine and will be submitting her report Monday for the purpose of issuing my license. On a side note, I am also cleared for 5000lbs even though I cant fit that much in there. Yay me!

Awesome! Congrats!

05-05-2016, 12:58 PM
Awesome, congratulations brother.

05-05-2016, 04:16 PM
Congrats! Now fill it with some B

05-05-2016, 06:09 PM
*UPDATE* Inspector showed up 10 mins early at 9:50am. Left at 10:25am with an all thumbs up! Said that there was absolutely nothing wrong or needed to be changed with my magazine and will be submitting her report Monday for the purpose of issuing my license. On a side note, I am also cleared for 5000lbs even though I cant fit that much in there. Yay me!

Congrats! Man time to throw a pyro party.

05-05-2016, 06:38 PM

If you look back to the start of this post. It is 90 days today since you told us you were starting the project and here we are today. I don't see anything stopping you now. Please tell us when you receive the official license. I keep telling people, a large percentage of people I inspire to get the ATF license are driven in other areas of their life, they then take these same life skills and put it to work as an advanced fireworks enthusiast. I hope someone see's what you accomplished and does the same. It is even better you shared it with everyone. We will soon be adding another ATF Fireworks to the state of Florida.
I want to ask you something, when I go back over this post and I am not signed in, many of the pictures you posted are not visible, that means people that are not members, can not see them. We can leave it like that if you wish. Or, as a suggestion if you email me the pictures you have of this magazine as it moved along and want to share. I can post them so they can be seen by anyone that visits the site and this post. They will appear on this thread as a continuation . It is your decision, my email is pyrotalk@gmail.com.

05-06-2016, 08:58 AM

If you look back to the start of this post. It is 90 days today since you told us you were starting the project and here we are today. I don't see anything stopping you now. Please tell us when you receive the official license. I keep telling people, a large percentage of people I inspire to get the ATF license are driven in other areas of their life, they then take these same life skills and put it to work as an advanced fireworks enthusiast. I hope someone see's what you accomplished and does the same. It is even better you shared it with everyone. We will soon be adding another ATF Fireworks to the state of Florida.
I want to ask you something, when I go back over this post and I am not signed in, many of the pictures you posted are not visible, that means people that are not members, can not see them. We can leave it like that if you wish. Or, as a suggestion if you email me the pictures you have of this magazine as it moved along and want to share. I can post them so they can be seen by anyone that visits the site and this post. They will appear on this thread as a continuation . It is your decision, my email is pyrotalk@gmail.com.

Of course I will send them to you. I will send them later on today Dave.

05-06-2016, 09:02 AM
Congrats Brother, That was a Bad A$$ Mag you built. PBP

05-06-2016, 11:04 AM
Congrats Brother, That was a Bad A$$ Mag you built. PBP

Well thank you sir. It passed with flying colors and all in all cost me about $900 to build from start to finish. Pretty fair price I think.

05-06-2016, 04:30 PM
Well thank you sir. It passed with flying colors and all in all cost me about $900 to build from start to finish. Pretty fair price I think.

That's an awesome price for building one. I've seen some where people spend a lot more buying a shipping container before building it into a magazine.

05-06-2016, 06:04 PM
That's an awesome price for building one. I've seen some where people spend a lot more buying a shipping container before building it into a magazine.

Yea I agree but a container will hold a lot more product. Lol

05-06-2016, 06:39 PM
Yea I agree but a container will hold a lot more product. Lol

Add on project??? :) :cool: :D

05-06-2016, 07:09 PM
Yea I agree but a container will hold a lot more product. Lol

This sir is definitely true. But what you have is still awesome.

05-06-2016, 07:25 PM
Add on project??? :) :cool: :D

Just so you guys know the limits I am willing to go for this hobby....I am about to pull the trigger on buying 6 acres in the plot right next to my current magazine simply for the purpose of having more, larger magazines there. Maybe make some side money offer contingency storage to others. ��

05-06-2016, 07:40 PM
Just so you guys know the limits I am willing to go for this hobby....I am about to pull the trigger on buying 6 acres in the plot right next to my current magazine simply for the purpose of having more, larger magazines there. Maybe make some side money offer contingency storage to others. ��

Nice. :D
I bought a 2 acre lot just for the purpose of shooting fireworks as well and bought a van specifically for picking up fireworks and other pyro related items. And actually, the Pyro van is about to see some action tomorrow. ;)

05-06-2016, 07:55 PM
Here area a series of pictures pyrotalk member Bazerk sent me to post and share on the forums. The pictures follow his building the magazine. The magazine is located in the state of Florida. The originals are located in the Post Photo section of pyrotalk.com.

05-06-2016, 07:58 PM

05-06-2016, 08:01 PM

05-06-2016, 08:06 PM
cont. Forgive me if I double post some of the pictures.

05-06-2016, 08:10 PM

05-06-2016, 08:13 PM

05-06-2016, 08:17 PM
Video Unlisted

End of pictures.

05-08-2016, 06:22 PM
Awesome job

05-10-2016, 11:44 PM
Awesome job

Thank you. Was a fun project and obviously quite satisfying after knowing it passed inspection.

05-11-2016, 07:37 AM
Hey Bud,
That really came out nice. If ya dont mind me asking what was the final material cost ?

05-11-2016, 08:15 AM
Hey Bud,
That really came out nice. If ya dont mind me asking what was the final material cost ?

All in I came in about $900 in material. The expense is really the metal. That was $450 of the total and I got a decent deal on that. The rest was the locks ($40 each), the cement blocks ($7 each), the hinges ($30 for the pair) and the rest was pretty much lumber and brackets like joist hangers and things like that. I have priced out similar pre-built magazines and they are $2000 and up plus the cost of shipping which was an additional expense. I am very happy with the way it turned out and apparently, the ATF was also. The ATF agent told me on the phone prior to even being there that based on the pictures of the construction that I submitted with my app, she could tell it was going to be approved. She said that she still needed to come out based on formalities. I guess my thoroughness paid off in this entire process. I asked the ATF questions to any answers I couldn't find online, I read everything I could and in some cases even over built so that I only had to do this process one time. They appreciated the fact that I didn't waste their time and resources by doing my homework. She said that in all of her years doing this, she had not encountered any private individual that was anywhere near as prepared as I was and that goes a long way with them. I had heard nothing but horror stories prior to my taking on this project about dealing with the ATF. Never once did I feel pressured, uncomfortable or in any way feel like I was being discouraged from doing any of this. I treated them with respect, as they did with me. Honestly, overall, it was actually an enjoyable process. I even told her that I was anticipating having to deal with nasty people throughout this process and she replied with "we only get annoyed or nasty when people don't do what they are supposed to do and waste out time and theirs in the process". She told me that their biggest issue is when people clearly don't read and follow the regulations when building their magazines and the get pissed at the agents when they don't pass inspection. I cannot blame the ATF for that. I did this for the first time and nailed it on the first try. If I can do it, so can everyone else. Laziness wont work in this process or any other process in life.

05-11-2016, 09:45 AM
con grads glad you got a.t.f. 54. this is the way i may need to go just find place to put it that meet a.t.f spects

05-11-2016, 10:00 AM
con grads glad you got a.t.f. 54. this is the way i may need to go just find place to put it that meet a.t.f spects

I think thats the problem most people have. Its tough nowadays with everything being built up there isnt a lot of extra unused land in many areas.

05-11-2016, 10:20 AM
A1 job Brother. Am I the only one that noticed that killer laminate floor. That my friend was a nice touch and you had to pat yourself on the back for that one ! LOL Awesome job and congrats on your 54. PBP

05-11-2016, 10:42 AM
A1 job Brother. Am I the only one that noticed that killer laminate floor. That my friend was a nice touch and you had to pat yourself on the back for that one ! LOL Awesome job and congrats on your 54. PBP

You are the only one who noticed so far, lol. I figured it was easy enough to remove if I even needed to gain access to the sub floor, it looked nice, it covered the screw heads and its not all that expensive for that amount. Also, if it ever gets damaged somehow, I could easily replace it ya know? I am proud of my magazine, lol.

05-11-2016, 09:35 PM
Yep, aside from looks it is an easy system to replace part or all of it. Good pick my man-now the fun part-fill er up ;) PBP

05-21-2016, 10:52 AM
Skype interview #3 with Displayfireworks1 is our friend Jimmy aka Bazerk forums member. He shares some of his experience with my YouTube video subscribers. I want to thank Jimmy for being sharing his magazine project.
Video is Public.


05-21-2016, 10:12 PM
Sorry about the video quality guys. I dont have a webcam and used my iphone to skype with Dave. Either way, it was nice talking to you bud!

05-21-2016, 10:20 PM
You did good bud-nice vid. PBP

Pyro Paul
08-10-2016, 09:55 PM
Wow, just stumbled on to this tonight. I'm impressed with the follow thru. It gives me hope at maybe having my own in a year or two, I was looking at containers but didn't want to shell out that kind of cash for storage at this particular time. It's better spent on things like my own 54, a firing system and mortars. I'm still waiting on the contingency letter I was promised weeks ago from the company we normally do our wholesale purchases through. That in itself makes me lean more towards having my own storage but after seeing the after 4th sales on 1.3 products from the local companies I think it would help pay a portion of the initial cost in money saved buying when prices are lower. Thanks for sharing this project!

08-10-2016, 10:07 PM
Well I put in a few hours on Saturday and ended up with a finished framed magazine. The internal storage will be 6ft x 6ft x 6ft. Total cost at this point is $325.00. I will be ordering the metal for the sides and roof this week. Once that is done I will line the inside walls with OSB to make it non sparking and lastly, add my hasp locks and submit my application and hopefully get approved.

Was this a Bazerk inspired design, or something you got from a kit online maybe? Just wondering where you came up with the specs for the build. As for the metal for the sides and roof... What are the specs on that?

My buddy and I were looking into buying a shipping container and using that. It's probably 2 to 3 times as expensive as what you're doing, and a lot larger that what we'd realistically need. So if we can make our own and make it smaller.... That might be the ticket.

08-10-2016, 10:18 PM
I think thats the problem most people have. Its tough nowadays with everything being built up there isnt a lot of extra unused land in many areas.

Awesome job man!! Just stumbled on this thread too. You must have some mad skills to do that on your own. Looks like a professional job to me!!

07-16-2019, 07:58 AM
I cant believe its been over 3 years already. Just got my renewal a couple weeks ago. If any of you out there have the space, I highly recommend building your own magazine like I did. The convenience factor is fantastic!

07-16-2019, 08:15 AM
Really great work there.

07-16-2019, 08:51 AM
Really great work there.

Thanks man, I appreciate that. My goal with this whole thing was to show people that they can do this themselves without much difficulty.

07-17-2019, 07:17 AM
Wow 3 years already bazerk. How time flies when your having fun.

07-17-2019, 07:59 AM
Wow 3 years already bazerk. How time flies when your having fun.

Yea man, its crazy. It caught me off guard. The worst part was that I had moved since I got my 54 and they never got my notification so they sent the renewal paperwork to the wrong address. It was until like 3 weeks before my expiration that I realized I needed to renew. However, because I moved I needed to be reinterviewed and my mag reinspected which obviously was going to take longer than 3 weeks so I was stuck for buying 1.3 this year or so I thought. So I sent an email to my local ATF person and she took damn good care of me. She pushed my paperwork through quickly, set up my inspection in a rush and offered me a letter to have that would allow me to operate under my expired license for the next 6 months. Ive have heard plenty of horror stories about the ATF on these forums, but I have to tell you, every single interaction I have had with any of the agents down here in Florida has been exceptional. Hell, the one that just interviewed me joined us at the FOP show I just did. She was awesome as well!

07-17-2019, 12:14 PM
Really nice build Bazerk and well detailed in your postings. I just bought 10 acres outside of Daytona to build on so looks like I'll be needing one of these pretty soon too. Yours is a great model to go by.

07-17-2019, 02:21 PM
Really nice build Bazerk and well detailed in your postings. I just bought 10 acres outside of Daytona to build on so looks like I'll be needing one of these pretty soon too. Yours is a great model to go by.

Do it! Thanks man! As you know fireworks are a labor of love.

07-29-2019, 08:41 AM
If any of you out there have the space, I highly recommend building your own magazine like I did. The convenience factor is fantastic!

Maybe I missed it somewhere but how far away does the magazine you built have to be from a dwelling,house,etc
how far from the property line does it need to be?

If I was to convert a job box into a magazine and place it in my shed, how far does the shed have to be from the house or property line? I would think the distance required would be different with an outdoor magazine vs a magazine inside a shed. Do the requirements for distance change by how many pounds a person is approved for?

Most of those smaller job box type magazines are limited to 50 pounds of explosives, how can you get approved for say 100 pounds or even 5000 pounds like the outdoor magazine you built?

The outdoor magazine, does it have a minimum size requirement, can a person build it to any size they want?

The magazine you built, does it have to be anchored to the ground? It looks as though its sitting on piers, I'm guessing it's pretty heavy regardless, does the atf require outdoor magazines to be secured to the ground? Indoor job box type mags have to be bolted to the floor

The size of the magazine dictates how many pounds legally can be stored inside the magazine?

thank in advance, oh and btw your outdoor magazine looks awesome and well built

07-29-2019, 01:56 PM
The atf orange book tells you all of the requirements for every type of magazine ... I forget off hand the answers to those questions.. but there are all answered there!!! And ya bazerk... good stuff!!!

07-29-2019, 01:57 PM
Maybe I missed it somewhere but how far away does the magazine you built have to be from a dwelling,house,etc
how far from the property line does it need to be?

If I was to convert a job box into a magazine and place it in my shed, how far does the shed have to be from the house or property line? I would think the distance required would be different with an outdoor magazine vs a magazine inside a shed. Do the requirements for distance change by how many pounds a person is approved for?

Most of those smaller job box type magazines are limited to 50 pounds of explosives, how can you get approved for say 100 pounds or even 5000 pounds like the outdoor magazine you built?

The outdoor magazine, does it have a minimum size requirement, can a person build it to any size they want?

The magazine you built, does it have to be anchored to the ground? It looks as though its sitting on piers, I'm guessing it's pretty heavy regardless, does the atf require outdoor magazines to be secured to the ground? Indoor job box type mags have to be bolted to the floor

The size of the magazine dictates how many pounds legally can be stored inside the magazine?

thank in advance, oh and btw your outdoor magazine looks awesome and well built

joed2323, The ATF has all the information on the questions you have. They have it posted on the net and here is a copy of a link that has Table of Distances for Display Fireworks as well as information on types of indoor and outdoor magazine. I bought the 2012 ATF Publication for Explosives (Green Book) form Barnes and Noble and it has all the 411 you could every want. The building of the "outdoor magazine", has very specific requirements for security and construction also listed here. From hinges to locks and material.


07-29-2019, 02:26 PM
Here is the link for the Green Book with great info on all things ATF related to Display Fireworks.


07-29-2019, 03:35 PM
Yea man, its crazy. It caught me off guard. The worst part was that I had moved since I got my 54 and they never got my notification so they sent the renewal paperwork to the wrong address. It was until like 3 weeks before my expiration that I realized I needed to renew. However, because I moved I needed to be reinterviewed and my mag reinspected which obviously was going to take longer than 3 weeks so I was stuck for buying 1.3 this year or so I thought. So I sent an email to my local ATF person and she took damn good care of me. She pushed my paperwork through quickly, set up my inspection in a rush and offered me a letter to have that would allow me to operate under my expired license for the next 6 months. Ive have heard plenty of horror stories about the ATF on these forums, but I have to tell you, every single interaction I have had with any of the agents down here in Florida has been exceptional. Hell, the one that just interviewed me joined us at the FOP show I just did. She was awesome as well!

That's great to hear bazerk, good thing it all worked out.

08-26-2020, 11:29 AM
I appreciate the insight. I will tell you whats going on in there. I have lined the interior with 5/8in OSB. Its held to the studs with liquid nails and tacked up with finishing nails so they are recessed below the surface. As far as cover the screw heads on the floor, I used linoleum stick on tiles as were approved my my local ATF. The most current regulations state that the magazine can be situated on a pad or piers. If on piers then the metal siding must extend down past the framing of the floor and to the ground. I will be running mine into the ground about 6in and then I will be backfilling around the entire perimeter with rocks. No rodents or fire will be able to get under it. The roof will be covered with metal just as the sides will be. When its done it will look like this, only different colors and different locks. The attached image is of a pre-approved magazine sold by a fireworks company in WI. They cost $2000.


What company in wisconsin builds these? just curious im a carpenter by trade

08-26-2020, 04:38 PM
Looks like the Green Book PAClark refers to is online down load for free: https://www.atf.gov/explosives/docs/report/publication-federal-explosives-laws-and-regulations-atf-p-54007/download

Is this PAClark?

08-26-2020, 06:41 PM
What company in wisconsin builds these? just curious im a carpenter by trade

I believe Bazerk built it from scratch.

08-30-2020, 06:40 PM
I believe Bazerk built it from scratch.

I see Kastners fireworks here in Wisconsin has the same exact one available.

10-09-2020, 03:12 PM
Looks like the Green Book PAClark refers to is online down load for free: https://www.atf.gov/explosives/docs/report/publication-federal-explosives-laws-and-regulations-atf-p-54007/download

Is this PAClark?

Yep....same publication! Could have saved a few bucks huh.... :-)