View Full Version : Displayfireworks1 caricature

11-03-2015, 10:55 PM
A family friend of my wife designed this caricature of my fireworks videos and me. My ideal dream is to have this and other artwork on a line of consumer fireworks. So if you are out there in the fireworks business, do not hesitate to send me a confidential email.
The artwork is displaying on the “About Us” page of pyrotalk.com. The resolution is much higher on my original computer copy. I think it captures a funnier side of my videos. Who has more fun than I do with fireworks? LOL.. Please note the image is copyright.

About Us page

11-04-2015, 08:26 AM
NICE, very nice!!

11-04-2015, 03:24 PM
One of the best parts is seeing the m-80's falling out of your pockets as you run away. And with your blank hat and sunglasses that always seem to be there. I agree very nice. Compliments to the artist!

11-04-2015, 08:00 PM
Thanks guys, I'm glad you noticed some of the details. The artist is a local Pittsburgh Pennsylvania talent, a cousin of my wife through marriage. You may have seen some of his work around, most notably the cereal box of Jerome Bettis from the Pittsburgh Steelers. His name is Ron Kantrowitz. Here is a link to his website and some examples of his work. He is great guy also. Check it out.