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View Full Version : What is a Firebuck?

10-27-2015, 07:47 PM
Found while cleaning a section of the garage. Skylighter Firebuck. Brings up the subject, rumor has it Skylighter is for sale. It appears Harry wants out of the business.
With more than one person approaching me to unload their stock of fireworks chemicals and the sale of Skylighter it may be a sign of the dying art of fireworks making by the hobbyist. Does anyone out there have an opinion on this, I would be interested to hear. Please comment below.
By the way if anyone out there is interested in purchasing fireworks please visit my advertiser Pyro Chem Source http://www.pyrochemsource.com/

11-02-2015, 06:45 PM
I don't see one having anything to do with the other . As far as that large sale of chemicals - imo anyone ( pros) buying that much have suppliers possibly with more competitive pricing on sources.......quality control concerns . I would guess hobbyist don't shop at that volume level and then theres the logistics ??........ IMO nothing to do with dying art........ My guess is with the internet OPTIONS are greater - the people/hobyists building must also have strong preferences ? maybe brand loyalty ? idk