View Full Version : Pyrotalk website update

09-22-2015, 09:31 PM
There was a malicious attack on the pyrotalk website causing the server to crash. At the time of the post, the site appears to be working. As a precaution, I am temporarily suspending new registrations on the forums. If the site crashes again please visit my YouTube channel displayfireworks1 for updates.
The server termed it a DDoS attack

09-23-2015, 12:38 AM
I thought something was wrong with my Internet.I restarted my modem before I tried another site I been laid up the couch for a few days with a terrible cold. Can your hosting service determine exactly what kind of d dos attack? Alot of times they try and flood the ip address, and sometimes they can figure out where it originated from.

09-23-2015, 09:42 AM
LOL I had that same cold 12 days ago and can not shake the cough. 80 degrees outside with a cold, unbelievable. Then the brake lines went out on my Chevy truck. I have to make a decision on getting another truck or replacing all the brakes lines.
Back to what you said, it happened exactly as you described, they do not know exactly where it originated. Looking at some of the details it appears to look like Spam stuff. I do not believe you were member when a group of Syrians too over my website, this makes the second attack on the site. These Vbulletin discussion forums attract all sorts of Spammers. Its is always challenging to set up registration for the forums. When I open registration and make it too easy to sign up, the Spammers flood in.
Here are parts of the details for the technical folks.

I regret to inform you but your server's main IP address (xxx.xx.x.xx) s currently filtered due to DDoS attack (over 27800 connections). The filter expires in 2 hours and your IP will be opened. The DDoS attack was against your website pyrotalk.com.
We found 9770 frozen messages in mail queue. All of them have been sent from different non-existent email accounts:
and many more...

09-23-2015, 11:38 PM
I would assume it's someone with an interest in stopping the forums using a Syrian hosting service for the attack. Since packet flooding is illegal most of the servers that do it our out of the contry. They usually put up downloads like a free Windows 7 download but it also has a Trojan in it so everyone that downloads it becomes what they call a bot on there server. Then they build up a few thousand or more of them and use them all at once to overwhelm the ip address. It will stay offline until they run out of info packets to send. Guys have built big enough ones to knockdown major websites like google.

The people that download the Trojan are usually oblivious to it. There are a few things you can do to prevent it windows based operating systems are the most suseptable. They use d dos to control them all.

In our younger days buddies of mine would make them to kick people off xbox or playstation.

10-04-2015, 09:19 PM
In light of the Zambelli Fireworks site being hacked I am going to continue to keep registration on the pyrotalk discussion forums closed a little longer.