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View Full Version : Questions on the Type 54 license

07-16-2015, 05:47 AM
hey guys few questions here so bare with me. if i do receive my license, and wanted to shoot 1.3 does it have to be a show?? or can i they be shot at an open shoot? and if so how do i get the paperwork saying i shot at said location so i have the correct paperwork to put in my files that i bought the fireworks and then shoot them at this place. would that be ok to do? I'm from NYC the laws are very strict and hard over here. with this license would i be able to go to PA say and shoot there. just for instance, if a there was a open shoot in PA and i wanted to go to a wholesaler and buy 12 cases of shells and shoot them there is that ok. I'm just a little confused about this. any help would greatly be appreciated thanks guys....

07-16-2015, 02:12 PM
Shooting 1.3 does not have to be in a show.. so no on that question. If you belong to a Pyro Club that might be your best bet to help in getting your 54. The ATF is going to ask you where you plan in discharging 1.3 and you better have a good answer for them to be honest. You not gonna be able to shoot it in NY without having all the proper licensing and permits. Now granted PA is a much different state and the laws in requiring a permit in shooting product vary from TWP to TWP. I'd first look into a club because it does not sound like you have experiance with display fireworks or even look into working with a display company

07-16-2015, 04:28 PM
If you get your type 54 in New York State, please let me know how you did it.

07-16-2015, 04:55 PM
If you get your type 54 in New York State, please let me know how you did it.

Same here. I am looking at clubs and open shoots so I know what to tell them. Until we can change things this is what we have.

07-16-2015, 06:35 PM
Keep in mind you guys that the 54 is a Federal procedure and nothing to do with the state you live in. Yes providing you know what your talking about and not just someone who wants to buy salutes. As I mentioned the ATF will ask questions pertaining to your inquiry on obtaining 1.3 even before the interview. There are clubs within reach.. NLPC... Crackerjacks... NHPA. Reach out to display companies to get your foot in the door as well. Knowledge is key. The 54 only allows you to purchase period.. it's not free reign to open up boxes of product and shoot where you want. Start by calling your local ATF office though.. they will def answer your questions

07-16-2015, 06:50 PM
I belong to about 4 different pyro clubs. Even though I personally don't possess a 54 lic....many of these club members do. I hear of them saying - "oh i stopped by 1.3g company XYZ to pick up a cs of 3" shells for todays shoot" and yes then they do proceed to shoot that whole cs at the shoot.

07-17-2015, 01:17 AM
Shooting 1.3 does not have to be in a show.. so no on that question. If you belong to a Pyro Club that might be your best bet to help in getting your 54. The ATF is going to ask you where you plan in discharging 1.3 and you better have a good answer for them to be honest. You not gonna be able to shoot it in NY without having all the proper licensing and permits. Now granted PA is a much different state and the laws in requiring a permit in shooting product vary from TWP to TWP. I'd first look into a club because it does not sound like you have experiance with display fireworks or even look into working with a display company

I have tons of experience with 1.3 but my issue is I'm tired of doing it the way I've been. I've been shooting 1.3 since I was 15 years old problem is I want to go legit and have my type 54. Instead of payong 10k on 1.3 and getting hammered I can spend 10k somewhere legit when and if I have my license and shot them legit that's what I'm looking to do

07-17-2015, 01:25 AM
Keep in mind you guys that the 54 is a Federal procedure and nothing to do with the state you live in. Yes providing you know what your talking about and not just someone who wants to buy salutes. As I mentioned the ATF will ask questions pertaining to your inquiry on obtaining 1.3 even before the interview. There are clubs within reach.. NLPC... Crackerjacks... NHPA. Reach out to display companies to get your foot in the door as well. Knowledge is key. The 54 only allows you to purchase period.. it's not free reign to open up boxes of product and shoot where you want. Start by calling your local ATF office though.. they will def answer your questions

I understand it's a federal procedure, but NYC is borderline impossible to get permits to shot for sheer lack off land everywhere being overpopulated. From what I've been told PA is a lot easier to do so. I'm not looking to run around and get salutes. Any giving time I can get my hands on 1.3 literally any day of they week, but I don't want to do that anymore. I want to have the license, go to a supplier buy 1.3 and shoot them with out having to worry about it being illegal regardless of its in Ohio Indian New York Pennsylvania or wherever. I see online bunch of people with there type 54 and some with not shooting 1.3 on a farm or somewhere like that is that legal if so where can I do that. That's all I wanted to know

07-17-2015, 11:03 AM
Well if your looking to be" legit " as you stated then I'd look into joining a club