View Full Version : Black Market Fireworks?

06-03-2015, 02:10 PM
The good news is, he is in Chicago if you live in that area and want to find someone to shoot fireworks with. I am not 100 % sure on this but I would be willing to speculate he does not have an ATF license and purchased these on the Black Market. He does seem to be knowledgeable about how to shoot them. He does try to hide the identity of where the fireworks originated but if you know where to look you can still see it. I also suspect now that I embedded here someone will tell him to pull the video. Watch it will you can.


06-03-2015, 08:48 PM
Damn is it gone?

06-03-2015, 08:59 PM
Never mind it loaded. Why would he post this?

06-03-2015, 09:49 PM
I am going to give you an example of how things go for me sometime. Some people (I will let you guess who) took my recent video where I talked about obtaining some fireworks chemicals and giving them to someone in our local pyro group. These people take that video and somehow stretch it to imply I am someone fueling potential borderline terrorist destructive activity with fireworks chemicals. They demand something to be done. This all makes it back to me. This authority person defends me stating I am a harmless fireworks enthusiast with no destructive intensions.
Now let see if these same people take this above video and run it through the same channels. My guess is it was an illegal sale and you can clearly see where it originated from. If someone wanted to do something destructive you can see there is black market selling professional grade fireworks.
I am going to tell you the people that stir all of this up for me are not the police or any imaginary anti-fireworks organizations. These people are a group of fireworks enthusiast. My guess is that video will disappear soon.

06-04-2015, 11:12 AM
10 bucks for a 4" tube..... yea he bought it from someone that probably knows someone with a 54. This stuff exchanges hands a few times I'm sure

06-15-2015, 01:13 PM
Why would anyone sell 1.3 to a non 54 holder. I have friend that want me to get them 1.3 and my answer is a big NO. I will not loose my 54 if you get caught. But I will help you get your 54.

06-15-2015, 08:33 PM
Yea the guys dealing it out are taking a massive risk for sure

06-26-2015, 03:05 PM
Ive only had my license for 6 months and have been ask several times I direct them to daves video and tell them good luck