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View Full Version : From California- Need legal help from a Licensed Pro! (fireworks, explosives)

05-15-2015, 05:15 PM
I'll try to make this as quick as possible, I was grown up to like guns. When I moved out I started making my own firearms, specializing them, and also competing. Trying to get the best groupings (in a target) and also competing against a friend that also built his own firearms. Everything was registered. I also got into tanarite and making my own ammo. This is where my life took a short turn...

I ended up buying a bulk package of stuff to MAKE my own tanarite and powder to reload my own ammo (since it got so expensive) and at the time I ended up buying a "star" set firework package (I dont know wtf I was thinking:doh::doh:) that came with alot of chemicals I had no idea WTH to do with, so I ended up storing all the powders in a lock safe. Using tanarite legally else where that was legal to shoot off.

Where it got interesting is, the FEDS ended up raiding my house because they thought I was making bombs8o, I know they need a warrant (and I can tell you this off-forums). Long story short they are trying to charge a count for each powder I have, I think to scare me to take a plea deal. I had no intent, and had no "pipes" or any kind of explosive containers to make bombs or even fireworks. They ended up trying to "count" me with each powder because they couldnt get a charge with making bombs or a destructive device.

A little about me, I'm a very responsible person, I have a full time job, I'm semi-normal, I don't see or hear things, I'm not violent, I've never gotten a DUI, etc. I know if I looked at the pictures they took and made it seem like, I would send my ass to jail, but I'm a normal person that just made a mistake. The reason for this post is not to rant, I'm actually looking for a licensed expert that I could pay to give me a legal evaluation on the powders I have and if its illegal to possess, Mind you nothing is mixed. I will go into more detail if anybody is interested in talking with me. I'm trying to get a few peoples written opinion--and paying for your time of course. Please do not troll, this is very serious and I'd like to get help from people(s).

This is where I bought everything (only came in bulk): http://www.skylighter.com/Star-Kits.asp

I do have an attorney, shelved over thousands of dollars and lost much over that.

Thank you in advanced.

-Jason Smith

05-15-2015, 05:46 PM
Questions (for anybody that knows it)

1) What is the legal limit of powder one can hold at one time (NOT MIXED)

05-16-2015, 12:31 PM
Before I comment further are you the person involved in the incident inThousand Oaks California occurring May 14, 2014?