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View Full Version : 2015 Stash Thread...

05-05-2015, 10:46 PM
So I figured I make a thread for us to post pics of our 2015 collections.

Ill start with my first round of prod...

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/KillaNinjaChuklz/2015stashpart1_zpsrp7r4zp1.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/KillaNinjaChuklz/media/2015stashpart1_zpsrp7r4zp1.jpg.html)

05-06-2015, 09:32 AM
My, very good. I think I have a pack of those rockets!

05-06-2015, 04:32 PM
My peeps..... You got a nice stash........ Are you preparing for an earthquake or something.

CHECK out ...A.I. by WC.

I was thinking there might be something you could do like this


Maybe in the beginning or middle ******You Know.....

Nice Stash............................................. ..........................................Which means: the stash he aint showing is much better.:cool:


05-06-2015, 04:34 PM

heres the vid

Please comment and enjoy.

05-25-2015, 08:59 PM

heres the vid

Please comment and enjoy.

Where's part 2?

05-25-2015, 11:50 PM

05-28-2015, 06:12 PM

Here is my cake stash. Also have roughly 250 mortar tubes to go along with it.

05-28-2015, 06:22 PM
OK, I'll bite, here's my start this year.....

05-29-2015, 12:19 PM
OK, I'll bite, here's my start this year.....

Went WFBoom cool.

05-30-2015, 01:17 AM
You seem to not have much of a collection. I had around twice your product last year.

05-30-2015, 01:52 PM
I heard its not the size of your stash, it's how you use it!

05-30-2015, 02:35 PM
They are my main guys now, I got sick of paying for a flashy showroom and getting little for my buck.

05-30-2015, 07:51 PM
All I find in photos of firework stashes is people showing off. It's not very polite.

05-30-2015, 09:32 PM
Wizard-Kind of being a bit of a dick there aren't ya? 2 comments now that aren't so nice, what's the deal?

05-30-2015, 10:06 PM
Wizard-Kind of being a bit of a dick there aren't ya? 2 comments now that aren't so nice, what's the deal?

Exactly what I was thinking! Well said sir! That's why I do not visit this this site much, assholes like wizard!!!

If you do not like what someone posts up as a picture of their stash, well keep your mouth shut instead of insulting them with what "you claim you had" last year!!!

You do not know a persons income/fireworks budget! This is why some will always be bigger then other people. It will always be like this, their will always be a guy that has a bigger stash then the next guy!!!! Do I think you need to insult someone over it? Absolutely not!!! But I'm not as cool as you so you will find a problem with my 5 posts on this site or anything else I called you out on!!!

No one cares about your "snakes and sparklers" sir!

As I continue. What right do you have to comment what someone posts as a picture of their stash? Where is yours or what, let me wait for you to copy and paste a picture of someone elses

Carry on please with your 2015 stashes!!!

Fire Art
05-30-2015, 10:24 PM
Need some Pyro Demon for those stashes!

05-30-2015, 10:56 PM
Need some Pyro Demon for those stashes!

....Soon ;)

05-31-2015, 12:13 AM
Need some Pyro Demon for those stashes!

Ok if you insist! Demon shells it is.

05-31-2015, 05:47 AM
Exactly what I was thinking! Well said sir! That's why I do not visit this this site much, assholes like wizard!!!

If you do not like what someone posts up as a picture of their stash, well keep your mouth shut instead of insulting them with what "you claim you had" last year!!!

You do not know a persons income/fireworks budget! This is why some will always be bigger then other people. It will always be like this, their will always be a guy that has a bigger stash then the next guy!!!! Do I think you need to insult someone over it? Absolutely not!!! But I'm not as cool as you so you will find a problem with my 5 posts on this site or anything else I called you out on!!!

No one cares about your "snakes and sparklers" sir!

As I continue. What right do you have to comment what someone posts as a picture of their stash? Where is yours or what, let me wait for you to copy and paste a picture of someone elses

Carry on please with your 2015 stashes!!!

Well said!

05-31-2015, 09:40 AM
Well said!

2nd THAT!!!!!

05-31-2015, 04:26 PM
Exactly what I was thinking! Well said sir! That's why I do not visit this this site much, assholes like wizard!!!

If you do not like what someone posts up as a picture of their stash, well keep your mouth shut instead of insulting them with what "you claim you had" last year!!!

You do not know a persons income/fireworks budget! This is why some will always be bigger then other people. It will always be like this, their will always be a guy that has a bigger stash then the next guy!!!! Do I think you need to insult someone over it? Absolutely not!!! But I'm not as cool as you so you will find a problem with my 5 posts on this site or anything else I called you out on!!!

No one cares about your "snakes and sparklers" sir!
Carry on please with your 2015 stashes!!!

Hahaha! Snakes and sparklers? No. I took a trip down to Motor City Fireworks in Monroe Michigan. We were in too much of a hurry to get back in time for Independence Day. My whole block usually lines up missile batteries all the way down the street every year. It was also topped off with some consumer cakes. We were a small part of the whole display. All I was saying was that it wasn't polite to rub stashes into other people's faces. Some people can afford nicer things than others. So, you called me an asshole? Doesn't that make you more of one than I?

05-31-2015, 05:08 PM
I love seeing pics of people's stashes. Big or small. I am a pyro. Don't be an ass toward people here. They didn't take a pic of their ferrari. They posted a pic of something we all love to show everyone

05-31-2015, 05:37 PM
I will give Mr. Wizard a three day vacation. I think posting pictures of a Consumer Fireworks stash is a pyro tradition. I do not see it as flaunting your wealth or anything more than something fun. I do not want aggressive post to stop people from posting comments or pictures. I monitor the forums and try not to intervene until things are escalating. We will let other forums have all the harsh comments. If you purchased a large amount of fireworks we should be happy for you, not envious of you.

05-31-2015, 05:50 PM
Big stash or small stash - don't make a diff - love seeing them.
I really love seeing our YOUNG pyros stash - they know how to take $100 and stretch it out :cool:

05-31-2015, 10:34 PM
please do im not crazy about mouthy cry babies. sorry, not to affend anyone but thats my 2 cents. if you gonna cry about it, why eaitehr waste time typing here on the forms. and displayfireworks1, thanks for keeping the forums the way you do. so to everyone have a nice day ;)

I will give Mr. Wizard a three day vacation. I think posting pictures of a Consumer Fireworks stash is a pyro tradition. I do not see it as flaunting your wealth or anything more than something fun. I do not want aggressive post to stop people from posting comments or pictures. I monitor the forums and try not to intervene until things are escalating. We will let other forums have all the harsh comments. If you purchased a large amount of fireworks we should be happy for you, not envious of you.

05-31-2015, 10:37 PM
Posting pics of our stashes is just having fun as Dave said. Most of us are here to share knowledge, and our experiences. Some folks should use their heads before they speak or type.

06-01-2015, 08:53 AM
Yes it's all about fun and seeing the the stuff people love to put in their shows, no matter how big or small it is. I haven't purchased mine yet and by checking out others stashes is actually giving me some idea's for myself. So all are correct when saying no reason to be an ass about someone's stash. It's awesome to see and should never stop.

06-02-2015, 01:04 AM
Love seeing these threads. The pyro community starts to come alive again along with all the videos on YouTube as well.

I haven't received my stash yet. Do to work I have to wait until the week before the 4th to pick them up. I'll post it up when I get it!

06-12-2015, 01:26 PM
http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag93/James_Keithley/IMG_1412_zps1hqyyjqp.jpg (http://s1300.photobucket.com/user/James_Keithley/media/IMG_1412_zps1hqyyjqp.jpg.html)
Eddie At nite Lites always has best prices and and will work with you on building a good show..

06-12-2015, 08:41 PM
http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag93/James_Keithley/IMG_1412_zps1hqyyjqp.jpg (http://s1300.photobucket.com/user/James_Keithley/media/IMG_1412_zps1hqyyjqp.jpg.html)
Eddie At nite Lites always has best prices and and will work with you on building a good show..

NICE!!! Lots of great product there!!

06-13-2015, 10:09 AM
Awesome stash Jimbo!

Wholesale Fireworks
06-13-2015, 11:11 AM
Love to see that AFW logo!!!

06-15-2015, 09:34 PM
Ok. Here it is 1200 lbs. 35 cases.


dave... please fix this to make it come up.... i know how to do it but I'm on my phone and its not working.... sorry

06-15-2015, 09:55 PM
You video is coming up "Private". You have to make it either "Unlisted" or "Public" for us to see it. Change that and it should play

Adam PA Artist
06-18-2015, 02:45 AM
Nice thats a good stash you got going...

06-18-2015, 02:38 PM
Badass bro!

Ill eventually get around to trying out the 76 Pro Line stuff.

06-20-2015, 12:39 AM
Well, heres video of the stash... enjoy!


06-21-2015, 11:38 AM
Stash rooooooouuuuund 2!

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/KillaNinjaChuklz/2015%20Stash%20Part%202_zpsnikwj5gq.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/KillaNinjaChuklz/media/2015%20Stash%20Part%202_zpsnikwj5gq.jpg.html)

06-21-2015, 08:58 PM
Everyone has lots of great products. Will anyone be posting some of there shows? There is always something about a fresh new stash that always sparks up nostalgia. It's always a beautiful thing.

06-21-2015, 09:27 PM
I'll be posting my show for sure. Last 2 shows were 1 star camera performance. This year hopefully will be right

06-23-2015, 06:36 PM
A picture of part of my stash. Working on getting the video uploaded of the main stash.

https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10341562_10206844716975511_3001104098299471102_n.j pg?oh=cbaab914ccb9cacabde0ca19f83684d2&oe=5628C737

06-23-2015, 07:30 PM
Video of my main stash. As stated in the video I didn't go wholesale this year and buy from Nite Lites (Little China) like I usually do. Instead I went around to some of the local fireworks shops near me. Some of them know me and others I met for the first time. I got a good deal on a lot of the product I bought considering it was retail. More importantly I made some new pyro connections and supported my local retailers. I also found some product I hadn't seen or heard of before.


06-24-2015, 12:38 AM
Nice stash!

06-28-2015, 12:11 AM

So here's my stash, let me know what you all think.

06-28-2015, 12:41 AM
Still not enough man! lol


06-30-2015, 12:12 AM

So here's my stash, let me know what you all think.

That's not a stash, that's a tent! lol. Rineyville is only about 2 hours away from me. I might have to come check out your show!

06-30-2015, 05:39 AM
That's not a stash, that's a tent! lol. Rineyville is only about 2 hours away from me. I might have to come check out your show!

Your more than welcome. Actually I had about 11-12 pyro-heads at it last year. U can check out previous years shows on my YouTube channel.

06-30-2015, 05:41 AM
Still not enough man! lol

I agree! But there gets a point where u just run out of storage space!

06-30-2015, 07:24 PM
I agree! But there gets a point where u just run out of storage space!

Exactly going to be my issue after tonights 3rd and final order pickup. lol

07-02-2015, 07:03 PM
Heres that 3rd and final!

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/KillaNinjaChuklz/2015%20Stash%20Part%203_zps3ofxxxw5.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/KillaNinjaChuklz/media/2015%20Stash%20Part%203_zps3ofxxxw5.jpg.html)

07-02-2015, 07:07 PM
Heres video of my 2nd round of product... Ill post the previous pics' video tomorrow(July3rd)


07-03-2015, 07:56 PM
3rd and final...
