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View Full Version : Kellner's Demo and Artillery Shells

04-04-2015, 03:48 PM
Hey guys, I'm thinking about going to Kellner's Open shoot day on April 16. I have a couple questions for it. All the 50% fireworks I purchase do I have to shoot off that night? Or can I take some of them home to create shows with? Another question is what good reloadable shells do they have? From their website I really like the the Race Day Cylinder Artillery Shells, but are they good? I'm for sure getting the Bomblastic Canister Shells that Dave recommended. My final question is about the Premium Artillery Shells they have item number 8801. Are these shells any good? I'm thinking about buying some to keep my cost of shells down a bit and mix in some really nice ones. i just want to make sure these are good shells. I look forward to hearing your responses and possibly meeting some of you guys on the 16th.

04-04-2015, 04:24 PM
The raceday shells are good but not as good as bomblastic shells. I personally would avoid the premium artillery shells. I like the red hot artillery shells and don't overlook the liberty bell shell kit. I think it is fine assortment of shells.

04-04-2015, 04:26 PM
If you are going to take stuff home, just buy by the case.

04-04-2015, 04:36 PM
I would love to buy stuff by the case, but my budget wouldn't allow it. i would like to have all different types of stuff.

04-04-2015, 05:37 PM
You do not have to shoot everything you buy--you can take home whatever you want....but you can't shoot "non-kellner" product at the open shoot.
Ditto on what was said above--the Bomblastic cans are very nice. If you are only getting a couple packs & not the entire case--look at the wrapper--there are four different sets of effects. Each is different. Pick & choose what you like.

04-04-2015, 07:48 PM
I have only used 2 of his shells - like others - BOMBASTIC is a good canister shell. The Liberty Assort? - IMO - it is hit and miss - some yrs good some yrs so so.

Northern Sky
04-04-2015, 09:06 PM
Buy some assorted cake cases if you want to save some money.

04-05-2015, 12:11 AM
This is the advantage of attending an "Open Shoot" . When it gets close to dark hang around by the open shoot area, look and listen what is being shot. Take something you purchased and shoot it. The advantage is a single item is priced at the case price or 50% off. I can't speak for Kellner Fireworks but I would speculate they have a fireworks permit to shoot at the site for multiple days Thurs , Fri and Sat. It looks like you are from Ohio, you can purchase under the out of state rules. This allows you to purchase 1.4 fireworks there most anytime. I will be there for the open shoot on April 16, if you want to purchase product and have any issues, find me at the site I will help you. Bring your Ohio Drivers license. Not sure what all forms of payment he has set up that night, I usually tell people to bring cash to demo shoots. Figure what you want to spend ..then triple it. LOL Introduce yourself to me when you see me that night.

04-05-2015, 02:33 PM
Ditto what Northern Sky said. I bought a few of them last year for a show. Its worth it!

04-06-2015, 12:30 PM
Tennisconner, as to your question on the Premium ball shells, they are not bad for what they are, a cheap ball shell. They won't look impressive if you shoot one at a time but shot in volleys or mixed in with some salutes they aren't bad. At .50 cents a shell you can't do much better. Buy a bag of 12 on open shoot night as see how you like them. I'll be there as well as others from the site, it is a good time to pick the brains of other pyros on product.

04-06-2015, 11:59 PM
See ya there Wendell