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View Full Version : identifying shells and cans

03-30-2015, 04:36 PM
I'd like to figure out which is what :confused:

I found an old post 2006 thread that identified the effects for smoke n mirrors .a1-6 , b1-6 & c1-6.....no clue if its still accurate ? ANYBODY KNOW ?

Then I separated my excals which are labeled.......tho not same as on box - NO JUMBO anything ..... if you have a fav excal or know if any of the different effects are better or best - I'd like to know your favorites...... PLEASE

For the ones with no labeling - I separated them by string color at top - Do yuh think thats random or actual different effects or colors.

I kinda was looking for red white and blue effects - separate them out.

and have some sembence of like colors together or best match to cakes etc

It started so I could make some racks with the tubes ....... now its more like a lil kid enjoying making a PLAN .

not sure if it was a mistake , got a case of lil 1'' balls but tho the ID on the lil tubes might be close to an inch - the shells are the size of gumballs or marbles.......makes me wonder if violent fuse will jerk them right out the tube if I glued a bunch of the tubes to a board.... they are kinda cute in a miniature way......but wayyyyyyyyy smaller than i imagined....... ANY IDEAS - 40 tiny tubes and 240 lil marble size shells ??????

plenty enuff cans - I'd like some nice symetrical BALL shells ........ Are the ''black box'' just more cheapos ?...lookin for PRETTY !
..... I have a box of brothers PRIVATE STASH - those look promising.

If YOU have a FAVORITE SYMETRICAL ball shell preferrably with labels...point me in the right direction ! ;).......... after seeing these teeny tiny - i'd like to find the biggest BALL SHELL in 1.4 please.

How do YOU prefer to organise ? or am i the only one thinkin a few grouped together might lOOk better than too many at once.....

ONE MORE question - is there a difference between GLITTER and CRACKLING ??

enuff jabbering i guess ........ I WISH yall jabbered more

03-30-2015, 06:44 PM
Lol.... Welcome to PyroTalk!

I tend to like the the American Brave ball shells by Glorious.
Case comes 12/12. No effects listed... but are color organized.

The difference between glitter and and crackle is exactly what it sounds like.

Glitter Shell


Crackle Shell


03-30-2015, 06:45 PM
I personally like brothers american chief ball shells. All have tails and have decent breaks. Also have some effects not typically seen in balls, like rings for instance. Every 12 pack comes with 2 rings. Crackling is what it means, hundreds of tiny explosions. Glittering is a flickering star. Blinks on and off whiles falling.

03-30-2015, 06:49 PM
We at Kneppys actually have Red, White, Blue shell kit - from the Total Power factory...3 red, 3 blue, 3 white, 3 varigated RWB.
12/12 cs