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View Full Version : PyroBoom New ULTRA DR11 Tube

Pyro Nation
03-26-2015, 12:30 AM

03-26-2015, 02:22 AM
In my opinion, I would never spend that much for a consumer sized HDPE firework tube. They try to make the product seem decent by hand washing it and smoothing it out, but I'm definitely not ever going to buy these.

Pyro Nation
03-26-2015, 03:54 AM
I agree.... Not sure how well this will work for PYROBOOM, but he must see something there if he made this step im assuming

03-27-2015, 12:11 AM
I still think they are sexy looking!

03-27-2015, 09:15 AM
They are one of my advertisers and I did not know this so thanks for the update. Here is a copy and paste from their website.
New for 2015. We are the first company to offer an HDPE DR11 mortar tube that is guaranteed! If the tube is destroyed during your show because of a shell failure we will replace the entire tube for free! This includes shipping. It's guaranteed for 25 years! The tube is cleaned by hand and the top is even beveled for a very clean and impressive look. These are the best tubes on the market. If you want the best of the best and a guarantee then this tube is for you! •Tube is guaranteed for 25 years
•If the tube is destroyed we'll send another one free of charge
•Smooth and clean top bevel. This make the shell entry super easy and it's classy looking
•12" Long HDPE Plugged mortar tube
•1.91" inner diameter. 2.4" outer diameter
•Cleaned by hand
•The BEST HDPE mortar tube on the market
This may be a first in the industry, an extended warranty for mortar racks, and it includes shell failure.
It is good business strategy to have two choices for the customer to compare. When you have at least two choices in the same line, one helps sell the other. This product reminds me of my friend that was an auto mechanic, I said something like why did he pay some much for a professional ratchet tool when Sears had them so much cheaper, they both will tighten a bolt! He then showed me the ease of use features and smooth textures that made working all day with the tool easier. I would be willing to bet with that smooth edge at the top of the mortar the shells would drop into the mortar easier during loading. But I do not know for sure unless I see it. The plug looked to a different quality of wood also. Some people like to have the best quality of product and still others do not. There is definitely a market for something like this, adding the warranty is a nice bonus.

03-27-2015, 10:55 AM
Some people buy a Honda Civic 2 door, some like a Cadillac Escalade? I don't get it. Same thing does the same job...it gets someone or something from point A to point B. It needs a cool "Flame" decal around the top brim...IMHO.

03-27-2015, 10:59 AM
mortar tube bling

03-27-2015, 08:03 PM
I think most are missing the idea behind this. This probably isn't for most people on this site as you know how much more it would cost to change over to these tubes and how long your standard HDPE/Fiberglass tubes last. BUT for someone just getting into reloadables and maybe only needs a handful or is scared they won't last, this takes all the guesswork and apprehension out of the purchase. If its a mistake then its his mistake however I applaud the marketing aspect. It's not like PyroBOOM discontinued the standard HDPE option we have been using and said "this is what you need now".

03-28-2015, 10:47 AM
sometimes you get loose tubes and they were just haphazardly sawed off and there's chunks & 'splinters' along the time and even bottom, near the plug and you go "how hard would it have been to file/smooth that off ?!! "
I look forward to getting some of these rounded off ones .