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01-23-2015, 06:40 PM
Is there such a critter and is it available and where can I find the best ones?

01-23-2015, 07:07 PM
There is no such thing as a consumer salute.

Salutes no matter how you look at them are a 1.3G item.

What you are referring to are "overloads" or "mislabeled" 1.3 items. These are sold as 1.4 on the black market.

01-23-2015, 08:20 PM
a salute is 1.3

01-23-2015, 09:06 PM
Overload or mislabeled, sounds intriguing! I've been known to be called them my self!

01-24-2015, 12:19 AM
get appropriate batfe license and make / buy your own .

01-24-2015, 12:22 AM
Wow, you people just love to say they don't exist. Yes, these do exist, but they're classified as a report, not a salute. There are huge restrictions on the amount of flash powder manufacturers can put inside these consumer shells. If you honestly know what you're doing, I suggest making them. Other than that, you need an AFT license.

01-25-2015, 07:04 PM
Wow, you people just love to say they don't exist. Yes, these do exist, but they're classified as a report, not a salute. There are huge restrictions on the amount of flash powder manufacturers can put inside these consumer shells. If you honestly know what you're doing, I suggest making them. Other than that, you need an AFT license.

I am very interested in the products that exist? Where can I read about this information on the restrictions and these consumer shells? If they can sale them why would I need to make them?
Just curious

01-25-2015, 09:27 PM
My money is on a username like Spunky and the third post is about salutes, he has to be under 18 years of age. He lives in Missouri; I often want to say something like, they sell them up the road in Pittsburgh Pa. Even if they did, how does he get them in Missouri?
Do they sell Consumer salutes?
Yes and No
No; the current USA law says a ground-based firecracker may only contain 50 mg of composition, if the report is in the air, it may be 125mg.
Yes; some USA fireworks importers deceptively mark firecrackers, rockets, cakes etc. as 1.4 that exceed these limits.
Rationale; There is a marketing saying that states, “Don’t sell people what they need, sell them what they want”. You need a 50mg firecracker, but that is not what you want.
The problem is people in United States believe in what is called “Truth in Labeling”. I am going to tell to throw all of that out of your head when it comes to fireworks coming out of China.
I think may do a future video about what is termed “Overloaded Fireworks”

01-25-2015, 09:37 PM
I'm sure ill catch some crap for this but I have been able to get REAL 1.75 inch salutes sold as a consumer item. They come packaged like many ball shells in a 6 pack with one cardboard mortar. The package always has a name hinting to what they are and they never have a brand. There actually really easy to come by if you know how but you will be paying much more than its worth. Just a little hint... They won't be on the shelf

01-26-2015, 12:10 PM
My money is on a username like Spunky and the third post is about salutes, he has to be under 18 years of age. He lives in Missouri;

Is this some type of insult? I asked an honest question. Seems like a slam on my username. I'm not sure what the number of posts has to do with it or how you decided to put your vast blogger fortune on what my age is. (you would have lost your $2 by the way) Yes, I live in Missouri, doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that does there?

Anyway, to the people that have answered my questions, thank you. I would truly like to have some 1.4 Salutes/Reports. I have been selling 1.4 fireworks for longer than his guess of my age. I also provide 1.4 fireworks for our small town celebration and the reports/salutes would be very popular. I would like to use them to set the mood for the show while it is still daylight.

Julian, thanks for the hint but any help you could give on how to find them would be appreciated. I am from Missouri and I don't get your hint.

01-26-2015, 12:50 PM
When you get caught with them don't say you weren't warned..... get legal

01-26-2015, 01:54 PM
When you get caught with them don't say you weren't warned..... get legal

Thats exactly why I asked the question. I absolutely was NOT trying to break the law or find black market material. i saw the previous thread about the Thunder Kings and wanted to know if there was a 1.4 version that is legal for consumers.

01-26-2015, 04:14 PM
If you buy something labeled 1.4, in good faith, and it seems much different, what, your a criminal. Please, we have all been there. It seems as thou everyone is so self righteous, c'mon it was an honest question. Is this not an open forum? As far as I'm concerned, if it says 1.4, you can buy it. Last I knew 1.4 consumer fireworks were not sold in an alley somewhere. By the way, 50mg firecrackers are just fine with me, I'm better now, I vented.

01-26-2015, 05:36 PM
i think all i'd say is "caveat emptor" aka "buyer beware"

01-26-2015, 08:47 PM
Spunky, I think it's kind of different that you have been selling for longer than his guess of your age (18) and you haven't ran across said items. I would just get your license and call it a day.

01-26-2015, 09:04 PM
Spunky, I think it's kind of different that you have been selling for longer than his guess of your age (18) and you haven't ran across said items. I would just get your license and call it a day.

You have a very valid point.

01-27-2015, 04:47 PM
Spunky, I think it's kind of different that you have been selling for longer than his guess of your age (18) and you haven't ran across said items. I would just get your license and call it a day.

I don't understand, what items are you referring too? Are you talking about the mis-labeled items? Then yes I have seen these. I want to see a legal 1.4 version of the Thunderkings. I know they will be less powerful but I would like to see the max legal limit for an aerial firework that only does a report. I can honestly say I have never seen a 1.4 shell or repeater that only has a lift charge and report. Have you? If so, who makes it?

I know my question was asked incorrectly in the beginning but, this is all I was trying to find out. I don't understand the pile on mentality. SMH

01-27-2015, 06:03 PM
You probably will never see those in the U.S.... legally, that is.

01-27-2015, 11:39 PM
I don't understand, what items are you referring too? Are you talking about the mis-labeled items? Then yes I have seen these. I want to see a legal 1.4 version of the Thunderkings. I know they will be less powerful but I would like to see the max legal limit for an aerial firework that only does a report. I can honestly say I have never seen a 1.4 shell or repeater that only has a lift charge and report. Have you? If so, who makes it?

I know my question was asked incorrectly in the beginning but, this is all I was trying to find out. I don't understand the pile on mentality. SMH

I dont see the "pile on mentality"

Just seemed to me someone in the business would already know whats available mis-labeled or not. But, at any rate maybe this will help you:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q8nOm4nsbc

01-27-2015, 11:48 PM
Hmm. I dont see that Hammer cake anywhere on any of the product lists.

01-28-2015, 09:24 AM
I can't believe so76 stopped selling that cake. That was a legit 1.4g thunderking. .... well kinda.... thunderking style.... now that I recall they may have never even sold this cake. I emailed matt over there and asked if they had anything like a salute cake or report cake whatever you want to call it and he said no..... hmm..

01-28-2015, 05:47 PM
You're never too young to get into the fireworks business, as long as you're responsible for anything that could possibly go wrong, and informed on what to do to prevent yourself from dying.

01-29-2015, 01:48 AM
There is no such thing as a consumer legal salute period. Yes they had thunder King, firing squad, and Battle of Colors in true 1.4g after the CPSC reclassified them. They contained no more than a 2 grain (130mg) report. Same goes with flashing thunder candles and super Bomb. Yes there are items known as baby b or super c. They are 1.3g items mislabeled as 1.4g. I don't care what the label says, if their is more than 2 grains of flash powder the item is not legal 1.4g. When I hear someone say so and so had this item but it didn't last long, it's because either cpsc got it or the importer decided to no longer risk the fines and possible jail time associated with importing it and getting caught. Btw the guy with the user name displayfireworks1 is the owner of this site. If you have been selling fireworks for 18 years ten you are older than me. However I have been in the fireworks game since I was a teenager. I know the industry well. I'll be glad to answer any questions but try to keep the names of sources off public forums.

01-29-2015, 04:46 AM
I can't believe so76 stopped selling that cake. That was a legit 1.4g thunderking. .... well kinda.... thunderking style.... now that I recall they may have never even sold this cake. I emailed matt over there and asked if they had anything like a salute cake or report cake whatever you want to call it and he said no..... hmm..
That video has a posted to YouTube date of Jan. 2015?

01-29-2015, 09:51 AM
That video has a posted to YouTube date of Jan. 2015?

Awesome!!!! I knew they were expanding their proline a bunch this year. Maybe a "salute" cake....... hopefully

01-29-2015, 05:05 PM
This was the answer I got from ______ in the pa warehouse.

The GM614 is a new loud report effect that we were just expecting to receive this season. It's a unique item for us. We don't normally carry cakes with this effect. I don't think these will last very long. I wouldn't be shocked if they are all sold before they get here.

01-29-2015, 07:48 PM
Well there it is people. There is now a legal 1.4g salute cake. Baby thunderking..... hell yea

01-29-2015, 09:22 PM
Well there it is people. There is now a legal 1.4g salute cake. Baby thunderking..... hell yea

Guys, it's either a 2 grain report, or it's not 1.4G. Period! If you want to talk about it more PM me.

01-29-2015, 09:31 PM
Let me tell you a quick story. In about the year 2004 or 2005 there was a company called Lightening Bolt. They sold product through various wholesalers and retailers. Victory Fireworks used to carry their line. They decided to import a consumer salute that consisted of a black powder burst charge and empty star cores, meaning when it broke there were no visible stars. This was to get around the fact that black powder was allowed to be used in quantities up to 40 grams if it is being used as part of an aesthetic effect. They were not very loud and had a dull thump as opposed to a sharp flash report. Even though they were not loud (in the way that a similar sized flash salute would be) the CPSC forbade their importation because the black powder "burst" charge was being used for its audible effect rather than as a burst charge for stars or other aesthetics. The rules are what they are. Anyone can slap a label on something that says one thing, but it doesn't change what it actually is.

01-29-2015, 10:43 PM
Who cares if it's a 2 grain report or not. It could be a cake filled with 50 MG crackers and it would sell to the enthusiasts like like hot cakes. Being a 1.4 guy the only way to achieve this effect is to strap 4 cases of thunder ball roman candles toggether. Don't be mad that a company is being smart and giving the consumer what they really want

01-29-2015, 11:14 PM
I actually enjoy certain report candles.... some of them have a nice bite to them.

01-29-2015, 11:58 PM
Bite, lol. In the consumer line, I find consumer shells way more scary than a shell that's an attempt to be a report. For instance, XS HD shells made by Big Fireworks are pretty loud in my opinion, and yet the CPSC creates regulations on the flash powder inside these cakes.

01-30-2015, 08:49 AM
Have you heard the Pyro Demons - Demon Shells? Loudest shells Ive ever heard. They have a nice bang comin out, and a nice deep girthy loud break.

01-30-2015, 12:18 PM
Have you heard the Pyro Demons - Demon Shells? Loudest shells Ive ever heard. They have a nice bang comin out, and a nice deep girthy loud break.

I happen to have a few (I could barter with) extras, if anyone local wants to try them? Pm me.

02-01-2015, 01:59 PM
To clarify, GM614 <Hammer Cake> is not a salute cake. However, I will not go into the construction details. The video posted is a pre-production sample. It will not be placed on any price lists until it has passed AFSL testing and EX approval.

The product was developed in accordance with AFSL standards. For those that do not know, AFSL is a voluntary testing program for American fireworks importers. The AFSL standard incorporates all CPSC regulations.

Dan - 76 Pro Line - Product Manager

02-02-2015, 01:44 AM
Thank you for sharing that info.

Welcome to PyroTalk btw.

Fire Art
02-03-2015, 02:35 PM
Black Cat had a 9 shot mini cake called Air Bomb 9 shot that was a tail to only report. Granted it was barely louder than a firecracker but as requested...a legal 1.4g report cake. I have about a half case left in my stash for sale-cheap!


02-03-2015, 06:16 PM
I've become a big fan of report candles fused together makes quite the display. But now as long as we are on this topic, what exactly is the legal limit for flash in a consumer aerial shell?

02-03-2015, 09:36 PM
50mg on the ground
125mg in the air.

This is for United States

I may have to do a video about this, people sometimes purchase loud fireworks products and confuse this. The loud ones you are purchasing are technically in violation of the standard.

02-04-2015, 12:52 PM
Let us know when its up. I'm looking forward to seeing it.