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01-15-2015, 10:29 PM
Lol now that i have your attention i have to ask this question. What's wrong with PVC mortars/guns? Other than the explosive lethal shrapnel. If you are observing your distances and e firing it from those distances, what's the problem? Add this into it. ..... what if your pvc guns are encased in a sand box?I just want to see what people have to say about this..... i don't want to start a huge argument, I just want honest opinions. I think pvc gets a bad rap but if your far enough away shrapnel seems like it wouldn't be a problem

01-16-2015, 12:03 AM
How far is far enough away? I am sure you can shoot out of PVC if you really wanted to. Before the availability of all these mortars and before I knew better I shot three inch shells out of three inch Terracotta sewage pipe with cement at the bottom for a mortar plug. It worked great and we never had a problem. Lucky for us at that time. But we did not have other options. Now there are options and this month there are options with free shipping.

01-16-2015, 01:38 AM
and this month there are options with free shipping.


01-16-2015, 02:25 AM
Careful Dave! PU trolls might try and quote you there as it appears you're still a topic of conversations lately. ANYWAYS...Just because the question was asked I will admit at one time many years ago I made the mistake of using PVC and I tried to bury it in sand to make it stronger when launching. The first few shells were fine but the lift eventually blew the tube up in the air right out of the sand, probably from cracks in the PVC near the bottom venting gasses underneath. After that I never did it again and honestly no matter the distance away the risks are really not worth it. If you were to make a rack of PVC you risk having a CATO that destroys several tubes around it because of how fragile it is. Then the problem becomes not only shrapnel but also shells flying every direction. I would rather spend the extra change to get the correct tubes than to spend thousands $$$ on ER visits or even more on litigation.

01-16-2015, 08:53 AM
Lol now that i have your attention i have to ask this question. What's wrong with PVC mortars/guns? Other than the explosive lethal shrapnel. If you are observing your distances and e firing it from those distances, what's the problem? Add this into it. ..... what if your pvc guns are encased in a sand box?I just want to see what people have to say about this..... i don't want to start a huge argument, I just want honest opinions. I think pvc gets a bad rap but if your far enough away shrapnel seems like it wouldn't be a problem
Isn't that enough?!?!?!?!
Trust me and other wise folks on here "grasshopper" == use either HDPE or Fiberglasss. A little more $ = but worth it in the long run.

01-16-2015, 09:41 AM
I don't use pvc I just wanted to see what others had to say. Most all of my consumer mortars are steel anyway

01-16-2015, 10:04 AM
At Playingwithfire85
Fireworks are a topic of conversation over there. I am target of insults and ridicule.
: the act of making fun of someone or something in a cruel or harsh way : harsh comments made by people who are laughing at someone or something
When done in groups its a form of bullying. Of all the positive comments we can receive about something we do in our life the few negative comments always seem to have the loudest voice don't they. A story comes to mind, I was in my local barber shop one day when a wealthy local man was getting his haircut, this man had recently donated 10 million dollars to a hospital to improve care for others suffering from the same kidney disease he had. This man now deceased was real philanthropist, the barber mentioned the article about it in the local paper. The man proudly told us the story of what the future hope was for this kidney section of the hospital. The conversation was very pleasant. Then the barber mentioned the one negative comment someone made in the "Letter to the Editor" section of the same paper about how much he charges for his products and its about time etc. I now see the look on this wealthy philanthropist face go to a sudden deep hurt as he said "Yea I saw that". I saw the hurt one anonymous comment can do to someone that just gave away 10 million dollars. I would be great one day to offer these people with negative comments and ridicule an opportunity to post a video on YouTube and tell me whatever they want to say. So there it is, come from behind the anonymity of the keyboard with these comments , put the video on your face and tell me how you feel about anything I am doing. Send me the video link and I will post it on this discussion forums my self. Send the link to pyrotalk@gmail.com. the video must show your face and feel free to say whatever you want. I will move you to the head of line.

01-16-2015, 10:15 AM
Amen! I have already learned real quick no one on their forum is or will be a friend of mine. The fact that people would rather be members of Pyro Talk is a testament all in itself. To me, people like them give the fireworks industry a bad name more than accidents that happen simply because they will slam people with more so called "knowledge" when accidents happen.

01-16-2015, 11:35 AM
Ras--I think the most logical answer to your question is: "We all want to live as long as we can & be able to shoot as much Pyro in our lifetimes as we are able to while keeping all of our body parts intact!"
Absolutely NO need to even consider PVC with all the options available today -HDPE, Fiberglass, Cardboard, & Steel.....and like Dave said--"Free shipping this month"!
Anyone new that reads the posts on here will find out immediately the safety concerns with PVC.

01-16-2015, 02:33 PM
Great comment joe. I don't use pvc, I did in the past until i realized hdpe was so close in price if you know where to get it and don't mind cutting and plugging it yourself.

01-16-2015, 08:07 PM
Great comment joe. I don't use pvc, I did in the past until i realized hdpe was so close in price if you know where to get it and don't mind cutting and plugging it yourself.

You dont need to even do that. It comes pre-made. :)