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01-14-2015, 11:02 PM
From my YouTube channel

http://www.phmsa.dot.gov/portal/site/PHMSA/menuitem.6f23687cf7b00b0f22e4c6962d9c8789/?vgnextoid=633ad3516bce9110VgnVCM1000009ed07898RCR D&vgnextchannel=bcd92f5484d87110VgnVCM1000009ed07898 RCRD

01-14-2015, 11:41 PM
Very good informative video, I might add that EX #'s do expire, I don't think I caught any mention of it in the video.

01-16-2015, 12:33 PM
hey Dave looked at your youtube clip

You started talking about mass explosion on 1.3G products
but it should not happen with a 1.3G product if it would now be mass detonation so that product shall be in 1.1G
in accordance with ADR is a clip from the manual on explosives from Sweden

The division of the explosives without transport packaging seen so far rarely of any
labeling. A system of marking directly on the explosive does introduce step by step forward
2015. The mark consists of the below picture together with a warning.

Warning Text (hazard statement) Used for risk group
Risk of explosion. Mass explosion hazard. 1.1G
Risk of explosion. Serious danger of shrapnel hazard. 1.2G
Risk of explosion. Danger of fire, blast or projectionthrow pieces.1.3G
Risk of explosion. Danger of fire or shrapnel hazard. 1.4G

China can not send 1.1G from its ports and 1.1G may not go with airplanes. So then usually notice about Chinese products to 1.3G, but to be in accordance with ADR lie in 1.1G such as titanium salute, but it is not in 1.1G because then they can not send the product has way up to 12 inches "that house them in 1.3G and it is completely wrong to hell I tend to classify all salutes as 1.1G and all pieces that are over 6 inches as 1.1G and label on the carton 1.1G Chinese in this case then shits Chinese of themselves in the fist of it would be a mass detonation so nobody knows what will happen in china or export of 1.3G products, it becomes a mass detonation so the question is whether they will be allowed to export goods titanium salutes and caliber of 6 inches?
How are your reflections on this?

Best Regards
Tim Bonaparte

01-16-2015, 10:05 PM
Thanks for your post, it is nice to hear from someone in Sweden. I hope I am interpreting you post correctly, your laws define that 1.3 fireworks will not mass detonate. However if salutes classified as 1.1 are part of the load they will mass detonate? Someone help me on this one.
I have seen some 1.3 Netherlands products packaged in cages, perhaps this has something to do with it.