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View Full Version : M-90 Firecracker

01-11-2015, 09:25 PM
From my YouTube channel.


01-17-2015, 05:55 PM
It blows my mind they have much better firecrackers in Europe, and we can have up to 60 gram mortars here, but we can't get a decent 1.4 ground salute.

01-17-2015, 09:29 PM
The original M-90 Salute was actually a salute. They were made in the late 1980's by the late Lew Loyd (Atomic Fireworks). The first version was made in the US and was overloaded. They had American visco and loose flash and had hot melt end plugs. I have pictures but am not able to upload due to file size. They probably had a 1/2 gram load of good dark flash. The casing would be reduced to confetti. Later they started making them in China and they had a gelatin capsule filled with 50mg of flash and thin chinese visco and plastic caps on the ends. These new ones are now just a firecracker inside of a tube with fuse sealing powder (the white clay that absorbs moisure from the air to harden).

01-18-2015, 06:37 PM
I missed the M-90's I was working way too many hours in those days and had little time for fireworks. I did however come across a box of original M-80 silver salutes during that time. They belonged to an elderly man I was doing some work for, and he gave them to me. The box appeared to have never been opened and had been sitting on a shelf in his basement for a couple of decades at least. The top layer had some mold on it which I removed and all the rest of the crackers where perfectly preserved. They took me right back to my childhood.

There is no cure for stupid. I wish we could get the salutes of the 60's I remember, M-80's, cherrybombs. Maybe they could put labels on that say..... IF YOU ARE STUPID IT IS ILLEGAL TO LIGHT OR POSSESS THIS FIREWORK. I also find the logic in most of Europe bizarre, you can't own a gun, but you can buy huge salutes.

01-18-2015, 11:27 PM
I'm a fan of guns too but you can never make a comparison between guns and fireworks. Guns are protected by the constitution and look at the assaults the anti-gun nuts and pandering politicians make against the right to bear arms. Trust me, if the constitution wasn't on our side, guns would be just as regulated here as they are in Europe, if not more. Europe also doesn't have the same type of litigious society that we have here. During the 1960's the democrats under Johnson really expanded government control over our private lives. People have since been conditioned to expect the government to take care of the bad choices they might make and create a world that is consequence proof. Unfortunately we may never win it back. The people that are paid to protect us from ourselves need a paycheck, and as long as they can use the media to sell their need to exist to the public, they will have that power.

01-19-2015, 01:52 AM
Upload pictures on the pyrotalk Post Photo section for free. Then you can easily post them on the forums. If you upload the pictures I can help you post them. It is free to sign up to post a picture in that section.

01-20-2015, 12:41 PM

I received a message saying that my file was too large. I'll see if I can reduce the file size and upload it to the forum.