View Full Version : ATF 1.3 Fireworks license state of Wyoming

11-22-2014, 12:19 AM
ATF 1.3 Fireworks license state of Wyoming. The Pyrotechnic Guild International will hold their 2015 convention in Wyoming. There are less than 10 ATF 1.3 license in the entire state.

Wyoming by county
Home of the PGI convention August 2015 Gillette Wyoming "Cam-Plex"

11-26-2014, 01:17 AM
Are the organizers trying to recruit new pyros? Because that just seems like a terrible idea to have it all the way out there when there are so many of us out here in the northeast! I'm willing to dedicate a decent amount of driving for it, but you can count me out for next year! Lol

11-26-2014, 06:19 PM
Well, you could wait until it comes back to PA, you just missed it in 2013.

11-26-2014, 08:55 PM
Well, you could wait until it comes back to PA, you just missed it in 2013.
PGI in 2013 was awesome! I was honored to be able to have been there and don't have words to describe what it was like to have been involved in setting up for the show Friday night with Mike Bixler & the rest of his crew. A LONG week of hard work, more "one shots" than I ever want to see again, [not really!!] great food & awesome times with the crew & friends around the campfire.
From the murmurings I have been hearing, the "powers that be" were not very happy with the way things went with the location in PA and probably will not return to that venue again. Short of finding another suitable site, I'm afraid it may be some time till PGI comes back to PA. :-( That is very unfortunate--I'm not getting any younger!!!
But I can say "been there, done that"! One more thing off my "bucket list".

11-26-2014, 10:58 PM
I also, helped with the Bixler show and learned a great deal, in the process and had some good exposure to Fire One firing system .
They fed me (and how ...they like to eat, well . - always a good thing - some pyros think a hot dog/pasta slop is good eating after working like a dog all day ...)
I've heard same about PGI illuminati not being real enthused about Cooper's Lake (the road construction is a big part of that.) it's all finished, now, however ...

11-27-2014, 12:07 PM
That is not good news Joe. Maybe they should just look into a different location in Pa altogether.

12-01-2014, 11:48 AM
From the murmurings I have been hearing, the "powers that be" were not very happy with the way things went with the location in PA and probably will not return to that venue again. Short of finding another suitable site, I'm afraid it may be some time till PGI comes back to PA. :-( That is very unfortunate--I'm not getting any younger!!!

That is sad to hear... What kind of complaints were there?
I am part of another group that uses that facility for multiple weeks a year in August and the Coopers have bent over backwards to be accommodating and provide better facilities. In fact, most of what is there has been built for us...

12-01-2014, 07:34 PM
I can't speak directly for the PGI but the things I have heard dealt with the limited road access, road being closed off, bad traffic flow for visitors to the event, poor signage, hotel rooms, and the condition of the field...it was full of holes--I twisted my ankle stepping in one of those holes on Friday night tearing down after our show & I was limping for a couple days from it! It was not so bad in the daytime setting up, but in the dark it was a mess!!! This was in the field above the castle facade & below the Jersey Barriers where the big guns were---I think it was where our 4" & 5" guns were. But most of the hill was like that from side to side!
My own personal input as follows:
The camp sites were a FIASCO!! Our crew had 3 RV's & we pre-paid for 3 adjacent sites with 30 amp AC hookups & water for each RV. They sent us [after almost an hour of waiting] to an area that had one water tap [already in use] & an AC pedestal that had one unused 20 amp hookup about 80 feet away. NO JOY!!! Finally, we got relocated to another area but were now in a totally different area away from where all the folks from the one pyro club I belong to were set up so I didn't get to see them for most of the event!!! The people from the venue were understaffed for this event & the people they had handling getting people to campsites was a disappointment! They just didn't know what they were doing.
The site itself has a lot of potential if some things would be "tweaked"...But we know how bull headed Pyro's can be--I don't know if it can be salvaged--or if anyone in the planning committee even wants to salvage it. I certainly do hope that they can work something out. First impressions are important, and they did not make a good one for PGI 2013!

12-11-2014, 06:19 PM
I can sympathize with the road issue, it is a very prevalent issue with our organization as well. Our event typically runs attendance in the 11,000 plus range with people arriving over the space of three weeks, but all trying to leave on the same day! One road in with a very narrow bridge that is sometimes out of service is definitely a major hindrance... There aren't many hotels in the area either, and those that are there are a fair distance away and small to boot. I'm surprised about the field and hill, we use that for large battles with several thousand people in armor and they try to keep the field well maintained. As far as the RV camping, no one uses electricity when we camp and I know that there aren't many spots for that.
I can definitely see how it would have been disappointing
. Our staff has been running our event for 35+ years at this venue so we have worked out a lot of the kinks, but then our requirements are very different from normal events. I would love to see it improved as I love that site and know that quite a few other groups use it for large scale events as well.