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View Full Version : i now have my type 54

11-17-2014, 01:30 PM
;) here is the vid i made as i opened the package. thanks:):) so much to everyone who helped me along the way. thanks again :D:rolleyes:


11-17-2014, 03:25 PM
Congratulations, and enjoy. Be safe! You must be so pumped!
as A fellow New Jersian, I find this inspiring. Congrats again.


11-17-2014, 08:31 PM
Congratulations Kelli, you work for a professional fireworks company and now have your permit to purchase your own 1.3 fireworks. We are proud of you and I hope you inspire others. My suggestion would be to fax the permit to people you plan to purchase 1.3 fireworks from. They can add you into their system. Do the other things I mention in the video such as keep a copy in your vehicle or any vehicle you will use for transporting.
Also purchase video editing software to make your videos shorter. LOL

Northern Sky
11-17-2014, 08:50 PM
Do not sign the originals, only copies of. Vendors need original signatures.

11-18-2014, 03:14 AM
Lol displayfireworks1, this video is a uncut raw video that I did not edit, but when I do editing I use a mixture of 3 programs depending on what coumputer I use. I have my netbook ( mini laptop ), my regular laptop and my desktop. What coumputer is use depends on what one of my to cameras I use, the length and what effects I want to use along with what type of file the video is in and what type of file I want the final output of the video to be. I figured I'll say all that for the tech safey poeple here or poeple that like the technology of today. Once again thanks so much

11-18-2014, 03:16 AM
Do not sign the originals, only copies of. Vendors need original signatures.

Yes thanks for the heads up, the atf inspector said that too

11-18-2014, 09:21 AM
Congrats Kelli!

11-18-2014, 08:31 PM

11-18-2014, 10:13 PM
Congratulations Kelli ! You Go Girl :)

11-19-2014, 12:19 AM
:) ;) :D :rolleyes: :cool: :eek:

11-19-2014, 12:31 AM
WOOOHoooooo!!! congrats!

11-19-2014, 08:29 PM
Congrats! Welcome to the club

11-19-2014, 11:26 PM
i just left you a private message
Congratulations, and enjoy. Be safe! You must be so pumped!
as A fellow New Jersian, I find this inspiring. Congrats again.


11-20-2014, 08:50 AM
Wow, that is so awesome!!! Congratulations! I'm from Jersey as well. I've heard that NJ is one of the hardest states to get yout type 54 in. You must have really had all your ducks in a row prior to the inteview. Like Ryan said, truly inspirational.

11-20-2014, 11:04 AM
The Type 54 is a federal license. The requirements are the same for every person in the country, no matter where you live. What does differ are local laws, some of which the ATF expects you to demonstrate compliance with before they issue the license.

Fire Art
11-20-2014, 11:24 AM
Congrats Kelli!

11-20-2014, 12:10 PM
[QUOTE=mguerra;26589]The Type 54 is a federal license. The requirements are the same for every person in the country, no matter where you live. What does differ are local laws, some of which the ATF expects you to demonstrate compliance with before they issue the license.[/QUO

Here in CT you must have 10 display shoots before they will issue the 54 regardless if you are shooting in another state. Contingency as well.... but everyone needs that

11-20-2014, 07:40 PM
One the biggest misconceptions out there is the state or local whatever has any control over if you are issued a Type 54 or not. But that does not mean the ATF can indirectly convince you otherwise. Sometimes I think in some states are not aware because so few people apply.
In some states the ATF will convince you to either not apply or voluntarily withdraw the application because you do not have a state shooter certificate of some sort. I always use the state of Ohio for this example. I helped a person just outside of Cincinnati get a Type 54. He flat out told the ATF he is not even going to apply for a State of Ohio Exhibitors license. They told him he needed that before they would issue the license, as the 90 day mark approached, they called him and said "So what do you want us to do with this application". That question is actually a psychological tactic to make you voluntarily drop the application. We discussed it and he agreed to purse it and told them to make an official decision, he was not going to withdraw the application and further he was not going to apply for the Exhibitor License. They requested he at least apply for the state license. As the 90 day mark approached, he was issued the Type 54 with no additional requirements.
I have a similar story in one of the New England states, this person build his own magazine according to the ATF specifications and was having trouble getting his application approved, with his approval I called the ATF supervisor for that state and advocated for him, he had no local or state approval for the magazine. The ATF Inspector took pictures of the magazine , they were very impressed with his work. They were just not sure what to do because there are so few people not in the fireworks business that do this in that area. He contacted me a week later and told me he received the license.
The Pittsburgh Pa. ATF office once told me they get calls all the time from other states asking what to do with these applications, they call Pennsylvania for information because Pennsylvania has the highest number of ATF fireworks license. Some of these states just do not know what to do with someone trying to obtain a private 1.3 fireworks license.
I will put the call out again.
If there are any ATF Type 54 applicants that received a written denial on their application because they did not meet a state shooter requirement please email at pyrotalk@gmail.com.
As of today there are none

Northern Sky
11-20-2014, 08:06 PM
Maybe I'm missing something, what is the big deal about applying and obtaining a federal permit to purchase 1.3 product? I compare it to having a drivers permit. It doesn't allow yo to do anything other than buy product. What is the use in being able to buy product with out being able to shoot it legally.
It's like driving your parents car as an unlicensed driver. Just having a permit does nothing for you other than get you that much closer to being on the evening news as the guy shooting illegal pyro or the guy that got hurt or hurt someone else because he didn't know what he was doing and did something stupid.

It isn't that difficult to just follow the rules and do it legally and safely. I don't get it.


11-20-2014, 10:17 PM
well for me the atf inspector said all she needed to complete my app was a letter from my land owner. so thats only if you have room and board. rent or other types of land renting. in other word if you dont pay for a morgage or own your house or apprent / room.

11-20-2014, 11:02 PM
It is all about the rules you are correct, however one can not add additional requirements that do not exist for the sake of perceived safety. The ATF regulations do not require additional burdens because one thinks they should exist and do not. It has nothing to do with a drivers license or similar license. Those are based on competency testing. You do not need to know how to use 1.3 fireworks to obtain a Type 54. The ATF Type 54 is not a competency based license. The problem is people think it should be and want to add their own unnecessary requirements. Do not assume because a person obtained a Type 54 fireworks permit easily that necessarily means they will violate laws and/or have a fireworks accident. I have to clear up misconceptions about the Type 54 permit.
Kelli, I believe that ATF Inspector is incorrect requiring a letter because you rent, I wonder if you volunteered that information or was that one of the questions Do you own this home or rent it? Technically if you have a mortgage on a home you really do not own it either. I never heard of that question being asked for a Type 54 with no home magazine. I do not want people that rent a home to think they can not obtain a Type 54 fireworks permit. I will have to search through my records but I believe I helped people get the Type 54 that lived in apartment buildings.

11-21-2014, 10:36 AM
I thought the same thing Dave. If you are using contingency storage, no product is being kept at your residence so why would they need some kind of letter from the place that you are renting from?

11-21-2014, 11:16 PM
The ATF are sort of like the police, they will take all the information you will voluntarily give them. And like a good police officer, you will give them the information voluntarily and feel convinced it was a requirement. Or, you will give them information not required in an effort to prove yourself worthy or competent to have the permit. You will voluntarily tell the ATF Inspector, you worked for a professional fireworks company for three years. After you receive your permit, you may tell other people, "The ATF requires three years of professional fireworks experience". "I know OK because he ask me". The reality is you volunteered this during conversation with the Inspector. Or, people call the ATF with a leading question, ex. (State of Ohio) Hello Mr. ATF person that answered the phone, Is it true I have to have a State of Ohio Exhibitors License before you will issue me a 1.3 fireworks license? His response may be " Well, we like to know people using 1.3 fireworks are properly trained and safe". Notice he did not say it is a necessary requirement. You may interpret he told you must have the Exhibitors license. These miscommunication happen all the time. This is why I tell people do not call the ATF and ask questions because even if they answer the question, you may not necessarily hear it so to speak. You need to make written application.
Lets put yourself in the ATF Inspectors place, he does not know you at all and is going to be granting you explosive privileges. In reality the decision for you to receive the license is most likely made before he comes to your home. But that does not mean the ATF cannot be suspicious of you or your activity and use interview tactics to look for a reason to deny you. You know how law enforcement are, they have a feeling you are up to something and go with it. If you are a just a simple fireworks enthusiast, I am sure they will pick that up also.
Actually sometimes I get that same feeling, when someone sends me an email asking certain 1.3 questions or I suspect they are trying to get a ATF license to divert 1.3 product. My guess is the ATF Inspector can pick up on it a little better than I can.

11-22-2014, 01:52 AM
i didnt day any thing and the inspector asked do you own or rent? and i wasnt gonna lie, so i said the trurth witch was rent