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View Full Version : Question from Norway

11-01-2014, 05:51 PM
This was sent to me from Norway, I wish I could get more information about this from someone that knows more about this. Is there a regulation in Norway that requires all fuses be positioned on the top of a fireworks cake? If the fuse is positioned on top, where does it go once it enters the paper?
Here is the question with personal info redacted.
Hey Dave, my name is xxxxx and I’m a big fan of what you do, and your website/ YouTube channel. I live in Norway, and I have some question that I hope you could help me with?
In Norway we have lot´s of different fireworks rules that you in USA don´t have. For example we do not have shells that we could buy, like you guys in America can do. But we have cake´s a lot of different cake´s but the larges legal diameter in the tubes of the cake in Norway is only 50mm (2 inch) and you guy´s have cakes with 3-inch tubes. And We in Norway can only buy Consumer fireworks 3 days before New Years Eve.
Back to my question. New year starts approaching, and this year I’m going to make a big fireworks display. This year I have upgrader my fireworks equipment so I hope that it will be a successful fireworks display. I have upgrader to a new firing system (Kingdom firing system 20 cue) and I have also bought e-matches, quick match and E-match to visco connectors from xxxx (http://www.xxxxxxxxxxx.co.uk) That's what I think is weird, because I can buy quick match and e - matches’ lawful even if I do not have an ATF License or class IV License and not be caught in customs. But you in the US must have a License for buying e -match and quick match.
But my question is, in Norway they always have the Fuse on top of the cake like the picture witch are with this mail. And I wonder witch type of technic I could use to get fired the cake with an E-match and don´t have a long delay to get the fuse burn in to the cake, and fire the cake. I´m going to use 1 e-match to each cake, and my plane is to use the E-match to visco connector’s to this, but it will be a delay. Do you have a better plane for what I should do to don’t get a long delay? I do have E-match and Quick match. I dont´use Talon ignitors, have bad experience with Talon ignitors. that is the reason why i use e-match this year.
Could you maybe make a Video or something to show how you would have don this? It´s weary annoying that her in Norway we have the fuse on the top of the cake, for instead have it down on the side of the cake like you in USA have, If we had have the fuse down on the side of the cake like you guys have, I would just pulled the fuse out and put in a e-match in the same hole were the fuse was, and then I would not have that delay.
hope that you could help me, maybe you could make a test were you buy a cake with the fuse on the top, if it is possible. Were you test out the technic you would have used and some different technic to get the smallest delay before it fire´s?


11-01-2014, 08:39 PM
It looks like the fuse comes out the top of the cake, but goes down the side to the bottom of the tube. The fuse has to go into the bottom of the tube to hit the lift powder. I would suggest taking the wrapping paper off the cake on the side where the fuse is to see if it does go down the length of the tube & into the bottom. If it is this way, then you can simply replace the fuse with an ematch.

11-01-2014, 09:26 PM
I thought the same thing Joe, that seems like the obvious answer. But I was thinking if they fuse went down the side that would be a very long delay after the fuse started to burn, unless they use a faster burn fuse. I wish we could hear from someone in Norway, I know there is a Norway member on the forums, I would love to know if having a fuse on the top is a legal requirement in that area.
When he ask me the question my initial thought was I am sure he tore off some of the paper to see where the fuse went in, but maybe he did not.

11-01-2014, 09:35 PM
I believe this picture of fireworks is from the Netherlands, I do see some top fusing.

11-01-2014, 10:16 PM
A lot of those Dutch devices look like fountains, whereas the Norwegian pictures are cakes, maybe it's an ordinance in Norway to have consumer/professional cakes have the fuse come out of the top.. just my observation. All the text on the firworks look Chinese.

11-03-2014, 02:58 AM
Now that I ask for more pictures, it is as I suspected.

11-03-2014, 10:23 AM
some of those look like the fountain to multiple report type items that we sometimes see here.

11-04-2014, 08:57 AM
Looks Kind of like " A Devil Amongst The Tailors " ground piece sold in England. At least from what the first and second picture looks like. A fountain/or aerial leading to other effects.

11-04-2014, 11:57 AM
First, what is wrong with a delay, so long as you know how long it is? It looks like they have visco going in to quickmatch so the delay would be the same as if the visco was in the bottom, like we have here. Second, if you dont want the delay, just use a brass poke and match the lift like we all do here.

11-04-2014, 01:45 PM
"What is wrong with a delay"
A regulations similar to this one used in Denmark and a few other countries can be found in USA etc. Remember these are consumer fireworks.
•Non-compliant fuses may cause the fireworks to explode too close to the consumer because the fuse burning time is too short, or the consumer will be tempted to go back to reignite the article, if the fuse burning time is too long.

11-05-2014, 12:38 PM
The delay is there for safety for hand lit fuses. The CPSC specifies that a consumer fuse in this country must burn for I believe, 6-9 seconds. What I am saying has to do with setting up a scripted show. As long as you know how long the delay is, you can time your show to account for the delay of a consumer fuse. However, some people like instant ignition, so they replace the fuse with an ematch. Which is what I thought this fellow was inquiring about. I presume he wants tighter timing and instant ignition. So what I was saying is, sure you can get better timing with instant ignition, but you can get reasonably good timing with the delay of a fuse. The problem we all have in timing consumer product with visco fuse is that the fuse delay is not precisely known. That's the beauty of the new consumer imatch! For those who are not licensed to buy ematch, they can use imatch. And get a much more precisely timed consumer show.