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09-11-2014, 07:52 PM
Check out this 10 year old kid .


09-12-2014, 09:20 AM
These other countries have no restrictions at all. They shoot fireworks over crowds, let kids load tubes with shells bigger than them...just no boundaries at all.

09-12-2014, 10:52 PM
Or is it that we (U.S.) are just conformed into following restrictions without any questioning?

Of course.... we are taught to fear consequences. :D

09-13-2014, 09:04 PM
I wish I had someone to mentor me at a young age like that. Most of what I learned early on was "trial & error"--which was mostly error. The culture in Malta & Italy is very family oriented & it is not uncommon to have 3 or 4 generations of family members working together in the fireworks making trade.

Like PyroManiac said--we have become a nation of sheep. Boat rockers [like you, Dave] who don't adhere to the "norm" are looked down on as "evil" or "troublemakers" by "the system".
I'm sure this young man spent his diaper years watching his father & grandfather & uncles doing exactly what he is doing.
Is he too young? I bet he has more "OJT" [On the Job Training] hours than several dozen pyros on here combined. ---No offense to any pyro's on here--just stating an opinion.
And, for the record--I'm sure he can tie a clove hitch faster that I can & do it for several hours without having cramped fingers!!! "Just Saying". :eek:
Stepping down off my soap box now & just imagining what kind of responses this post will get!

09-13-2014, 09:30 PM
I wish I had someone to mentor me at a young age like that. Most of what I learned early on was "trial & error"--which was mostly error. The culture in Malta & Italy is very family oriented & it is not uncommon to have 3 or 4 generations of family members working together in the fireworks making trade.

Like PyroManiac said--we have become a nation of sheep. Boat rockers [like you, Dave] who don't adhere to the "norm" are looked down on as "evil" or "troublemakers" by "the system".
I'm sure this young man spent his diaper years watching his father & grandfather & uncles doing exactly what he is doing.
Is he too young? I bet he has more "OJT" [On the Job Training] hours than several dozen pyros on here combined. ---No offense to any pyro's on here--just stating an opinion.
And, for the record--I'm sure he can tie a clove hitch faster that I can & do it for several hours without having cramped fingers!!! "Just Saying". :eek:
Stepping down off my soap box now & just imagining what kind of responses this post will get!

Well said. It is true, we are a nation of sheep. Wish I had someone to teach me this stuff that early..Hell, we might even be a better society if "rules" weren't hindering us from being a bunch of sissy's! lol!

09-14-2014, 06:40 PM
Now we are talking! I could not agree more! Im a boat rocker myself and have been crucified for it in the past. Society has become a bunch of scared and brainwashed sheep like you said!! What really pisses me off is how Fireworks, Bombs and "Explosives" are looked at the same by the blind Society. Just because they have explosive comps doesn't mean they should be "Imaged" as "Explosives" like a Bomb would be!! I've been through that shit before with the system and the F**king "MAN" needs to get there shit straight!!

09-14-2014, 06:45 PM
Also that Bulls**T response they say: Its a different world now that we live in and we have to be safe. Well that is because they made it this way and now we all have to suffer and be scared for your mistakes. Bulls**t!!

09-14-2014, 10:54 PM
Also that Bulls**T response they say: Its a different world now that we live in and we have to be safe. Well that is because they made it this way and now we all have to suffer and be scared for your mistakes. Bulls**t!!

Even though Im not a religious man..... I will say Amen to that!! ^^^