View Full Version : Sky Titan Canister Shells By Dominator

08-14-2014, 08:03 AM
Does anyone have any personal experience shooting Sky Titan by Dominator? As we all know, Internet videos don't give fireworks much justice.

08-14-2014, 09:10 AM
If you look at this entire class of canister artillery shells, they all seem to be good. You have to look carefully to be sure they are true canister shells. There are a few out there that get a ball shell and wrap paper around it to make it look like a canister shell. Unfortunately it is some of the better brands that do this sometimes.
For those new into this, here is one example, Brothers Phat Fire. At first look they appear be canister shells but they are really ball shells.
For true canister artillery shells, I have not seen a bad one yet. I am talking the 60 Gram ones.

08-14-2014, 10:47 AM
IMO - Brothers never tried to pass this off as a can. no where on pkg does it say 60 gr.
it only promotes it as a 3 break shell. the exterior cardboard makes it look like it.
Sorry - i guess i did not answer your question - but also interested on the quality of this Sky Titan by Dominator

08-14-2014, 08:48 PM
It visually looks like a canister, not to us of course. But the average consumer just looking at the item. That wrap around the ball shells has no purpose. To me when I see manufacturer's do this is, they are trying to make the shell visually look like something it is not.

08-15-2014, 10:12 PM
OK OK :(

I am a consumer. ?Question? If its not trying to pass it cat for chicken. then why does Brothers need to spend the extra time and money to disguise each 3 ball peanut shell?

Is Phat Fire just a re-wrap of Brothers TITAN or Legend of Glory ?






08-16-2014, 06:41 AM
My personal opinion - it is all retail packing ploy. Yes probably rewraps
nicer pkg sells more retail...

08-18-2014, 01:12 PM
Phat Fire? That is absolutely meant to look like a can! At least to someone who is just glancing. The note on the label that it is a 3-break does tip off the knowledgeable that it is really a triple peanut, wrapped to look like a can.

08-18-2014, 08:11 PM
I bought some triple break shells this year that are packaged in the sleeve similar to the Phat Fire. I opened one up to look at it & I found they were fused in a row on their sides from top to bottom--not one ball stacked on another with each ball fuse stuck into the next & igniting the next one as it breaks. I also bought some "normal" triple break shells. Except for the extra "paper junk fallout" I have to say I preferred the side fused shells over the stacked ones. When they broke they were not as close together and were going off in groups of three- nice spread--not one after the other. I did find a few of the cardboard wrappers after the show--but then I also found pieces of 4" & 5" horsetail shell hemi's, so, paper is paper. Part of the pyro cycle.

08-19-2014, 01:07 PM
i gotta say that Brothers *does* have some of the 'best' / more eye-candy graphic design on their products.

08-24-2014, 08:59 PM
I mentioned in an earlier post about this type shell being fused from the side & all 3 balls getting fire at the same time instead of one after the other. I looked thru my "stash" & found a couple so I took one apart so you can see what I was talking about.
Notice the quick match fusing all the balls together.

08-26-2014, 09:59 PM
Hay PyroJoe, Those mortar tubes in the first photo look VERY familiar!:p

08-27-2014, 08:40 AM
Yep--same brand as what you hooked me up with--and the collars did slide off very easily after the labels were peeled off. Nice to meet you at the club shoot this last weekend! Looking forward to more "blow stuff up" times.

09-05-2014, 10:07 PM
Yep--same brand as what you hooked me up with--and the collars did slide off very easily after the labels were peeled off. Nice to meet you at the club shoot this last weekend! Looking forward to more "blow stuff up" times.
Yah Buddy I hope you make it to VA. We can continue were we left off. GOOD TIMES!!