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View Full Version : any instructions on a simple star roller

04-27-2011, 10:07 AM
does anyone have any simple instructions on building a simple star roller or anyone know of any simple devices that can double as a star roller?
thank you

04-27-2011, 10:39 AM
Harbor Frieght sells a mini cement mixer for about $130.00. Just take the mixing fins out and it works great.

04-27-2011, 11:37 PM
yeah or instead of taking the fins out just put a tight fitting bukket inside it. works fine

04-28-2011, 09:26 AM
craigslist has some cement mixers for under 30 bucks, get one of those if you can.

08-06-2011, 10:36 PM
goto walmart and get a big stainless steel bowl, drill a 3/8" hole in center of bottom, use a 3/8" bolt and two 3/8" fender washers and a lock nut to secure it into bowl... chuck it up into the drill and place drill in vise to hold it... a cheap star rollor for the beginner

Chris H
08-07-2011, 10:19 PM
Drill motors are really not in the least suitable for star rollers or ball mills, or any other situation where dry dusty comp can be present. They're brushed motors and spark fairly regularly.

08-12-2011, 11:44 AM
All universal motors are of a brushed design, hence the varying speed. As where an induction type motor cant be a varying speed or the windings in the motor burn out persay - just for the sake of not explaining the technical side of it and getting into my electronics education and background. All the varible speed commerical star rollors or motorized varible speed rollors that would be suitable for star rolling use a universal brushed type motor, yes even commercial varible speed rollors use a universial motor which has brushes in the motor. So if a guy is that worried about it one could put a filter over the vents of the motor caseing using something as simple as a course brillo pad covered in a very thin peice of material or even use a 3M dust mask to cover the vents... Any motor that is of a varying speed use's brushes, unless its a permanent magnet motor which has no tourqe and is the type that is used in ceiling fans and would not be suitable for a star roller. A "constant" type motor with only one speed does not use brushes and cannot be varied in speed unless the speed is changed with pullys, there are other ways too but thats a lengthy explanation... I've used a drill powered star rollor for a number of years without fail as a hobbiest, rolling stars is not a very dusty operation or at least it shouldnt be and I keep my pyro workshop very clean as most do or should.