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07-07-2014, 08:38 PM
After trying to obtain a fireworks permit from my local township supervisor I am giving up. No permits are ever issued and runarounds are common when calling them. I would love ordering from Hubbard Wholesale Fireworks and shipping them here but this is impossible without running into issues with the law enforcement.

Any advice from anyone? Any help is greatly appreciated here.

07-07-2014, 10:12 PM
Maybe try and get involved with a club and attend some open shoots. Have you ever attended a township meeting? I have had success with talking to a fire Marshall first and having him inspect my site and basically back me up with the township that I put safety first

07-08-2014, 02:33 PM
I have had success with talking to a fire marshall first and having him inspect my site and basically back me up with the township that I put safety first.

I tried speaking to our local Fire Marshall and he actually said obtaining permits is impossible. It's all bullshit really.

Where do you shoot at if you don't mind me asking you? Do you shoot year round too?

07-08-2014, 11:18 PM
I just got my type 54 in January '14 and have made two 1.3 purchases. I live about 30 min south of Pittsburgh and haven't had any difficulties thus far (knock on wood) with getting permission from the township to shoot. I have nothing but privately owned farm land out this way tho. Are you shooting in a populated area? I know it stinks but johnny law is no one to mess with. Id say get all your docs in a row and give it another try. Look into liability, shoot site clearances, etc which im sure it sounds like you probably have already. I cant imagination the frustration.

07-09-2014, 12:47 AM
Having land is why you're getting permits signed. There are plenty of wide open spaces someone could use with permits around here but everything is a no go.

I tried obtaining a Type 54 once before but am unable to complete application.

07-09-2014, 08:26 AM
knghtmare - with over 600 municipalities in PA - there is probably that many various rules.
Some places give permits out without even blinking an eye...some have just one simple rule - give me a $500 bond/check and we will give it back when show is done and all is ok....some more hoops to jump - but do able...some just plain NO!!! Those who say NO are basically worried about liability on their part - if we the twp signs the permit and something happens - they feel liable for the unfortunate incidence.
I had one local man who got permits without anything for past 10 years - now this year change of mayor,council, fire dept heads and ALL say NO!!! He was quite a bit upset - so he cancelled his July 4th party - SUCKS!

With that being said - join a club or 2 - not sure what part of PA you are from - but ALL club events secure permits and insurance for their events! And shoot till your hearts contents! you can pm or call me for some club info or permit issues - maybe I can personally help you out. sure will try!

07-09-2014, 01:01 PM
the moral of the story when this topic comes up is : BUY LAND IN A RURAL AREA OUTSIDE OF WHATEVER CITY/TOWN YOU'RE IN .
(i need to do so, myself...)

07-09-2014, 04:18 PM
Some places give permits out without even blinking an eye.

Which townships do this?

Will they do this year round?

07-09-2014, 04:55 PM
My township does not offer permits, so its a free for all with the Federal License. Joyce is correct, they don't want the liability. But it does help to have land, I have 20 acres open land. Good luck to you.