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View Full Version : Issues with the High Stepper 220 shot cake anyone?

07-03-2014, 10:04 PM
If anyone has a 220 shot high stepper they're shooting off, try to get it on video, and/or let me know if you have issues. I bought 2 this year for a little show we do, and had issues with both of them. They're supposed to last 30 seconds, starting off slow, and then getting progressively faster. It seems whoever was putting the "slow" fuse (or however they do it) used the quick fuse, and shot it all off in around 10 seconds. Then, they both caught fire afterwards. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if it wasn't the start of the opener of my finale, but if you watch the video, there's the gap in time. The rest of the stuff came in on queue (I put together a schematic, and time the fuse).
Anyway, I'm curious to hear if anyone has had any issues with this.
As soon as the video uploads, I'll post it.

07-03-2014, 10:10 PM
I am curious was it a Sunny Brand cake?

07-03-2014, 10:12 PM
Oh I am sorry is this a consumer cake?

07-03-2014, 10:16 PM
I called the place I got em, and asked for the manufacturer so I can reach out to them directly, but when I asked for the name, all she said was "China". Yeah, a consumer cake. Here's a picture of the board with the cake. Bottom left is the high stepper. 592

07-03-2014, 10:25 PM
Here is the video of this thing malfunctioning… Not that it wasn't cool… It just kinda flopped the intro…

07-04-2014, 12:30 AM
High Stepper is an AFW cake. Although I haven't shot it in a few years it was always about 20 seconds from 2007-10 and then about 25 seconds the last year I had it, 2011 -- the year they changed the timing to start off slower. In my experience zippers tend to be more of a crap shoot when it comes to timing as they can sometimes be more prone to crossfire, which may have been what happened here.

07-04-2014, 10:35 AM
I agree blackcat. I shot 4 high steppers last year and 1 of them did this same exact thing. The other 3 went off as planned. I have seen other zipper cakes malfuncation the same way. As with any firework there is always a chance something can go wrong or not as planned.

07-04-2014, 05:41 PM
I shoot at least one High Stepper and often more, at every show. They always catch fire! So, I either put them close to last in the show, or I place them out where I can get to them while the show continues, so I can douse them. I like them enough to put up with this. As far as timing, I just go by whatever video I can find on them and cross my fingers. My shows are all automated so if there is a gap, I keep a separate bunch of shells wired to a separate module, an MS12Q, that I can manually fire. I can throw up the odd shell if a cake goes faster than I expect, while waiting for the next cue to fire.

07-06-2014, 01:53 PM
I got a case this year of highstepper. They worked great and no problems or did not catch fire. This is the third year purchasing stepper cakes from Wfboom and all when off prefect. Archers revenge is really nice for color and unique noise. And fusing together 4 blitzekrieg is awesome!

Wholesale Fireworks
07-08-2014, 05:47 PM
Daveb1000 This is the first report we have had regarding a High Stepper firing too fast. Where did you purchase the item? Did you purchase them directly from us or someone who carried our product. Please never hesitate to contact us directly when you have an issue with any of our product. All of our product is made in China so there is no way to contact the factory directly. However now that we are aware of the issue we can certainly address it with our factory reps in China. It was unfortunate that it fired so quickly, but at least it fired and it didnt malfunction. As for the cake catching on fire, if you shoot alot if stuff you know very well that is a common occurrence with small tubed multi shot cakes. Also keep in mind that all fireworks are hand made and with anything hand made you sometimes have inconsistencies. Give me a call anytime if you want to discuss it in more detail.

Wholesale Fireworks
07-08-2014, 06:02 PM
Daveb1040.... After watching this video I can definably tell you why this happened. When they manufacture this cake it is all done in the same room. Half the room assembles the slower beginning of the cake and then it is passed to the technician who adds the last two quick fused finale rows. Those cakes consisted of ALL finale rows, that is why it fired so quickly. They did not make the them with the two separate parts. It was made of all finale rows. I know you had it timed and it threw the timing off a bit, but it really looked cool all going off that fast.

07-26-2014, 12:20 PM
I got a case this year of highstepper. They worked great and no problems or did not catch fire. This is the third year purchasing stepper cakes from Wfboom and all when off prefect.

Same here, 3rd year using it and no issue! Love this cake!

06-08-2016, 04:18 AM
If anyone has a 220 shot high stepper they're shooting off, try to get it on video, and/or let me know if you have issues. I bought 2 this year for a little show we do, and had issues with both of them. They're supposed to last 30 seconds, starting off slow, and then getting progressively faster. It seems whoever was putting the "slow" fuse (or however they do it) used the quick fuse, and shot it all off in around 10 seconds. Then, they both caught fire afterwards. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if it wasn't the start of the opener of my finale, but if you watch the video, there's the gap in time. The rest of the stuff came in on queue (I put together a schematic, and time the fuse).
Anyway, I'm curious to hear if anyone has had any issues with this.
As soon as the video uploads, I'll post it.

I've used this cake every year and one of them ALWAYS catches on fire. It's a great cake for the money though. I'll continue to use them when I can get them.

06-08-2016, 09:44 AM
I always expect fire on at least one of my boards every year. Its fireworks, lol.