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View Full Version : need blue falling leaves

03-15-2014, 10:23 AM
I need some blue falling leaves effect. same as the ones in "assault team 500 gram cake". which has only red, green, and gold. anybody know of a cake that has them. I'm planning ahead for THE SHOW.

03-16-2014, 02:23 PM
I've been trying to recall if there are any all blue falling leaves cakes but I can't think of any. I thought of brothers blue blitz at first but when I pulled up my old video its a zipper cake that shoots blue pearls up to silver flying fish. So that one is a no go. Red rhino has a cake called Need For Speed that is a 100 shot slow zipper cake that shoots multicolored falling leaves. The whole cake is just falling leaves. I shot one out of my cases a while back and its really impressive live. Gets lots of sky coverage and fires at a nice steady pace but not too fast. Probably last between 35-45 seconds. Here is red rhino's official video of it on youtube. I can vouch for the performance since I have shot it myself. I would note that the video looks pretty good but it looks way better live and much much more colorful than the video shows. Good luck finding what you are looking for. If I run across anything else I'll let ya know. You might want to turn the quality up to 720p on the vid. Also at wholesale you get 2 of these in a case.
