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View Full Version : West Salem Fireworks ??

02-24-2014, 11:52 AM
Hello everyone , my first post. I am mostly into old sometimes really old pyrotechnics. Don't shoot too much. Can't bring myself to the point of opening any of it. Satisfy my need with newer things. To get back to my question back in the 60s [yeah,I'm old] I used to go to West Salem Fireworks, in West Salem,Ohio. Anyone been there or heard of it ? He had all the usual stuff of the day. Remember buying Cases of Anchor 80/16s for $12.00 if I remember correctly. Also 3-5-9 shot repeater salutes I would buy by the dozens. #100 aerial bombs, that I would glue to a board and fuse together. Gerbs and lances by the gross. Those were the days. I slipped into reverse for a moment, anyway anybody remember. Can't recall the guys name who owned it even though had breakfast with him a few times.

Wholesale Fireworks
02-24-2014, 12:08 PM
I think the guys name was Tony...cant remember the last name. Phantom ended up buying that store when he got out of the business.

02-24-2014, 12:20 PM
I think the guys name was Tony...cant remember the last name. Phantom ended up buying that store when he got out of the business.

Yes, Thanks I think it was. When his place was on route 42 right in West Salem he lived in Cleveland. At some point he moved just outside town, had a house and all his semi trailers on the property. Starting to come back to me. I liked him when I got to know him. He would pass judgement on my homemade fountains. Thanks for jogging my memory

02-25-2014, 01:51 AM
Is this the store you remember?

02-25-2014, 08:59 AM
Is this the store you remember?

No not at all. The property looks familiar. When on route 42, mostly wood sheds. After moving, there was a home-office where he now lived plus a number of semi trailers. Do you know when Phantom moved in? Thank you for the response. Diane

02-25-2014, 11:21 PM
Welcome aboard NWPA! Glad to see you here!