View Full Version : Eco-fascism trying to shut the industry down in California.

01-13-2014, 02:14 AM
Eco-fascism at work here people. The eco-nuts can't keep people off of the lake entirely, so they are picking fights with private industries who are easy targets, and pose no harm to no one, or anything. They have no proof that fireworks pose a danger to the lake environment whatsoever.

These shows have been going on for 30 years, and guess what... the lake is still clear. In addition, no kid found washed up fuse. First the fuse (aka: Quick Match) used on professional displays is entirely unlike fuse you would find in the consumer market, and would be entirely unrecognizable. Second, all of the Quick Match (fuse) that is used, gets burned up. There is nothing left over. Ever. One should know, that Quick Match burns at 300 feet per second -- it burns so fast, that it actually explodes. You would never find that stuff left over.

Q: So what about all of the paper that is left over? A: Its biodegradable low grade, non-bleached paper. Q: Well then, what about the minuscule amounts of chemicals that fireworks put out which do not deflagrate? A: It's undetectable, unlike the sewage from toilets, that is pumped into the lake, which by the way, the EPA has yet to Sue homeowners over. Q: OK what about the plastic left over? A: That pales in comparison to the amount of trash left by boaters and beach goers every week throughout the summer months. Again, the Lake is still clear.

While they claim that there goal is not to end displays on Lake Tahoe (which have been going on long before the New Earth Movement was radicalized) the truth of the matter is, no company can shoulder a 75 million dollar lawsuit -- it would put them out of business. Additionally, these eco-nuts want total control over all private commerce, and will use any manufactured laws involving victim-less crimes to make that happen.

~End rant~



01-14-2014, 01:01 AM
These environmentalist wackos are more about anti-capitalism, hatred of private property and hatred of business, almost ANY business, than they are about actual environmental concerns. They just use environmental concern as a cover for their socialist/ communist agenda.