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View Full Version : 1.3 Firecrackers

04-09-2011, 10:20 PM
I have never personally seen or heard these in person. I was curious if they are significantly louder and more powerful then your average consumer firecrackers.

04-10-2011, 10:32 AM
Any cracker with more than 50 mg. of powder is classified as "1.3G" and is banned in the US by federal law. Louder, yes; legal, no.

04-10-2011, 09:21 PM
Louder: YES
Legal to a licensed pyrotechnician :also YES

If you search through Daves videos you can find one were if memory serves me right he is doing the show for free for the sportsmans club youll notice salutes suspended about 20cm from the ground off to the side they are legal and they most certainly are very loud

04-10-2011, 10:06 PM
Any cracker with more than 50 mg. of powder is classified as "1.3G" and is banned in the US by federal law. Louder, yes; legal, no.

I'm not inquiring about M-80's or anything like that. But actually 1.3 firecrackers. I believe I've heard them being referred to as celebration crackers sometimes. They seem difficult to find. But I KNOW they are not illegal for Type 54 license holders.

04-16-2011, 01:55 PM
You're right - class B (1.3G) exploders are legal for those properly licensed in the US.
1.3 crackers are made in China, India, and elsewhere for domestic use and for export to foreign retail markets in which they are legal, and for professional use.

05-14-2011, 05:51 AM
Class B or 1.3G Firecrackers. These are Firecrackers, that are intended for Chinese New years or 1.3G people, that are discusted with the clay filled anemic jokes that are the class C 1.4G junk. I have seen them in regular brick type, or HUGE Tau rolls. They are generally 1-11/16", and also 2" with the Tau Strings, having larger 3" staggered in. The Hex head is 4" Firecrackers. These are like Good Old Firecrackers ALL paper and Powder, with more powder then paper. Some have the clay ends, however, are still mainly powder, which a GOOD Firecracker should be. They have the Power, Noise, Flash that will satisfy. MY Standard is the Campbells Soup Can flight test. You want a real 1-1/2" Firecracker to put the can 50-60 feet high. Larger Firecrackers, you will observe the air resistance quickly slow them to terminal velocity, yet still send them higher. Todays campbells Soup cans are seamless, and stronger, and will withstand many more liftoffs before fatigue cause them to split. The 3" and 4" will destroy them the first time. IT IS A SHAME what the U.S. Market Firecracker has become.

06-10-2011, 09:06 PM
Are these the kind the post is refering to?
Loud Very Loud!!!!!


Pyro Nation
06-12-2011, 08:09 PM
THATS CRAZY..... I never even thought about 1.3 Firecrackers...lol

06-13-2011, 09:52 AM
Looks like the home made jobbers a group of our teens saw while on a missions trip to the Philippines.

07-17-2011, 11:25 AM
Forrest "tau" has nothing to do with big crackers mixed in with smaller crackers. It has to do with the number of crackers.