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01-01-2014, 10:19 PM
Anyone ever see people shoot rockets like this?


01-02-2014, 12:50 AM
Quick, what's the German equivalent of "Hey ya'll watch this?"

01-02-2014, 01:36 AM
I intended to edit my post, but I let more than 8 minutes go by before clicking save. So here goes:

Why spread this? Why give more attention to this kind of irresponsible and unsafe behavior?

It seemed clear that Captain Follicle built this contraption and probably supplied the rockets. The rest seemed rather clueless. Gratefully none of them that wound up launching straight down at them and at the buildings managed to catch any roofs on fire or maim anyone. Also gratefully none managed to get stuck and go off inside the catapult (?), at least in what was posted. Who knows what led to the damage shown at the end.

What is to be gained by giving this dipshit any creedence? And some of the other videos on his channel are just super. A little kid shooting his Dad in the stomach. Check. Footage of an innocent driver being murdered. Check. And my absolute favorite: "Dove on dead body of young boy." You've got to be ****ing kidding me.

Dave, I know this is your site to do with what you want, but please delete this thread. It adds nothing. It's not entertaining. At best it's bait for the CPSC.

Seriously, any "kewl kids" watching this, don't try this kind of crap. And don't launch them out of your ass. The world is awash in all kinds of dumbassery. Don't add to it.

01-02-2014, 10:02 AM
When I saw this device I thought it was made for launching fireworks and I was missing something. Strange things occur with fireworks in countries around the world. I have a video category on the site for funny and strange fireworks videos from the net. I give it low priority. I never looked at the rest of his videos, now that I did I see he copied his videos from the LiveLeak website.
I know you mean well but do not feel compelled to protect the fireworks industry. There are organizations out there to do that. As far as the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission). They are not the enemy. I keep telling you the real problem with the fireworks hobby is a group of around 20 to 30 people with a cult philosophy, that are actually part of the fireworks hobby. They are the only group you need to watch out for. Be careful, don't absorb all that propaganda.

01-04-2014, 12:58 PM
Now I see where the video originated.


01-05-2014, 06:37 PM
its like a rocket catapult