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View Full Version : Homemade shell out of 10g salute NYE

12-29-2013, 06:37 AM
So I was sifting through my NYE fireworks, (I didn't have that much this year), and found a few m-100 ten gram salutes. I took one of them, cut the fuse short and on a diagonal angle, filled one of my mortars with a few grams of BP and plopped the m-100 in. I think it will work, the m-100 fits perfectly in the tube, but I'm not sure if the fuse will ignite. If it works I guess it will be a really loud, thunder king type firework. Anyways I'll test one on NYE and if it works well, I'll make a few more. Once I set it off, I'll post a video. Here is a picture of the m-100's before I cut the fuse476