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View Full Version : Roman Candle Safety

07-10-2013, 12:05 PM
You all have seen the warning printed on the labels of Roman Candles that says "DO NOT HOLD IN HAND". Here is some proof that you should heed that warning: I had several spots in my show this year with candles fired in multiples--8 t325326327aped together & fast fused. After the show during the cleanup I found that the side of one of the candles had blown out--imagine if someone was holding it at the time. Safety First, guys & gals!

07-10-2013, 12:20 PM
332331Don't know what the goof up was in my original post: I will put the pics here.

Something weird is going on with posting pictures!!!! Aggravating!


07-10-2013, 01:32 PM
I agree, but I've found that duct tapping the bottom prevents this from ever happening. I only get large bore candles and this little trick works well.

07-11-2013, 04:29 PM
Still having trouble loading the pictures--will try tomorrow when I have more time--The blow out is on the side of the candle just a couple inches from the top so taping the bottom would have done nothing to prevent this! And they were larger bore 1.4g candles. If I can get the pictures to load you will see the issue I am speaking about.

I agree, but I've found that duct tapping the bottom prevents this from ever happening. I only get large bore candles and this little trick works well.

07-13-2013, 01:09 AM
I am having some issues with the forums. If you can email the pictures I will try to post them. The best way to post a picture is not on the forums but linked in from a site that allows pictures.