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View Full Version : Type 54 help

07-08-2013, 06:04 PM
I'm in the tampa florida area and am trying to get my type 54. Does anybody know anyone with a magazine or know where one is by me? The contingentcy plan is what's stopping me right now.

07-09-2013, 11:51 PM
Maybe I am fresh new or even my english is not good enough....I didn't catch your point...Would you like to explain and I'd be greatful to learn something from you and glad to be your friend.

07-11-2013, 12:20 AM
Cynthia, In the U.S., In order to purchase 1.3G fireworks, we need to have a special license. In order to get that license, we need to have properly regulated storage for those fireworks in which we buy. We also need a permit to use those fireworks.

The contingency plan is a plan that the license holder has with the importer, that allows them to keep the product they buy at the facility until the day in which the permit says they are allowed to use the product. It also allows them to bring any product that has not been used, back. Whether it be due to a "rain out" or they just didnt shoot the product. Either way, any left over product must be logged back into regulated storage via ATF regulations.

Hope that helps.

This is not the same for 1.4G fireworks. 1.4G calls for no storage regulations up to 1000 (U.S.) pounds and of course unless your in commerce, but still need to a permit to "legally" use it.
These fireworks can typically be bought at a number of different vendors and can be taken home right after purchase.

07-13-2013, 08:48 AM
I hate to chime in on another guys thread, but this is what I am trying to find to. I live in Indianapolis and have semi trailers at are shop but there just plan semi trailers lol. Need a place to store, unless anyone know were to go buy a storage, I would need a small one not a big one not going balls to the wall yet

07-13-2013, 10:17 AM
I am always looking for new fireworks advertisers on pyrotalk.com, but just because they are not advertising with me does not mean they are not helping people that purchase my ATF video package and want to get their ATF Fireworks license. In order to protect the fireworks distributors that are supporting my website and videos I can not freely post information about all the 1.3 fireworks distributors in United States. I will post a video below of my 1.3 advertisers that want new customers below.
I just helped a person get his ATF Fireworks license that built his own small magazine according to the standards listed by the ATF. This person wanted to be able to legally purchase electric match (igniters). The state he was in has very few privately held ATF 1.3 license. He suspected they were going to deny him. I made a phone call to the ATF district supervisor and he received his license. I can help someone that is 90% of the way there. Then others people need help from how complete the form and it goes from there. Currently if someone within my advertising district needs help I can refer them to one of my 1.3 fireworks advertisers and the distributor will finish the necessary details for the person to get their 1.3 license and hope to retain you as a customer.
What I am going to type below here is not meant to be specific to anyone in this post, it is what a 1.3 distributor looks at when they hear from you.
Most like what they want is
1. Someone that is going to purchase from $1500.00 to $3000.00 worth of fireworks once or twice a year.
2. You are going to pick up your fireworks shoot every single one of them and not bring anything back. (fire everything at your display)
3. They do not need $100.00 customers that create too much bookkeeping for them..
When you contact a 1.3 fireworks distributor like all people in business, they are trying to analyze you as a customer. Your conversation with them should include your customer information. Example: Hello my name is John Doe I live in Happyville I am working to get my ATF fireworks license with help from Dave on pyrotalk.com, I do a large fireworks display on my family farm property for the July 4th holiday, I usually spend around $2000.00 for this event. I see you are located near me I would like to purchase some 1.3 fireworks for this event. Do you have a minute to talk with me?
Anyone wanting to get their ATF 1.3 fireworks that does not understand the procedure I would recommend purchasing my video/application package available on this website. If you need to know information about magazines download the free "Orange Book" I have avaible for free on the is website. Fireworks are an expensive hobby and sometimes take a lot of work and effort without a doubt. Here are two videos I have out for more information.

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07-15-2013, 11:32 AM
Thanks Dave. I'm getting excited to finally get my license complete. Not to many people I know of around Indy that has the license like I am going to try n get. Going to watch the DVDs tonight and fill out the forums. Just gotta find me a magazine 8-)...