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View Full Version : Consumer 3" 9 Shot Repeaters Are A Scam!?

Firework Crazy
06-10-2013, 08:08 PM
Have to copy and paste to watch.
Link: http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwrel&v=BcS_BzvJUbE
The guys YouTube channel name THECRAZIES0666
- I've been buying these for years. (not same brand)

06-10-2013, 08:17 PM
ALL CONSUMER CAKES are no bigger than 1.75". Even if it says 2" or 3".
They pack a smaller shell into a bigger shell.
Even if it does only have one shell and its 2" or 3", The composition is still 60 grams.
Sometimes those 2" or 3" shells just may be better quality. which make it seem like they are bigger then a 1.75".
It is a terrible thing these days.

06-10-2013, 09:10 PM
I have watched a lot of his videos (not as many as Dave's) they are really informative.

Firework Crazy
06-10-2013, 09:23 PM
Your definitely right. I wonder if the space around the smaller shell makes it better. Like an extra boost of pressure. If I were to spend money on any 1.4g's, it would be wholesale.

06-10-2013, 09:38 PM
Wholesale is a good way to go.

With wholesale, keep an eye out for the buy one get two, or the 2/3rds off sales (66% off)! They are the best money savers, and you DO get more bang for your buck.

Group buys in the pre-off-season are even better.

Of course unless you know someone that can get it close to manufacturer cost. ;)

Pyro Nation
06-10-2013, 09:50 PM
Close to manufacture cost... That is the way to go for shizzzzle

Firework Crazy
06-10-2013, 09:54 PM
Sadley I don't. Luckaly there's a place in Florida. http://wholesale.superiorfireworks.com/
6-7 hour drive from were I am though.

06-10-2013, 10:02 PM
Close to manufacture cost... That is the way to go for shizzzzle

I know right? Wish I knew somebody like that!

06-10-2013, 10:11 PM
That's funny, this subject seems to come up about 2 times a year or so. I know when i found out I was a little ticked even though I kinda figured

Firework Crazy
06-10-2013, 10:12 PM
LMAO..such trickery

Firework Crazy
06-10-2013, 10:21 PM
Honestly, I never came across the very idea until recently. Over pricing is one thing, but labeling it as something it's not is another story. You can get 70 3" solutes for the same price as one of them at a retail store like sky king fireworks. It's Bogus!

06-10-2013, 10:27 PM
It is very wrong!

Firework Crazy
06-10-2013, 10:53 PM
PyroManiac take a look at my other thread under Display Fireworks. I could really use some ideas for picking up my order.

06-10-2013, 11:13 PM
I would go with the fly to... and drive back option.

Firework Crazy
06-10-2013, 11:34 PM
Wrote you a reply before I saw that guy's. Have no idea how I didn't think of it. My mom is a flight attendant for American Airlines so I might be able to get a discount.

06-10-2013, 11:37 PM
That would definitely help.

Pyro Nation
06-10-2013, 11:50 PM
I know right? Wish I knew somebody like that!

LOL..ummm yeah.. umm me to

06-11-2013, 10:55 AM
Consumer product [1.4g] is all about the packaging and marketing. Take fountains for an example: You have a unit that is 12" high & 6-8" in diameter. Inside there are a half dozen half inch diameter tubes glued to the container & all fused together. It looks like a HUGE fountain--and may perform well--but it could be packaged in a wrapper 1/4 of the size....but that wouldn't look as "big". Consumer stuff is all about the "bling"--fancy colored wrappers, catchy names, etc.

Don't get me wrong--I'm not "bad mouthing" 1.4g product--I buy cases of it all the time. I'm just pointing out the often overlooked facts! The bulk of 1.4g buyers are the average "ma & pa" looking to get some "stuff" for the family picnic or whatever. The 1.4 hobbyist--like the folks on here--are another level up the ladder & are more aware of quality, features, performance, price value, etc.

Commercial product [1.3g] on the other hand is all about the performance and dollar value. Competition among dealers to get purchases by shooting companies is a big deal. You aren't dealing with a couple hundred--or couple thousand dollar order here--but "big bucks". Plain brown paper wrappers! The money is spent on the composition & performance of the product. But it all is fun to light! :-)

Firework Crazy
06-11-2013, 11:17 AM
A very wise statement.

06-11-2013, 11:24 AM
A very wise statement.

From a very wise individual!

Firework Crazy
06-11-2013, 03:53 PM
From a very wise individual!

Good one. lol

06-11-2013, 08:07 PM
wow is that interesting I was actually thinking today that I might want a 3 inch cake now Im just gona buy more canisters instead!!

Firework Crazy
06-11-2013, 08:42 PM
ALL CONSUMER CAKES are no bigger than 1.75". Even if it says 2" or 3".
They pack a smaller shell into a bigger shell.
Even if it does only have one shell and its 2" or 3", The composition is still 60 grams.
Sometimes those 2" or 3" shells just may be better quality. which make it seem like they are bigger then a 1.75".
It is a terrible thing these days.

Yes they are a misconception, but don't stop buying them if you like them. Like the man said even though they are miss labeled, the shell's construction still makes the breaks look better. I'm personally not going to buy them unless at wholesale. If you can't do that find a SkyKing Fireworks near you. They offer BOGO on all inventory.

06-11-2013, 08:54 PM
wow is that interesting I was actually thinking today that I might want a 3 inch cake now Im just gona buy more canisters instead!!

If you can find a 3 inch cake that is worth it... lets say its a 9 shot 500G of course.... And you can get "buy one get two" or find that 66% off sale they have once or twice a year, dont be afraid to get it. Some are still better quality, and some may have more lift and a longer burn time in them to give the illusion of it going much higher then a can shell. Just look for the cheapest one. Its what I do. :)

I just recently had a 2" cake (Blast Radius by Glorious) and even that went a bit higher then my cans. And it too is still a 1.75"/60gram in disguise.

I compared them directly next to each other while the 9 shot was going off.

Firework Crazy
06-11-2013, 09:01 PM
Exactly right.

06-22-2013, 10:51 AM
Why on earth would anyone that knows fireworks buy any 9oab? Even wholesale they r way over priced! Plus 9 Excals going off is bigger and badder than any 9oab out there, and whole lot cheaper. Guys spend ur money wisely on different effect cakes.

07-10-2013, 09:20 PM
I stick to the 500G 12 shots. And for price point, Electric Rains are what I buy over Excals, and are just as nice IMO. Check out some comparison vids, Blue.

07-14-2013, 09:39 AM
:) I kinda have the habit of calling all 60 gram canisters Excals, kinda like all soft drinks r Cokes.

07-31-2013, 03:40 AM
Maybe most of the end users don't know the truth for the real size of the shells.... :)

Why don't you just show your opinions to your local dealers?

BTW, Will someone tell me what "LMAO" stands for? ...

07-31-2013, 11:21 AM
:) I kinda have the habit of calling all 60 gram canisters Excals, kinda like all soft drinks r Cokes.

LOL, understood.

Maybe most of the end users don't know the truth for the real size of the shells.... :)

Why don't you just show your opinions to your local dealers?

BTW, Will someone tell me what "LMAO" stands for? ...

Im pretty sure the dealers already know that this is happening. I think the only thing we can do, is not buy this type of item.

LMAO stands for "Laughing My Ass Off" :)

07-31-2013, 12:33 PM
Close to manufacture cost... That is the way to go for shizzzzle
I so agree....

I know right? Wish I knew somebody like that!
Ya me too lol...

Firework Crazy
07-31-2013, 07:10 PM
I made this thread a while ago.

07-31-2013, 07:46 PM
I made this thread a while ago.

LOL, it happens. Ive seen a thread pop up from months ago. :)

08-15-2013, 02:31 AM
Gene, what's his meaning? what does " shizzzle" mean? Thank you for your answer...:)
I know right? Wish I knew somebody like that!

08-15-2013, 11:27 AM
Shizzle, just means for "sure" .... sure + izzle = shizzle :)

08-18-2013, 03:43 AM
Dat Dare Is Shizzle ya lol. Like bling in the Sky ? You down Wit Da O.P.P. Shizzle.

08-18-2013, 10:39 AM
Yea, u know me!
